What Religious people really Worship intentional or not.
Religious people worship God and their own religion.
Religions often prop up Tyrants as a result of religious worship therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship Tyranny
Religions often inspire Holy Wars, Crusades or Jihads therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship War.
Religions often inspire Heresy trials therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship Thought control.
Religions often dictate the truth without allowing rational scrutiny therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship the enslavement of their own minds.
"Modern Moderate" religious people often say that is not what religion is really about but throughout most of history and for many less moderate religious people that is not true. By adding their support to religion without sufficiently attempting to correct past mistakes they add credibility to God and religion and the idea that Religious Faith should be as important as reason when it comes to deciding what is true. These "Modern Moderate religious people" may not be as dangerous as the more fanatical religious people but indirectly they stand in the ways of progress in more insidious ways.
Religions often use censorship to protect their faith therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship ignorance of inconvenient facts.Religions often encourage different treatment for "unbelievers" therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship double standards.
Religions often suppress scientific efforts to find out what is true therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship ignorance and lies.
Religions worship a God they believe committed genocide according to the bible therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship genocide.
Religions worship a God they believe killed all the first born of Egypt therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship a child killer.
Religions promote superstitions therefore intentionally or not the faithful worship superstitions
Religious people are told what to believe and efforts to challenge those beliefs are routinely suppressed even when there are conclusive facts to prove that religious beliefs can't possibly be true. In order to remain part of the community and avoid harassment the faithful must conform. This results in the enslavement of the mind and coerced belief in false facts. When it comes to believing in complicated things that are false I can understand that but when you can't even fix the simple mistakes because of religion that is insane.
Religious people believe whatever they are told to believe by the cult leader which essentially means that their thought process is controlled by the cult leader. This means that their mind has been enslaved like Zombies. Zombies have been raised by the dead and what is left of their brains has been enslaved by the one who raised them. Religious people are like Zombies that never died. Since they are insane and under the control of the cult leader that makes them insane religious zombies. However they don't think of themselves that way. Which raises the obvious question if the faithful don’t realize they are insane religious zombies how do you know you’re not an insane religious zombie?
If you think the appropriate symbol for peace is a torture devise you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate way to teach truth and morality is to intimidate harass and torture people who disagree with you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the road to salvation involves going on a Holy War you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate way to get to paradise where many virgins wait for you involves strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing yourself up along with a bus load of people you never met you might be an insane religious zombie. But not for long.
If you think Saints and Popes that lead religious wars or inquisitions that resulted in the mass murder of innocents are people of the highest moral character you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate behavior for a God that loves the human race involves remaining silent for thousands of years while atrocities are committed in his name you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think that a God that inspires religious wars is qualified and trustworthy enough to pass moral judgment over those that obey orders given in his name you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate way to save the soul of a baby "savage" involves baptizing them before you smash the baby against a rock you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the most effective way to save the soul of someone who disagrees with you involves torturing them until they confess to something they didn't do then burning them at the stake you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think A God that inspires religious wars deserves our thanks you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think God rewards people for believing everything they are told by a charismatic preacher you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think people that don't believe everything the appropriate cult leader says should be condemned to hell you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate way to save the poor is to say they are blessed and simultaneously prop up religious tyranny you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think suppressing research and education about better health care and worshiping unconfirmed miracle healings is good for your health you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think believing the truth should be punished by stoning to death when the appropriate cult leader calls it heresy you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think efforts to figure out what is true should be demonized and believing everything your cult leader says will bring salvation you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think A God that leads some to the "true religion" and confounds others is a reliable source of truth you might be an insane religious zombie.
If you think A God that refuses to communicate and uses natural disasters to punish people for undefined crimes deserves to be worshiped you might be a insane religious zombie.
If you think the appropriate way to earn trust involves communicating in mysterious way that people can't understand you might be an insane religious zombie.
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