Violence can be prevented
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Reform School


Reform School is supposed to help troubled children reform and teach them to stay out of trouble. Unfortunately in the past it has often done the exact opposite. This is presumably not nearly as bad as it used to be but there still needs to be more attention drawn to it so that those schools that haven’t fixed these problems will be reformed and so that the public can better understand how violent criminals became that way. There are several mass murderers and spree killers that went to reform school and later told of serious abuse that went on their including Charles Manson and Gary Gilmore. These claims have been partially confirmed in several ways. There has been a lot of research to indicate that violence brings out more violence and some psychologists have studied the behavior and found that escalating trouble at the time of Charles Manson’s most serious claims of abuse fit the pattern. It is not uncommon for abused children to strike out even more after being abused at home or in reform school and this seems to be what Charles Manson did. The same pattern of abuse has also been confirmed by other former inmates of reform school in several widely reported incidents. There are almost certainly many more schools that have had problems in the past and in some cases still have problems now.


Ideally it would be better to get to troubled children as early as possible before they even get to reform school. If they receive the attention they need when they are in early grade school then in many cases they can be addressed earlier and they may never need to go to reform school at all. If they do need to go to reform school there should be close scrutiny to make sure they are not abusing each other or that the teachers and care givers aren’t abusing the children. There needs to be some kind of out side scrutiny to check up on this with discretion. There should be no need to publicize the troubles of these children in most cases. If there are exceptions it should only be to avoid further violence. Everyone involved should receive the appropriate training and they should understand that beating children into submission doesn’t work in the long run. It may seem to work to some people especially if they have been raised in a violent environment as well but in the long run the children only become angrier and more violent.


Exposing the problems in reform schools will have an enormous impact in the long term crime rates especially violent crimes. This will be much less expensive than dealing with the problems after they escalate.


Here are some examples of reports of abuse at reform school. I’m sure this is a very small sample and the majority of this is going un reported due to denial.


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Posted by zakherys at 12:44 PM EST
Monday, 4 January 2010
Educational Revolution



There have been several tyrants in the past that have at times appeared to be the ones bringing salvation or democracy and then they have turned out to replace one tyrannical regime with another tyrannical regime. These people include Robespierre, Napoleon, Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler and many more. These tyrants have often told the people what they want to hear or they actually provided some good advise in the beginning but the people weren’t educated enough to understand them and implement them. In Hitler’s case I think it is pretty clear that although he provided a few good ideas they were very few and he relied much more on manipulating people’s emotions and prejudices, but others like Robespierre may have actually been sincere in the beginning. Robespierre was initially against the death penalty and censorship. He may have truly wanted a democracy for France but when it came time to implement it the public may not have known how to respond to educational ideas. He isn’t the only people who spoke out against censorship and found out that when the public starts speaking they often express some very bad ideas which reflect the bad education or indoctrination they received in the past. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson also ran into this problem. They spoke out against censorship when it was used against them and later they either advocated it or came close. This led many of their opponents to use some arguments many of which were unreasonable that both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams wound up opposing sometimes with what seemed like some justification. In order to find out whether the opposition has a good argument the debate has to happen. In some cases if it goes to far it may lead to distractions that effectively censor good ideas that are being drowned out. Sorting through this takes time. If the public didn’t have an adequate education they may have only been willing and able to understand emotional pleas at that time. This is because they never had the education they needed to implement a true democracy. This is why we need an educational revolution preferably without an armed revolution.


Prior to the Russian and French revolutions as well as many other revolutions the lower classes were never provided with the education they needed to know how to run their own government. In many cases the general public may have understood two things generally speaking. One was how to do the menial tasks that they were trained to do from birth. This may have included farming for some people or others may have been trained to do factory work. This didn’t include an education about the basics about how the economy was run.


Another thing they may have learned was how to strike out in anger. In many cases these people were raised in violent homes where parents were often taught that if they spared the rod they spoiled the child. Parents weren’t taught to spend time to teach their children. Many of these parents often beat their children when they disobeyed or disagreed with their parents. This is a very important fact that is often overlooked when it comes to peaceful revolutions. In the long run children need to be taught at an early age to behave in a civil manner if they are going to participate in a successful democracy. So in order to this there needs to be a strong campaign against child abuse.


The United States is often considered the exception where the revolution was successful and they set up a government that lasted. This is partially true; they did set up a government that lasted and it was better than the one before but it wasn’t nearly as democratic as it has often been made out to appear. The reason they were successful in setting up a new government is because the people that arranged the revolution had some experience running a government. Most of the organizers of the revolution were the people that were selected to run the colonial government. They were primarily property owners that were selected to do the work of the king in the absence of the English government. The King couldn’t handle the details from afar so he had to allow the local leaders to partially govern themselves. This experience is what made them capable of running a government after the revolution.


The problem was they were only a small percentage of the population. The original republic didn’t allow blacks, woman or many uneducated poor whites to participate. These people didn’t gain their rights until the civil rights movement more than a hundred years later. They had to learn more about how the government worked before they could participate in it successfully. When they saw the arguments the founding fathers mad against the king they realized that they could also be made to defend the rights of the lower classes. Through many civil conflicts since the revolution minorities and woman improved their status when they held their government accountable but in many cases if they weren’t vigilant these improvements have been rolled back. The majority of the public still doesn’t truly understand how their government works so they only have the illusion of a democracy now. In order to have a sincere democracy in the USA there needs to be a better educations system available to everyone including the poor. The public has to understand how the government works and how they have been manipulated in the past.


Woodrow Wilson once said "We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forgo the privileges of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks." What this effectively means is that those who don’t receive a good education often wind up being manipulated by those who do especially when that education includes political activity and understanding tactics to manipulate those that are less educated. There have been many cases where members of the upper classes have criticized the masses for being uneducated and at the same time the upper classes have often either withheld the education the masses need or provided distorted indoctrination to the masses. In many cases the same people indoctrinating the public are the ones criticizing them for being uneducated.


In order to have a successful Educational Revolution the public needs to have access to data about any given subject in an organized fashion starting with the basics of each subject. This is easier said than done; in some cases the basics may be very obvious like in math. The basics start with arithmetic followed by fractions, decimals, algebra, geometry etc. However in other cases the basics aren’t so clear like in chemistry. Now the basics may start with the table of elements and electrons and protons etc. but for thousands of years most people didn’t know that. They had to do a lot of research before they could organize the basics in a way people could understand it and there are still a lot of people that have a hard time with it.


This is also true about other subjects that are considered the most important to the public right now including Climate Change, Health Care Reform, the War on Terror etc. The information being presented to the public on all these subjects by the Mass Media is very biased. They are ignoring some of the most important facts about each subject.


In the case of Climate Change or any other type of pollution the public needs to know more about the conclusive facts about each subject. The information the Mass Media is providing over and over again is the controversial facts. The Mass Media isn’t making any effort to let the public know about how many people are dying due to carbon monoxide poison. I believe I have seen a few studies that said that this may contribute to as much as fifty thousand deaths a year in the USA alone but it receives only a rare brief mention. There is little effort to inform the public how many oil spills there are around the country or the world and many other important facts are being almost totally ignored while the Mass Media obsesses on the most controversial subjects that go no where.


The Mass Media is doing similar things with Health Care Reform and War Propaganda. They are paying no more than a toke amount of attention to preventive medicine, patent laws, the basics about how insurance companies pool money from the policies to pay for ads profits then health care. There is an enormous amount of waste by insurance companies that are doing more to convince the public they are providing health care than they are to actually provide health care. When ever you see a commercial that spends a lot of time telling the public you are “covered totally covered completely covered” keep in mind they spent a lot of money on that commercial and that money comes from the premiums. The money spent on commercials isn’t being spent on coverage.


In the case of Wart propaganda they spend much more time telling the public about all these people that want to kill us but little about why. Many of these people lack the education and opportunities they need to have a good life so they strike out. By providing more education before people are driven to desperation they could do much more to prevent terrorism that by intimidating the public with exaggerated terrorism scares over and over again.


In order to do this successfully there has to be a closer look at the domination by the Mass Media and the copyright laws that are being used to maintain control over as large amount of information. Robert W. McChesney has explored this in his book “The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the 21st Century”. The Mass media is controlled by a small percentage of the public. Most of the media is under the control of only five corporations many of whom share a lot of stock holders. Although the board members aren't the same they do meet in other boards of other corporations that they also belong to. There needs to be a much more diverse influence on the Mass Media that includes more input from many academic experts in any given subject as well as the public themselves. The public may not understand any given subject as well as they could and should but in order to change that they need to be allowed to be more involved in the discussion.


Copyright laws were created originally to provide compensation for people who did a lot of work to sort through the details of many different subjects. I’m not sure this is the best way to compensate them but even if it is it has gone way too far. It is now being used to protect the rights of corporations that obtained the copyrights and heirs to the original writers. Corporate copy writes are now 95 years from the date they are issued and personal copyrights are 70 after the death of the authors. This is way to extreme and it is being used to control the information available to the public and provide profits for corporations more than it is being used to compensate the original authors. In some cases new copy writes are being issued hundreds of years after the original writings to people who shouldn’t have any rights to control the information at all. In “The Debate on the Constitution” There are over 2,000 pages of papers that were originally written over 200 years ago. In the front of the Book as usual it says “all rights reserved”, then it goes on to explain that some of the papers not all were issued copy rights to colleges in the 1970’s and 80’s almost 200 years after they were written. They take credit for keeping them in print and making them available to the public but they don’t do a good job distributing them and they withhold the right to put many of them on line for free. This should be considered an outrage especially since these papers had a very important influence on the way the US government was created. The general public should have full rights to read this without paying for the copyrights of colleges. Copyright reform is especially important when it comes to major issues that have a major impact on how our governments are run. This should include when there are books about political or corporate wrong doing. In some cases there are authors who investigate the wrong doing then righting about it but instead of making it available to the public in the most efficient way possible so the public can act on it they control the distribution of this information with copyright laws. Only those who know where to look and pay for it have access to this information.


There also needs to be a better education available to the public so that they know how to process this information. This should be done in the regular school system but since it hasn’t there should be a public relation campaign to encourage those that didn’t learn to do this the first time around to learn. A much better effort needs to be made to make education as inexpensive as possible without sacrificing the quality. A big obstacle to this is the copyright laws and how they apply to text books. With the new technology provided by the internet this should dramatically reduce cost since it makes it much easier to exchange and organize information if it is done right. This could include making some of the best educational lectures by teachers available on tape to every one. There is no reason why these teachers should have to repeat them over and over again; if the students watch them ahead of class then class can be used for discussion and those that can’t afford complete education can get a head start by watching the tapes and follow up at a later date when the financial situation is better. Perhaps the most determined should qualify for scholarships. Unfortunately this isn’t happening instead they are searching for new technology to prevent people from cutting and pasting and making information available to everyone. In some cases even though operating costs are going down there are attempts to increase the cost of education. Some teachers may be more concerned with protecting their jobs than providing the best education possible. I doubt if this represents most teachers but it may represent some of the ones with the most political power. The fact that some political figures including William M. Bulger have been appointed to head major colleges should raise some red flags. When William M. Bulger was the President of the Massachusetts State Senate he was involved in a lot of political scandal and when he moved onto become President of the University of Massachusetts System in addition to influencing education policy he also help organized a major presidential debate between All Gore and George Bush. Having educational institutions help with the interview process for political candidates is a good idea but if it is organized by corrupt political appointees it defeats the purpose.


One good way to improve education without increasing cost could involve encouraging people, young and old, to help educate themselves. This can involve looking up information on their own and forming study or discussion groups. This doesn’t necessarily have to involve putting any teachers out of jobs since they will still need them. This would just allow the public more educational opportunities. Existing teachers can still provide advice at these study groups or when there are unresolved issues they can consult with the teachers. In many cases this can help people prepare for college at a low cost and enable them to get the best out of the system.


This isn’t entirely a new idea the sit down strikers and others recognized how important it is to provide a better education to the working classes. In some cases during the sit down strikes the unions brought in people to help educate the workers. Strikes are generally inefficient but settles on the demands of the capitalists has often been even worse and this is one good way to improve the effectiveness of strikes if they can’t be avoided.


The bottom line is that in order for the public to have a true democracy they have to understand how it works and what they are voting for.


Free Press has done some good work on this subject: 


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Posted by zakherys at 12:08 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 January 2010 11:46 AM EST
Monday, 28 December 2009
Tyranny opponents or advocates?


This question is more important than it may seem at first glance when you consider that throughout history revolutions have often replaced one tyrant with another therefore it is important to understand why this is happening and how to stop it from continuing to happen over and over again. In many case the tyrants often seem to believe they are looking out for the best interest of the public however even if they do believe this they shouldn’t be allowed to preserve tyranny. If they believe their own version of truth they may not be a true advocate of tyranny but they aren’t an opponent either. Ultimately the most important thing is to set up a system with checks and balances from people who are sincere and have different points of views. There needs to be more sincere input from all classes and in the cases where a group of people or even animals can’t stand up for themselves then there needs to be an effort to look at it from the best interest of these people. This is especially true of children who haven’t yet received the education they need to make decisions for themselves and they are the future.


The most effective way to create and preserve a sincere democracy involves a free press that encourages input from sincere academics as well as a diverse segment of the public. The most effective way to preserve tyranny is a press that appears to be free even though it may be controlled by a very small segment of society. 


If someone is in favor of tyranny with themselves as the tyrant they would never come out and say they are in favor of tyranny instead they would try to figure out the most effective way to install themselves in power and secure their power. This generally involves trying to do their best to appear like they are looking out for the best interest of the public. This means unless the public takes a close look at these past tyrants and finds out what type of tactics they used and how to hold them accountable they may continue to choose the wrong people to lead them or stand by silently while tyrants and dishonest politicians take advantage of the public in big ways and small.


Throughout history the most effective way to preserve tyranny has always involved providing better education for the upper classes including about methods to manipulate the public than they do to the lower classes. There have been many cases throughout history where educating lower classes including African American slaves has been declared a crime to keep them from understanding how to stand up for their own rights. Modern Tyrannies have a sophisticated system where they control the information presented to the public on a massive basis mostly from the Mass Media that presents a distorted view of reality. The most effective way to counteract this is to organize information starting with the basics and confirming it a little at a time.


The most effective way that I know of to know whether or not any given leader is an opponent of tyranny or advocate or in many cases someone who doesn’t know the difference is to understand the information needed to make decisions on any given subject. No one person could ever do this so the next best thing would be to set up a system where the basics on any given subject is presented in an organized fashion and presented to the public. This would mean that the public would have the opportunity to check the facts and understand the subject. Instead of trusting the leaders they would have the option of trusting the facts. In many cases the Mass Media and other governmental organizations often present the most important information in a distorted manner so that the public will make decisions that are designed to benefit the best interests of a select group of people at the expense of the majority.


The most effective demagogues often do a good job convincing the public that they are looking out for their best interests by appealing to their emotions and prejudices. In order to avoid this there are two things that need to be done generally speaking. First there needs to be a much better education system for the public. This should be available to everyone if possible. In order for the public to have a truly democratic system they need to understand the basics of any given subject and how to recognize who is the more credible expert when it comes to more complicated things they can’t understand. This should include access to well organized information that they can fact check and an earlier education that enables them to do at least some of the work on their own so they won’t be relying mainly on the credibility of experts many of whom aren’t as credible as they seem. This may be better achieved if there was an educational revolution instead of a violent revolution. In the past revolutions were often successful at overthrowing governments then the people in power didn’t know how to set up a new government so it reverted to tyranny again sometimes even worse. Another advantage of an educational revolution would be that it wouldn’t require violence and it wouldn’t force the opposition to fight to the end often resulting in much more damage than the previous tyranny was doing. This may make it appear as if the previous tyranny was better even though it was seriously flawed. This can’t happen quickly. There has to be a long term effort to make this successful.


The second thing that needs to be done is that the public needs to develop a much better understanding of the methods that are used to manipulate their emotions. This needs to involve understanding many ways that some people are using to manipulate more naïve people. This begins with simple things like peer pressure in school and advertisements directed to children when they are young and impressionable. In many cases the people that have ulterior motives are far more persistent when it comes to indoctrinating children especially if they don’t have good parents to teach them well and look out for them. In many cases it is because the parents may not have been taught well when they were young either so they don’t know how to look out for the best interest of their children. If this is the case then there should be more programs that are open to scrutiny to help these people. Since it often means that if this doesn’t happen then the children may grow up to be more susceptible to false arguments and they may vote on decisions that effect others as well as themselves. An example of this is Global Warming and other pollution related subjects where there are an enormous amount of efforts to distract the public and look the other way preventing solutions.


It is hard to see how an educated and informed person could believe that the current system dominated by the Mass Media and the Multi-national corporations is truly democratic. It seem clear to me that few if any people in a high position of power either in the government or the Mass Media are truly tyranny opponents. Some of them may be doing the best they know how to under the circumstances in which case they wouldn’t be tyranny advocates either but others are clearly presenting a distorted point of view so bad that it is clear they are not concerned about true democracy at all and they are tyranny advocates.


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Posted by zakherys at 11:58 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 31 December 2009 10:33 AM EST
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Environmental Apocalypse


Environmental Apocalypse doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with any prophecies but that isn’t the point there is an enormous amount of damage being done to the planet and it could easily create a snow ball effect where things start getting worse at a much faster rate and it will be to late to stop it until there is an enormous amount of damage. This could lead to wars over dwindling resources and we could wind up with something similar to those post apocalypse scenarios like Mad Max or the Postman. If that does happen it is unlikely that there will be many if any heroes like Costner or Gibson to come along and save the day. This is the real world not Hollywood.


Like any other problem we need to find the cause of it and prevent it. Generally speaking this means we need to stop pollution and restore the damage that has already been done. This isn’t the only problem though the economic system and the control structure that created this problem also need to be fixed.


The easy part may actually be to understand how to stop pollution and repair it in fact that information is almost certainly already available to the public if they look in the right places. Simple things like using more efficient ways of conserving energy and clean renewable energy like wind solar and geothermal can be a very important part of the solution. There also need to be efforts to replace all the trees that have been cut down. Rivers and lakes need to be cleaned up and more importantly future pollution needs to be prevented. One of the most important things that needs to be done is that the public needs to be educated about conservation and they need to understand that if they continue buying things that are beyond their needs and things that are built in inefficient ways it comes at a long term cost that may be greater than the short term benefit. This doesn’t always mean that the public needs to go without in fact with new technology I suspect that there are already many ways that the Public can maintain if not improve their standard of living if they adopt more efficient ways.


The tougher part may be to challenge the current political system and the multi-national corporations that have an excessive amount of political power. This must involve exposing the way things are currently being done in many cases without the knowledge of the public and finding a better way of doing things in the future. In order to do this there has to be a massive public education project so that the public can understand how things are done and participate in the political system. In order to do this they need to understand the basic facts about any given subject. This means we need reform for the Mass Media in the long run. If we can’t get it in the short run then there needs to be a better effort to educate as many people as possible through other grass roots means.


The way the Mass Media portrays the economy you might get the impression that all trade is good whether the customer receives a good deal or not. In many cases the Mass Media is often promoting items that have little or no benefit for the consumer and they use a lot of hype to convince the public that they are getting something worthwhile. We need an economic system where the best interest of the consumer are given at least as much consideration ads the best interests of the corporations. In order to do this the public needs a better education about how the economy works. This means that corporate secrecy has to be reexamined. In many cases corporate secrecy often means they should have the right to prevent the public from knowing how much they are getting away with.


The public needs to have a better understanding of how much damage is being done to the environment in many ways. This can be done buy creating organized studies of just about everything and presenting it to the public in a way they can understand it. In many cases I suspect these studies may have already been done but they aren’t being presented to the public. This may be because the public is too dependent on the Mass Media for information and they have an incentive to hide it since they are collecting an enormous amount of advertising money from the corporations that are doing the pollution. In many cases the best thing to do is to provide organized lists of all the damage that is being done. If people had any idea how many oil spills there were around the world they would realize that the Exxon Valdez is just a drop in the bucket. This is just one example of how organized list could help educate the public. Other lists or studies could include lists of polluted lakes and rivers, studies to tell people how many rain forests have been cut down. Once people understand just how big the problem is they will be much more inclined to act on it. This will also require a great deal of organization to address these problems once the public understands them.


Addressing these problems can’t be done without massive political reform. The biggest threat may be the multi-national corporations who have too much power. This may not be what prophecies referred to but regardless it should be addressed. There needs to be a much better system set up to allow the public to participate in the system and control the elections. This needs to be done in an open manner. A good election reform would involve setting up a system where the public control the election process and handle it more like an interview process. Candidates for office should be required to fill out a job application which should be written by the public with input from expert on any given subject. This should involve questions about how the leaders would handle any given subject starting with the basics based on the most accurate facts available after they are scrutinized for accuracy. The fact that the leaders of our countries have been able to keep so many secrets is part of the problem. There needs to be a right to know for the public in order for them to have the information they need to make decisions.


Similar things can be done for other potential causes for Apocalypse or some threat that seems similar to it. These would involve organizing the information available on any given subject like famine or threats from tornados and finding the causes of these problems and preventing them or if that isn’t possible finding the best way to deal with them. For example a good agriculture system should be able to prevent famine but storm can’t be prevented so a good way to deal with them could be to build tornado resistant houses made out of concrete or the strongest material available so they will last.


If these things aren’t done it could lead to an increasing amount of desperation among the third world residences when they are deprived of the necessities of life including food water and a safe place top live. These are already recruiting territories for the so called terrorist organizations. This is because the people in these areas may not understand how the system is working but they do understand they are getting the short end of the stick so if the traditional leaders won’t address their concerns they may turn to the terrorists. It has often been said that some future wars may be fought over water not oil because the water in many parts of the world is becoming more polluted with the advancement of the global economy. Environmental protection is often only for those with political power. Those who don’t have it often have their homes destroyed and they no longer have incentive to try to get along with others in the world since others are clearly not concerned about their rights.


In order to address this and prevent a snowball effect that can’t be stopped there should be a much better effort to educate the public and set up systems of governments that are truly democratic and stick up for the rights of all instead of just those who have the proper education and know how to stick up for their own rights.


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Posted by zakherys at 10:36 AM EST
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Apocalypse: a self fulfilling prophecy?


The literal meaning of Apocalypse is revelations and the literal meaning of Armageddon is Megiddo; however these terms are more often associated with the end of times. Even though the current belief is not the original one this is the one I am referring to because many people believe it anyway and they often base their decisions on this interpretation.


In many cases in the past there clearly have been examples on a smaller scale where Armageddon prophecies have encouraged people to pursue a course of action that often brings about their own destruction. Carl Sagan once described a simplified example where there was a prophecy of war following the passing of a comet. This was presented to the people who came to believe it. Then eventually a comet did come to pass and a leading member of society said this meant there would be war and they started beating the war drums and preparing for war. The other side heard of it or perhaps they also were familiar with the same prophecy and they also prepared for war which eventually led to a war and the appearance of a legitimate prophecy. This legitimacy begins to fall apart as soon as you look a little closer and realize that the prophecy helped encourage people to bring about the war and their own demise. A simalar historical example is when Croesus was told that if he attacked the Persians, he would destroy a great empire which he thought was good if it was the enemy he destroyed but he wound up destroying his own great empire.


There are many more recent examples of small scale self fulfilling Apocalypse prophecies including David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Lundgren and many more. All of these cult leaders pursued a course of action that helped bring about the destruction of their own cults often the death as well either by suicide or in a conflict of some sort. These were all partially encouraged by myths about Apocalypse that often tell people they should trust their leaders who will lead them into victory in a great battle. It is often hard to tell which leader is the Christ or the good messiah and which one is the anti-Christ or the false messiah. Either way people are expected to trust their leader without scrutiny. The scrutiny that they pass up on is what is needed to find out whether their leaders deserve trust. If they allow the scrutiny and the public understands the basics of any subject they don’t have to base their decisions on trust alone. They can often confirm a lot of what they need to make rational decisions. Trusting any leader without scrutiny is almost guaranteed to backfire.


There are also many more of these Apocalypse prophecies and the believers that expect them to come true and may act to bring them about. Some of the larger ones include more widely accepted organization like the Christian Zionists and other fundamentalists. These people seem to believe the way to bring about salvation is to bring about war in Israel so that it will usher in the return of Jesus and the final great battle that will be world wide. Intentional or not some activities have taken place that did stir up unnecessary conflict in Israel. One of the most blatant was when Arial Sharon went to the holy wall with guards in 1999 even though he knew it would anger the Palestinians whether it was to prove that he is within his rights to got their or for some other reason isn’t the important thing. In fact anyone should have had the right to go there but that doesn’t mean it was the best way to defuse the situation. What is important is that instead of trying to educate the public and try to settle the difference in a peaceful way he incited an uprising. The peace process came to a halt including the work that Seeds of peace were trying to accomplish. Further more they went on to elect the person who incited the riot to Prime Minister. It took years before they could partially recover from this and they are still in a constant state of turmoil because they continue to incite each other instead of trying to put it behind them.


The Apocalypse prophecies may also be making it easier to maintain the war on terror based on flimsy evidence in many cases. There may be a lot of people that are allowing their religion to influence their decisions when they do their part to support efforts to save the world by nonstop battle and secrecy. This may not be as clear cut but the implication is still there and even if it isn’t then it doesn’t change the fact that the best way to bring about peace in the long term is to learn how to get along and educate everyone who is capable of learning.


The Mass Media is doing a lot to increase the belief in these prophecies by focusing so much attention on it in what they consider an unbiased manner. The most effective way to be unbiased is to present all points of view including the views of the most educated people who do a good job researching any given subject and showing the work so the public understands and can come to rational conclusions. They have been putting a lot of attention on the Apocalypse lately but they haven’t been doing as much as I think they could have to debunk it rationally. They have also been putting a lot of attention on the Mayan 2012 doomsday scenario as well this could encourage more panic responses by some people who are less capable of sorting out the details and avoiding Apocalypse instead of bringing it about. This just seems to another end of days date of which we have already had dozens if not hundreds and they have often been accompanied with small scale cults that self destructed and often brought others with them. The only difference is that this one is being encouraged by the Mass Media on a larger scale and it is accompanied by many potential dangers which are legitimate like environmental damage, famine, war and other legitimate problems which should be dealt with in a rational manner by finding out the cause of each individual danger and preventing it. It does no good to create a panic that could raise emotions and make people more likely to follow the leader into war.


Instead of try to lead people into a great battle they should have been trying to find out how to avoid any battle at all if possible if not how to minimize the damage and build a society that will know how to get along better afterwards. This isn’t what Apocalypse prophecies generally do. The way to accomplish this is to study the battles in the past and more important the things that led up to these battles so that we can figure out what the causes of them are and how to prevent them. This hasn’t been done in the past based on prophecy so if people want to avoid wars and the destruction of the planet or lesser conflict they need to try something different.


Wars are not the only things predicted in many of these prophecies and some of the other things in some of these prophecies often seem to be coming true as well. If this is the case then it is important to organize the different threats whether or not they are part of a prophecy or not. Then regardless of what the threat is the best thing to do is to figure out what the cause of is and prevent it.


One example that has often been portrayed as a potential cause of Apocalypse is a potential asteroid impact. The people in the past couldn’t have known to predict this since they didn’t even know that asteroids existed but it has recently been reinterpreted as a possible cause of Apocalypse. This has been played up a lot in recent years yet it isn’t a new threat. The only thing that is relatively new is the ability of the public to understand it. There haven’t been any major impacts that could threaten civilization in thousands if not millions of years. There is no reason to panic about this in fact NASA has clearly outlined a two step effort to avoid it generally speaking. The first step is to set up a system to track asteroids and find them long before they hit the Earth. The second step involves experimenting with new technology to find out how to safely divert them. A third step should be added to educate the public better. NASA is financed by tax dollars they should do more to let the public know what is going on since they are working for the public. This doesn’t have to be expensive. They already have a massive amount of data available to their own scientist. They just need to make this available to the public in a way the people can understand it starting with the basics. In the past when I checked NASA’s web site it hasn’t been as organized as it could or should be and they have often changed it sometimes for the worse. They should set it up in the most organized way possible and keep it that way without fancy graphics to amaze the public. The most important thing should be to educate the public.


Other potential dangers should also be handled in the most rational manner possible whether any one believes it is associated with Apocalypse or not. The most important one may be the damage being done to the environment and the governmental and Mass Media control structure that is preventing this from being dealt with in a more rational manner.


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Posted by zakherys at 11:48 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 December 2009 10:12 AM EST
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Enemy Du Jour


Wouldn’t it be a good idea to find out why we always have at least one enemy to guard against and address the situation even if it is entirely their fault? 

For many leaders the most important objective doesn’t seem to be to learn how to get along with everyone fairly. It often seems as if they may want to maintain a segment of society that is disenfranchised and uneducated. They often don’t know how to stick up for their own rights but they do recognize they are getting the short end of the stick for one reason or another.  When these people get angry and strike out they can be demonized and the blame for many problems can be put on them.


There are always plenty of people that we have to guard against whether it is a country that wants to go to war with us, terrorists or predators including mass murderers and pedophiles. Finding out the cause for this may not be easy but if we want to avoid having enemies all the time someone needs to try and then get the message across to the public. There are some people that have actually been trying to do this but the Mass Media and the politicians haven’t been doing a good job giving the bully pulpit to the right people. As I have stated before the biggest problem is child abuse. This is true whether it is the abuse that a mass murderer receives before he becomes a monster or the widespread abuse that many children have to go through around the world providing a lot of angry adults ready to fight wars. There are of course many other problems that need top be addressed but this is the most important one. 

George Orwell warned us over fifty years ago about this when he predicted that the world would constantly be fighting one enemy or another and constantly switching without acknowledging the enemy has changed. Big Brother always used this as an excuse why the leaders couldn’t tell the public what was going on. They advise the public to just trust the leaders who lead them from one war to another. This wasn’t the result of a gift of prophecy; he just recognized a repeating pattern of history than satirized it in his book. Then the public for the most part forgot much as Orwell described in his book where the public always forgot the stories were changing. There was little or no effort by most of the public to learn from this and when necessary put his description in clearer ways so that the public could understand his message easier.  

The most powerful governments and the Mass Media have always been using the enemy Du Jour as an excuse to keep secrets from the public and often to manipulate their emotions for their own purposes. There are some things that they can teach the public without infringing on the secrecy supposedly needed to protect us. This includes the research that many good academics have already done on how child abuse leads to future violence. There is also a lot of work on different ideas on diplomacy including organizations like the Peace Corp, Seeds of Peace, Habitat for humanity, the Marshal plan and much more. A more accurate perception of how the economy is run could also be presented to the public. In many cases the Multi-national corporations that dominate our economy often deal with tyrants that repress their people and the tyrants that they supported in the past have often become future Enemies Du Jour. There is much more the public can learn about how past conflicts have arisen and how future conflicts can be avoided. In many cases it may involve letting the public know what really has been going on in the past in a more organized manner. There are many cases where the US government and other governments have clearly mislead their own people while they lead them into war often based one the excuse of national security which often turned out to be a false premise. This includes the Gulf of Tonkin incident plus the fact that the US government was propping up the South Viet Nam government at the time, the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, The installment of Pinochet, the reinstallment of the Shah of Iran in 1953 and many other cases.  These have been reported in many cases by reputable sources and acknowledged by the government itself at times. However that doesn’t mean the message has gotten through to the public or in some cases even to the members of congress. Joe Wilson made a passionate denial of the fact that the USA sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein despite the fact that this has been reported in the news on several occasions. If the congressmen aren’t even willing to acknowledge accurate facts how can they be trusted to make rational decisions? 

Not only do some congressmen make decisions based on emotional beliefs but so do a large percentage of the public partially thanks to the media demagogues who are constantly leading them on. Instead of trying to get the facts straight the public is routinely encouraged to jump to emotional conclusions and follow their leaders to fight the Enemies Du Jour. There is little effort if any by the Mass Media to focus the attention of the public on the root causes of conflicts abroad and at home and to find rational solutions to them. The Mass Media and the government is using the threat of the Enemies Du Jour as an excuse to avoid accountability and this is a much bigger threat to democracy even than the legitimate enemies.  

There is also some doubt about whether the Enemies Du Jour are legitimate enemies in some cases but even if they are the Bush government obviously over reacted so did the Mass Media and the Mass Media is still overreacting. One of the biggest enemies the USA has been fighting is of course Al-Qaeda who is supposedly responsible for 9/11. They are not nearly as powerful as the Mass Media and the government often makes them pout to be with a massive amount of propaganda. These are a bunch of people who have little if any rational education and their base is supposedly in the caves of Afghanistan and Pakistan. There funds were initially provided by Osama bin laden who is or was a millionaire. It’s hard to believe he still has much money if any or even that he had as much money as they claimed before. Keep in mind that during the eighties he was funding the war against the USSR instead of running his business.  We are supposedly trying to defend against people with box cutters shoe bombs and other primitive devices. This is supposedly adequate to justify the secrecy and the obsession with the war on terror. I don’t dispute that terrorists are a problem but keeping the public in a constant state of panic and shrouding most of the activities of the government in secrecy isn’t the best way to solve the problem. Like any other problem the best way to solve it involves finding the root causes of the problem and preventing them. In this case the root causes of the problem is that these people come from parts of the world with little or no rational education available to them instead they have a massive amount of religious indoctrination forced on them. Another part of the problem is that they really are being oppressed by both their own governments and in most cases other governments often with the help of multi-national corporations. In many parts of the world the multi-national corporations are extracting the resources of third world countries and providing little in return to the local residents. This includes little or no effort to educate them. Without a good education and when they see that their resources are being shipped abroad is it any surprise that they are angry at the western governments. Also in many cases they are fully aware that western governments have propped up past tyrants and supplied weapons to their enemies. One of the most obvious cases is Iran and Iraq where not only did the USA pop up the Shah in the fifties but in the eighties they provided arms to both sides of the war with Iran keeping it going and many of the common people paid the price. When Sadam Hussein attacked Kuwait, a rich country, the USA stepped in and made promises but then when Sadam attacked the Kurds and other Iraqi’s the USA abandoned them. What they need to solve this problem is mainly more education for the public and better democratic opportunities. Lethal force should be at best the last resort not the first. In most cases the education needs time to take effect so this has to be a long term commitment. The most important thing the military can do is to protect the schools and other social institution until the countries are more stable. This may not seem like it should be our responsibility to many but when you consider that USA corporations and governments are partially responsible perhaps it should be especially if the USA continue to claim they are fighting for democracy. Also in the long run it will be cheaper to educate the public than to fight one war after another. This I very similar to the idea that if you educate a single child right the first time when they are little kids it is easier than to wait until they are troubled teens and try to reform them. It will just be on a larger and more complicated scale so people have to stick with it longer.

The Obama government isn’t doing much better as far as I can tell. Obama seems to have taken a few small steps and promised to do more but he could do much better. If nothing else he could use the bully pulpit to educate the public much better about the causes of these problems with the help of many academics that have studied any given subject. Then he could do much more to advance diplomatic and educational programs around the world hopefully with the support of the public at home and abroad once they understood the subject better. The problem is that he was put in a position to win the presidency with the help of donations from the same multi-national corporations that are part of the problem. No high profile politician can gain national office or statewide office under the current system without the support of money that can only come from the supporters of the multi-national corporations. In the long run we need a better system where the control of the elections and the media is reformed. This doesn’t mean more censorship when it comes to reforming the media but less. In the past the Mass Media has had the bully pulpit to stand up for their right to free speech then they have used it to drown out everyone else’s right to free speech.  We need a system that enables the scholars that have studied any given subject and the common man to have more influence over what the Mass Media presents to the public. In order for the common man to know what to do with their right to free speech they need better access to a good education that isn’t distorted by indoctrination from the Mass Media. 

In the short term we need a better grass roots effort to educate the public with or without the help of the Mass Media and as the public becomes more educated they will understand how the enemy du jour is being used to manipulate their emotions. This can be done in many ways and I suspect that in some cases it is already happening but the Mass Media isn’t reporting on it so many members of the public don’t know about it; instead many of them are being led by demagogues like the ones who seem to be organizing the tea parties including Dick Army. Organization like Free Press and Vote Smart as well as many anti-war organizations can do a lot to educate their members. Also more can be done to organization like Wikipedia to organize information so that the public can understand it if they can overcome the opposition by some people within Wikipedia that are resisting this. I have written more about that on another page cited below. 

If Obama or the Mass media do more to educate the public about this in the right way fine but they can’t be trusted to continue to do this in the future. If they could be trusted to do this they would have done it long ago instead of praying on peoples emotions and demonizing the enemy du jour. 

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For links to Free Press and Vote Smart see the following


For more about how Wikipedia can be reformed check Wikipedia out for yourself or read the following:


Posted by zakherys at 1:28 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 1 November 2010 1:51 PM EDT
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Protect the Afghan Schools


And the schools of many other third world countries including Uganda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Columbia, Sri Lanka and many more. This doesn’t mean the right to abuse these children by the natives should be protected though. This is easier said than done of course. 

The long term hopes for peace depend on how the children of the next generation are educated. If the USA and other western countries truly want to advance democracy around the world the most important thing is to teach the children right and provide them with an education that enables them to set up their own government and run it themselves. Past efforts to negotiate with local warlords to keep the peace have failed to do this. What may often happen in many countries is that local leaders are put in place with the help of the western governments who are sympathetic to the ideologies of the west. They often wind up dealing with western corporations in a manner that puts capitalism ahead of the best interest of the people they are supposed to serve. The resources are often plundered from many of these third world countries and used to promote the best interest of a small number of rich people at the expense of the majority. The most effective way to avoid this is to make the best education possible available to these children. In the modern age this should also involve developing a good supply of computers hooked up to the internet so that these children can benefit from a vast source of information. 

There needs to be more concern with minimizing collateral damage to prevent a large number of people from joining the forces that are fighting the western countries the best way to do this may involve greater risk to American and allied soldiers but if they truly are trying to advance democracy this is what needs to be done. There is an enormous amount of propaganda about how these soldiers are sacrificing their lives to preserve freedom but this often proves not to be the case. If they want to back up this propaganda with honesty they need to do as much to protect the schools and other social institutions as they often say they do. If the Western countries led by the USA truly want to be considered the protectors of the world they need to consider the needs of less educated people who don’t know how to run their own governments and stand up for their own rights. In order to do this the local people need a much better access to education than they have had in the past. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and other authors have written about how many third world countries have a very violent culture that encourages strict disciplinarian methods that often cross the line to child abuse which tends to teach the children to become violent when they grow up. This will not help these countries look out for their own best interests but lead to more constant fighting. It may not be easy to tell them that they need to try to do a better job raising their children but in the long term that is what needs to be done. There needs to be a better education system set up to help young parents as well as the children. Many of these parents were raised in violent homes themselves so this may not be quick in many cases. Some of these parents may be more open to criticism than others so they should be the ones in the short term to receive help since it may be the most effective. However the ones that are the most likely to resist criticism can’t be ignored since they may be the ones who wind up raising the most dysfunctional children. There needs to be more safe places for children so that they can grow up without fear. If they can’t protect them every where right off the bat they might want to consider safety zones that can gradually be expanded until whole countries become stable and prosperous.  

There have been efforts like this in the past to reeducate children and they have often involved indoctrination rather than education. Hitler was one of the most famous ones that did this with the Hitler Youth. Hitler was at one point competing with Eugenio Pacelli over who would control the Schools and neither of the two was very open to fact checking. Both sides wanted to dictate the truth to the children based on their own ideology or religion. This needs to be avoided. The best way to do this is to make sure there is an open system set up that allows for fact checks. Different points of view need to be considered before finding out what is true. There may be a lot of resistance from people who want to protect their way of life and in most cases this should be respected but if their way of life involves setting up an indoctrination system that turns the public into a virtual slave class then it will mean they are protecting the way of life of the tyrants at the expense of the innocent who deserve to have their rights protected. It is often very difficult to tell who is truly more interested in looking out for the best interest of the public or who is just trying to appear to look out for the best interest of the public. To do this often takes time and a calm look at the details.  

One of the most common excuses why this shouldn’t be done is that you can’t force democracy on the public which is true but you can force tyranny on the public and this is often what happens when people settle for this answer. It is also true that more can be done so that these people get a better education so that they can choose democracy on their own. The excuse that you can’t force democracy may sound good at a glance but a closer look will expose flaws in this excuse.

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Posted by zakherys at 1:57 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 December 2009 12:27 PM EST
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Mass Murderers are animals


So are other people; we have more in common with the animal kingdom in some way than most people realize.


Animals that have dysfunctional child hoods also become violent when they turn into adults. The similarity is clearest when you look at our closest animal relatives including Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans and even Baboons. Jane Goodall has found that when a baby Chimpanzee is abused by their mother they also become abusive to their children. She also found that Chimpanzees participate in what could be considered primitive warfare. There were chimpanzee communities that fought with other chimpanzee communities over territory similar to what primitive tribes may have done thousands of years ago.


When Chimpanzees Gorillas or even Lions are removed from their environment at a young age they don't learn how to take care of themselves in the wild and become domesticated. This has been demonstrated by many researchers of wild animals including work studying Primates, Lions, dogs and many other animals. Domesticated animals rarely if ever can be returned to the wild without the help of a reintegration program by those that know how to reeducate the animals. This is because when they take the animal out of the wild they disrupt their education system that has been set up by nature. When children are uprooted from their environment as a result of a more or the diverse of parents they often encounter transitional problems especially if they don't receive help. This has also proven to be a problem for foster children who are moved from one foster home to another.


The disruption of communities can also be seen on a much larger scale when different forms of government have been disrupted. When the Europeans took over many less developed countries they disrupted the tribal government. Then when they left and control was handed back to the natives in many cases the natives didn’t know how to handle the new power. In this case the new leaders often became tyrants like Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe. The problem here is that the previous form of government was forgotten and there was never an education system set up to teach the public how to create a new form of government. Other societies that succeeded in setting up republics that are much more civil in the past did so because they had a segment of the population that understand how to set up a reasonably good government although these have rarely if ever been perfect. When the Europeans were in power they followed the same procedure that deprived the local population of the education they needed that the southern slave owners did in the pre- civil war US. By making sure the natives didn’t have a good education they made sure they couldn’t challenge their authority. This later meant that without a good education they couldn’t challenge the authority of the tyrants that took over after the Europeans left. Without the Europeans they just wound up replacing one set of tyrannical government with another. This will continue to be the case at least until the people are allowed the opportunity to receive a good education and they know how to govern themselves again. This doesn’t have to mean returning to tribal ways but they were better than what they have now and it is worth considering so that they can restore the good aspects of the tribal ways. They can also incorporate the best aspects of more advanced democracies into the new form of government when they develop it.


On big difference between man and other animals is their ability to set up educational systems. When people spend more time with their children they can teach them to be much more productive and civilized than other animals. But if they only teach them part of the job they often become dysfunctional. People have a much better research and educational system. This has been true for thousands of years; however they haven’t been giving all people equal opportunity for a good education. By withholding education from a large segment of society they maintain a powerful class system where some people have more rights than others and the education they need to stand up for their rights. One of the biggest advantages people could have is the enormous amount of academic work that has been done over the past hundred years. There has been an enormous amount of advancement in the understanding of human behavior in many subjects including psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, sociology, criminology etc. they have all found a significant amount of research that indicates how important the early child rearing is to our culture and how this could affect violence prevention. Unfortunately this message isn’t getting across to the public so in order to take full advantage of this there needs to be a much better education system set up and ideally there should be a better public awareness program to let adults know more about the subject.


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Posted by zakherys at 12:38 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 5 December 2009 1:16 PM EST
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Without Conscious

Without Conscious is a phrase most often used to describe the attitude of Mass murderers and serial killers and rightfully so; however this doesn’t mean that the phrase should be limited to that. Serial killers are usually without conscious and even when they aren’t they seem to be and the damage they do is just as bad; however it shouldn’t stop there. An example of a serial killer who may not have been quite without conscious could actually be Gary Ridgeway. This may seem surprising but when he allocated in court to what he did in court and some of the victims forgave him he began to cry and show emotion. He didn’t do this when he was confronted with vindictiveness. This may have been because he was accustomed to hate; this is what he grew up with and he learned how to deal with it by hating back in return. When confronted with hate he was without conscious but when confronted with compassion and forgiveness he broke down. This should be followed up by an effort to find out how and why they became without conscious so that it can be prevented. Numerous studies have shown that most if not all serial killers have been badly abused and or neglected as a child usually both. This is usually far more extensive than the abuse many others endure as children. It is often claimed that others had bad childhoods but didn’t become murderers, This is true but there is a reason for it and that reason should be studied so that child abuse can be prevented for everyone whether they are at risk of becoming a murderer or not.


This is often down played for emotional reasons or political reasons and solutions are passed up as a result. When solutions are not implemented then the problem will remain or escalate. Would it be reasonable to consider the possibility that those who downplay the effect of child abuse on Mass Murderers are also without conscious? I think it is worth considering; however I don’t think that most of the people who do this are without conscious just those that understand that they are preventing solutions for political reasons and do it any way. When someone is angry and does the best they know how to this doesn’t mean they are without conscious; however when someone like Nancy Grace manipulates the crowd and puts on an act so bad that it is hard to believe that she believes her own point of view. If she really understands that what she is doing is doing more harm than good and does it anyway there is a strong possibility that she is without conscious. The same could be said for many other talking heads that manipulate the less educated members of the public including Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Geraldo and many others. This could also include many of the people behind the scenes that handle the programming and decide what goes on the air. By drowning the public with trash TV and providing no more than a token amount from academic sources that truly try to explain to the public what causes violence and how to prevent it the Mass Media does far more to make the problem worse than to solve it. The term without conscious could and probably should be used for many other events done by many of the most powerful members of our society; however this is rarely done since they have political power and few people care to stand up to them. Would it be considered without conscious to start wars based on false pretences and then cover this up repeatedly? This is exactly what has been going on for thousands of years and it is well documented for those with the access to the right information. A lot of this is available to the general public although the Mass Media doesn’t put much emphasis on it most of the time. Wars have been started or escalated on many occasions based on false pretences including Viet Nam, the overthrow of a revolution in Iran in 1953, the later arming of both Iran and Iraq during the 1980’s, the installment of Pinochet in Chile, Manual Noriega, at least one if not both of the Gulf Wars and many others. Should the people that did this be considered without conscious? There is also a much bigger effort to provide advertisements to hype and glorify the military than there is to inform the public about the Peace Corp., Seeds of Peace and other non violent ways of solving problems. If the people who make these choices do so with full knowledge and understanding of the consequences of their action be considered without conscious.


Corporations are industrializing the world at a massive rate and routinely downplaying the damage to the environment. When they first started doing this they may not have fully understood the damage they were doing but now it is hard to believe that any of these corporation don’t understand that the pollution they are causing is killing thousands if not millions of people. In many cases they are often influencing foreign governments for profit. This often leads to wars where millions are killed. Should they be considered without conscious for this as well? Capitalism has become a belief system where a small percentage of the rich obtain their wealth by distorting the way society is perceived and run so they can increase their wealth at a much bigger expense to the vast majority of the public. Corporations put more emphasis on trade and jobs since they can skim a percentage every time they sell something but little emphasis on whether the products are actually providing a benefit for the public. This has dominated the lives of everyone so much that trade has become much more important than quality of life or even life itself. When ever quality control causes risk to life they often cover it up rather than try to fix it in the most effective way possible. The excessive focus on trade also takes people away from their families and distracts them from addressing the most important social problems we have. Should this Capitalist mentality be considered without conscious?


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Posted by zakherys at 12:11 PM EST
Monday, 23 November 2009
Does child abuse and bullying lead to more violence?

The following quote is from Dave Cullen’s book “Columbine”. 

"There's no evidence that bullying led to murder, but considerable evidence it was a problem at Columbine High." (p.158)  

This should raise the question what constitutes evidence that bullying could lead to murder or that it could be a contributing cause. I have concluded that I can state for a fact that there are multiple contributing causes to violence and that two of the strongest contributing causes are child abuse and bullying. I consider these two conclusions to be well proven by many academic researchers and it can be confirmed by most reasonable laypersons if they think it through. Just think about times that you may have endured bullying or abuse and wanted to get even. You may have gotten over it but if you had to put up with much more of it do you think you would have gotten over it so easy. The academic researchers who support these conclusions include James Garbarino, Ellen deLara, Alice Miller, Dorothy Otnow Lewis, Joanne Scaglione, Cornelia B. Wilbur, Lonnie Athens and many more. They have done extensive research to indicate that children who are abused as a child are much more likely to be violent as an adult. There is an enormous amount of data to back up these conclusions yet there are still many high profile people that raise doubts about these conclusions. There are some high profile people with degrees that have disputed this claim; however I have serious doubts about their credibility and I suspect the majority of academics that study the subject also do. 

That doesn’t mean the experts are in agreement about all the specifics of psychology. This clearly isn’t true but when it comes to the simple question does violence lead to violence the answer should be yes. When it comes to more specific conclusions about psychological conditions there seems to be a lot of disagreement about various psychoses like psychopaths, Schizophrenia, multi-personality disorder, road rage, roid rage and many other conditions; however if you read some of the material about most if not all these subjects they won’t contradict the conclusions I have stated above. This indicates that even though there is still further research that needs to be done about some of the specifics there is enough information available to know that by preventing child abuse and bullying there can be an enormous amount of progress made to reduce other violence that follow after small problems escalate to big ones. 

Ironically Dave Cullen provides some information that contradicts his claims that there is no evidence that bullying led to murder. This may involve looking at the work of some other sources other than the ones he cited though. Dave Cullen cited some work by Dr. Robert Hare that abusive upbringing doesn't create psychopaths but it does make it worse. Dr. Hare also indicated that Psychopaths never develop empathy in the first place. (p.241-2) If this is true then the violence from bullying could have also been a contributing factor and almost certainly was; however it may also indicate that a closer look at the early care that Eric Harris received as an infant and toddler may have some influence on the subject. There was insufficient information in his book to confirm or refute this but it is implied. Dave Cullen’s book has been portrayed as the most credible and comprehensive book on columbine debunking many myths about Columbine. For the most part this is accurate he does a very good job debunking a lot of the false assumptions about Columbine; However this one exception is an important one. There have been a lot of stories about wide spread bullying at Columbine and there has also been a lot of stories about denial of this and Cullen is only making the denial worse. Cullen backs up the downplaying of bullying as a contributing cause by pointing out that in the tapes made by Klebold and Harris they don’t complain about being bullied quite the opposite they bragged about doing the bullying. This is not surprising but if he checked with better psychologists like Garbarino he might have found that denial of abuse isn’t uncommon. The victims of Bullying prefer not to think of themselves as being victims therefore they deny it and resort to bullying other to prove something to themselves. In fact they do talk about being angry at the world, if their not angry about bullying then what are they angry about. The tapes do seem to state they are angry about a lot of trivial things but I suspect that is just because they can’t express themselves very well. This could result from denial and other emotional problems which they obviously had. The fact that Cullen does such a good job debunking many of the myths at Columbine is what makes him seem more credible and for this reason it is more important to correct the mistakes he made. In many cases first hand points of views tend to be more biased since the person may have a interest to protect but in this case I think Brooks Brown may have done a better job than Cullen. Perhaps it would be better to look at “No easy answers: The truth behind death at Columbine” as the comprehensive look at Columbine.  

I suspect that if I checked with other experts I might find that many believe that psychopaths are created more by nurture than nature. In fact I suspect many researchers will say that most of these disorders including Schizophrenia, multi-personality disorder are created partly as a result of abuse as a child and exasperated in many cases by bullying.  I suspect this is also true for road rage or roid rage. Road rage is just like any other kind of anger in a stressful situation and people who do a better job dealing with their anger are much less likely to succumb to road rage. Roid rage is the result of steroids. This means in order to have it you have to start by taking illegal drugs. This is almost certainly much more common among people who have to prove themselves perhaps in many cases because they are reacting to a history of child abuse and bullying. Then they respond by deciding they aren’t going to take it any more and they start muscling up. Michael Kay Green may be a clear example of this. He had a troubled relation ship with his father first and then he may have become a paranoid schizophrenic who used steroids before he became a rapist and killer. This is just one of many cases where the child abuse and bullying came first then came one psychosis or another.   

Declining to put more emphasis on this is like trying to teach calculus without going through basic arithmetic first; however that is what many people from the Mass Media do anyway. The Mass Media often portrays any one of these causes of violence as the one and only cause and often ignores the most important contributing causes. Many researchers may realize that child abuse and bullying are leading causes of violence later in life but when the subject is explained to the public it is rarely ever made as clear as it should be. In some cases it is actually refuted. In order to get this point through to the public it needs to be repeated on a regular basis the same way they now repeat the quest for justice by punishing people on a regular basis. In fact this is actually more important since it could do a lot more to prevent violence. If punishment as a deterrent worked half as good as the advocates of this solution claim it would have worked much better by now since they have been doing it for a long time. That doesn’t mean they have been doing it consistently for a long time that is also a problem that needs to be addressed. Punishment in the past has often been politically motivated.  

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Posted by zakherys at 12:04 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 November 2009 1:23 PM EST

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