Violence can be prevented
Friday, 23 April 2010
Rules of war on life support

The nature of war leads to desperation and disrespect for rules therefore there are only two ways to get the rules of war off life support. 

Either you abandon any rules and allow the strongest to rule and dictate everything or you put an end to war and convert the rules of war to the rules of peace.


This doesn’t necessarily mean that attempts to implement rules of war should be abandoned at least not until a more effective way of ending wars is found and taught to the public and those who make the decisions that lead us into war. In order to develop a better set of rules it will be necessary for those who make them and the public to have access to accurate information they need to make decisions. The Mass Media isn’t currently helping with this; quite the contrary they are putting out so much propaganda that no one that relies solely on them could possibly have the information they need to develop rational rules of war and that is part of the problem. The first casualty of war has often been said to be the truth. This is at least partially accurate however even when we aren’t at war we now have a hard time getting reliable information thanks to the consolidation of the Mass Media and the fact that they’re controlled by a small percentage of the public that often benefits from the wars they may help incite. One of the most important things that needs to be done is to make information the public needs to avoid unjust wars (which includes most if not all wars) available to the public. The public needs to learn more about the situations that lead up to war and how to avoid them.


Regardless of what the right “rules of war” should be there are some general ideas that many people have that should be addressed even if they aren’t accurate simply because they believe them and these beliefs influence decisions. Rules of war have been around for thousands of years however they haven’t been consistent. More often than not they have been controlled by the most powerful members of society many of these people are the same people that lead us into war; which makes them biased. Ideally the public should be more involved in developing the rules of war; however most members of the public don’t have the education they need to make decisions about the rules of war. Some academic researchers including Richard A Gabriel author of “No More Heroes: Madness and Psychiatry in War” and Peter A Singer author of “One World: the Ethics of Globalization” may help more people understand more about war and how to avoid it. This doesn’t mean that anyone should rely solely on any one source though. This should be considered especially when there is a potential conflict of interest. What I’ve seen of both these authors is credible however it is worth keeping in mind that Richard A Gabriel was once an intelligence officer which might mean that he may have once had a conflict of interest. This doesn’t mean that he should be disregarded especially since his work has been credible and at time it will be necessary to count on information from people that have participated in wars to gain information needed to make decisions. Peter A Singer has consistently argued from a logical point of view in favor of the most efficient way to accomplish the best results. He argues that we should fight wars only if it is necessary to help people who are being subject to serious violence and if we have a reasonable expectation of winning and improving the situation. He doesn’t favor wars that are fought primarily for the profit of those with political power. Unfortunately more often than not wars are fought when those with political power benefit from them. In order to set up more rational rules of war that could lead to an end of war then it will be necessary to take these decisions out of the hands of the minority of people who benefit from wars and put it in the hands of educated members of the public that pay the price for wars.


The rules of war in colonial times often involved soldiers that lined up in formation and those in the front line would fire while those in the back were reloading. Soldiers blindly obeyed orders and lined up to participate in war fought in this fashion which was considered dignified. Those that made the decisions weren’t even in the front of the battle if they were present at all. Soldiers who may have had more status than peasants were considered “honorable” because they learned to blindly obey orders. This type of warfare may have actually been more ethical than many others that were much more likely to kill innocent woman and children however it involved blind obedience to the leaders who made the decisions and it was for the benefit of the upper classes who ruled. The members of the public were considered property. Even then when those killed on the battlefield were mainly soldiers there would have been many innocent woman and children killed one way or another. Farther back in time when Caesar fought Vercingetorix woman and children were used as shields; or they were used as propaganda to prove that one side or another had little or no respect for the rights of innocents. This type of abuse of the innocent still goes on today; it is often done by many of the most powerful governments and terrorists. Under the current circumstances the terrorist are being accused of using propaganda to justify their goals. This has often been reported in the mainstream media however this doesn’t necessarily mean that the propaganda they use is one hundred percent false as the media has often implied; nor is the news the mainstream media one hundred percent accurate in fact it appears to be as biased as the propaganda the terrorists are using. By attempting to dismiss the propaganda the terrorist use in it’s entirety without considering the accurate portions of it the mainstream media is giving credibility to the opposition propaganda. For example the terrorist propaganda probably includes claims that the USA reinstalled the Shah in the fifties and supported him while he was torturing his own people and that the USA also supported Sadam Hussein before they opposed him. These claims are true; in fact this has been typical of the behavior of the USA government and many people in other parts of the world are aware of it; however a large percentage of the population of the USA remains unaware of this. The rules of war as they are being presented to the public are based partially on the propaganda that is given to the public. In order to develop reasonable rules of war the public has to be able to sort through the propaganda. In fact one of the rules of war should be to protect the free press sot that the public can obtain accurate information to keep their governments accountable. A patriotic press that looks the other way when people on “our side” do something wrong doesn’t do this. This type of press ensures that there will be two different versions of the truth neither of which will be accurate and people on both sides will routinely be making the most important decisions of their lives and in the world based on lies.


It may help to start with some things that every one agrees with if possible or if not some things that as many people as possible agree with. It may help to make these things as simple as possible although before it is done it may not turn out that way. Ultimately in a true democracy the public should be involved in making the rules of war and they should have the information they need to do so. This should include input from peace activists, psychologists, educators, those who fight the wars and many other people that are affected by wars. A few rules that have been considered in the past include the following:


Both sides should abide by the same rules.


Killing the innocent including children and other noncombatants is wrong. If this can’t be avoided completely then the best efforts should be made to reduce or eliminate this as soon as possible.  


Torture is wrong and it should be against the rules of war. It has been proven by numerous research efforts that even when it used to gain information it doesn’t do a good job accomplishing this.


Preventing people from telling the truth about many of the most important facts, while simultaneously spreading false information that guarantees that wars will continue to be fought when they could be prevented, is wrong and should be against the rules of war.


Wars shouldn’t be fought at all unless there is a just cause for it.


Whether or not we have to fight wars we should make more of an effort to understand them and find out how to avoid them in the future and this should be taught to the general public.


These all seem to be simple and valid concerns however it is guaranteed that when attempting to put them into practice there will be an enormous amount of problems since, in practice, the primary concern of war is to win at all costs. Allowing these rules to interfere with winning seems illogical. The people that speak the loudest about violations of the rules of war in the past have often been those with the most power since they have access to the press to get their message across; unfortunately they often use this to spread propaganda instead of looking out for the best interest of the majority.


Both sides should abide by the same rules.


If you ask them if both sides should play by the same rules then they will almost certainly say yes; but then if you follow up and ask if it is fair for one side to have much more powerful weapons then it becomes tougher. The most powerful institutions and governments have the best weapons and they justify this by claiming they are right and, in the case of most modern governments, they are fighting to defend democracy. The fact that they are defending democracy gives them the justification to use better weapons. The problem is that the opposition clearly doesn’t see it that way. They are fighting for their cause whatever it may be and since they don’t have the same access to weapons they fight using any means they can so in practice this doesn’t work. Further more if the more powerful governments are fighting to defend democracy they should listen to the opposition and hopefully come to a compromise before it even comes to war. If little or no effort is made to communicate with the opposition then the claim that they are fighting for democracy is suspect. If on the other hand they communicate and the terrorists are unreasonable as the USA claims then it will be tougher to sort out. A closer look at whether or not the USA is fighting to defend democracy will clearly not back this claim up.  First of all if they truly are fighting to defend democracy they would start by maintaining a true democracy at home which is by the people for the people and of the people. The USA claims they already have this but in order for the people to influence the government they have to understand it and they need an education and access to the information to make important decisions. The American public doesn’t have this. Also if the USA was fighting to defend democracy abroad they would respect the will of the local populations and support them. A close look at past conflicts clearly indicates they haven’t done this. The USA has often fought for what they refer to as the best interest of the country, referring to the USA. A close look at what they consider the best interest of the country seems to imply that what eve3re is best for the corporations is best for the country even when it means suppressing wages, civil rights and environmental protections abroad and even sometimes at home.


Each side may have different advantages which they may claim is justified and if they gave it up then it would be considered unfair. This goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. In world war one the USA and Britain claimed it would be against the rules of war for submarines to shoot on passenger ships. Germany claimed that since they had the advantage with submarines it would be unfair to them furthermore when it came to implementing the rules in practice the Germans attacked a passenger ship which they claimed were carrying weapons. The Americans and Britain’s denied it and claimed it was an act of war. It wasn’t until later that it was revealed that the Germans were right. This is an example of why rules don’t necessarily apply until after the war is over unless they can be enforced before the war starts and prevent the war from happening at all. Similar incident continue to happen today only in some case the roles are reversed. There are many cases where the USA claims the opposition is using civilian locations to conduct ware activities. The USA and other western powers are also attempting to set up rules where they are the only ones that should be allowed to have powerful weapons like nukes, chemical weapons and many other advanced arms. There are semi-enforced embargoes against countries they consider rogue. Many of these countries were once allies.


Killing the innocent including children and other noncombatants is wrong. If this can’t be avoided completely then the best efforts should be made to reduce or eliminate this as soon as possible.  


Rules against killing children should seem like a no brainer but in practice it doesn’t work that way. The most powerful governments often criticize the terrorists for targeting children and even using them as shields or even using them to fight wars. These are reasonable criticisms and most if not all reasonable people would agree that they should be against the rules of war. However the terrorists may be acting out of desperation and they may turn around and say the USA is also violating the rights of children. They may claim they are fighting to liberate the children who are being suppressed by the multi-national corporations or some other cause. Even if they don’t make this claim initially they may do it in response to criticism about their abuse of children. If the USA ands other western governments wants to justify their activities by claiming that they are defending children they should start by looking out for the best interest of children themselves. This means that they should be paying close to how may children they kill as a result of collateral damages. They should also keep this in mind when dealing with governments that abuse or kill children. The USA has dealt with many governments that have disregarded the rights of children when fighting wars as well as conducting business. If killing children is a violation of war it should also be a violation of business. Many of the governments that the USA supports don’t respect the rights of children; therefore if they want to use this as a justification they should consider holing their own allies accountable. Many of the business interests that also support the USA government also have little or no respect for the rights of children. The rebels that the USA are fighting often came from these environments in the past. They have been raised in an environment where their own rights aren’t respected therefore they have little or no incentive to play by the rules of war. The collateral damage from the past provides a breeding ground for future terrorists. If there isn’t a reasonable respect for the rights of the poor in peace time it would be unreasonable to expect them to respect the rules of war in wartime. The most powerful countries should set the example themselves if they want others to follow it. The USA has also been opposed to the treaty to ban landmines which affects mostly children in the long run. If their were landmines in the USA they would be much more likely to be outraged and oppose the use of land mines but since it is mainly foreigners in third world countries that are being killed or mutilated by landmines it is considered a necessity of war for the USA.


Clearly killing children should be against the rules of war but in the long run it is much more important to make this against the rules of peace. Children who are raised in dysfunctional and abusive environments are much more likely to become violent as adults whether this means they are raised in abusive homes or refugee camps or if they are forced to work in horrendous conditions. These should be among the highest priorities since these children could either become productive citizens that help support society and democracy if they’re raised right or they could become angry adults who may be enticed to join those who listen to them which may be terrorist organizations. If the most powerful institutions aren’t going to make a sincere effort to provide social justice they’re going to continue to face opposition from one opponent after another in one war after another.   


This shouldn’t be limited to wars it should also be enforced when it comes to embargoes and other efforts to control the threats to the world. These also often wind up targeting children. The Israeli check point are a clear example where there are actions being taken that punish an entire population for the actions of the most extreme and then they wind up driving the moderates to support the extremists. This type of activity is designed to maintain constant conflict whether it is intended to or not. There have been similar instances in Iraq and many other embargoes that were designed to punish the dictator but wound up punishing the children more and ensuring that there would be stronger opposition that was maintained from much more people in the long run.


Torture is wrong and it should be against the rules of war. It has been proven by numerous research efforts that even when it used to gain information it doesn’t do a good job accomplishing this.


There has been an enormous amount of research to indicate that torture doesn’t accomplish the goal the advocates of it indicate it does. They don’t rely on actual history or research to back it up instead they generally create a hypothetical where everything is designed to justify the conclusion they started out with, that torture will help them get the information they need to prevent a disaster from happening. This is covered more in another entry.


Preventing people from telling the truth about many of the most important facts, while simultaneously spreading false information that guarantees that wars will continue to be fought when they could be prevented, is wrong and should be against the rules of war.


Part of the problem is that we don’t really have a free press as the most powerful institutions seem to indicate. There are still a lot of people that can communicate with each other and use the internet to spread accurate information but they can’t reach the vast majority of the public and they don’t have the resources to do the research into many subject to present the truth to the public. The vast majority of the public obtains their information from the Mass Media and they are controlled by a small percentage of the public. The Mass Media is controlled mainly by five multi-national corporations that have a clear bias and often benefit from the wars that are often fought. Unless we have a sincere Media that can reach a much larger percentage of the public that is accountable and relies on accurate research then it is unlikely that much can be done to reduce wars. The war advocates have always had much more access to the mass media and the peace advocates who often had the truth on their sides were often turned into the “fringes” or “violators of the law”.  Censorship to maintain faith in war is routine and in most cases in history it has been proven after the fact that the wars we fought before were fought on false premises. Censorship should be considered a war crime and a crime in peace as well since the censorship that leads up to the wars are what enable them to happen in the first place.


We are currently fighting a War on Terrorism” based on the assumption, according to some people, that the “terrorists” hate our way of life, freedom and democracy. The first problem with this should be the arbitrary use of the term terrorism. The many of people labeled terrorists have conducted acts that terrorize people in an attempt to accomplish their goals. This cle4arly seems to justify the use of the term in some cases but in many cases they are being labeled terrorist before the facts are in and in other cases other people who use activities that terrorize people aren’t being labeled terrorist because they have been allies of the USA. The USA and the CIA has a long history of dealing with people who used terror to enforce their authority including the Shah of Iran and SAVAK, the Guatemalan government and G2 also known as death squads, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, the Guardia that formerly ruled Nicaragua and later5 formed the foundation for the Nicaraguan Contras and many more. In fact many of the people we now call terrorists were once our allies but they weren’t labeled terrorist until they challenged the perceived best interest of the US government.


The current war and most if not all wars have been fought based on lies. If the public had the information they needed and academics with sincere intentions were given equal opportunity to speak we would be in a much better position to fight only the wars, if any, that are truly for a good cause that benefit the public of the western world and the rest of the world as well. If this were the case then we would also be in a better position to settle differences before it came close to the brink of war.


Wars shouldn’t be fought at all unless there is a just cause for it.


Peter A Singer argues that in some cases like the genocide in Rwanda or in Kosovo war may actually be justified if there is reason to believe that intervention would probably do more good than harm and it is done only as a last resort. A strict implementation of these conditions and planning far enough ahead of time would probably be good enough to avoid war but in the cases where this isn’t done and they are on the verge of genocide then the choice may be between to types of disasters. They either intervene, and fight war which is guaranteed to kill hundreds, or thousands of people or they do nothing while perhaps an even larger number of people are killed. This ethical stand isn’t based on solely the best interest of the USA but the best interest of everyone as equals. In many cases this argument is backed up by the propaganda that the USA has often used to fight wars however more often than not when the USA has used this justification in the past it hasn’t been backed up by the facts. For example when the USA invaded Iraq after it was clear, to the public, they didn’t have weapons of mass destruction the Bush administration claimed part of the reason was that they were liberating them but they didn’t take into consideration the best interest of the Iraqi’s while “liberating” them. In the case of Rwanda and Kosovo there is evidence that this could have been done to prevent genocide. Ironically in both these cases there was little political support for what actually was or could have been a humanitarian intervention. In the case of Kosovo there were also questions about how to fight the war as well as whether or not to fight the war. This war was fought by air bombing to avoid any US casualties. Both Peter A Singer and Peter W Singer (no relation), author of “Children at War” and Wired for War”, have raised doubts about the ethics of this. According to PW singer there is a common joke among the Kosovars that “The life of one NATO soldier is worth 20,000 Kosovars.” This attitude among the western powers has created a lot of resentment in many parts of the world including Kosovo. In many cases this leads to more hatred against America and virtually guarantees that there will be more unnecessary conflict and wars until the USA learns to respect the rights of others as much as the propaganda they feed to their own people claims they do. The gratitude of the Kosovars has been dampened by the fact that they believe the USA and other countries have treated them as second class citizens. If the Kosovars had a vote in the USA or other more powerful countries it is much more likely that the NATO would have used ground forces to reduce the casualties among the Kosovars and other people at risk. Peter A Singer claims that the actual numbers of civilians that were killed were much lower, about 300 Kosovars, 109 Serbs and 3 Chinese; however he still believes that the USA would have been more ethical to use ground forces. It is worth noting that neither Peter A Singer, Peter W Singer nor myself volunteered to fight and possibly die to defend the potential victims of genocide. Those that do volunteer often do so based on false assumptions which often involve indoctrination from an early age. This should raise additional ethical questions about whether or not a large number of people should be indoctrinated from birth to fight wars for the benefit of the ruling class. Without indoctrination it may not be possible to fight many wars even when they are just. If you accept Peter A Singer’s argument that this war should be fought for ethical means based then in order to carry it out in practice it may require having the academics decide who should live or die. This is already happening only the decisions under the current circumstances are usually based on the best interest of the people running the multi-national corporations. Doing it based on ethical reasons would be a step in the right direction but in the long run it would be better to avoid it entirely by setting up a rational social justice system before it comes to war.


Deciding whether or not a war is legitimate or not may also depend on whether or not those that run the country have a legitimate right to be running the country. In the western “democratic” world that right is supposed to be based on the consent of those being governed. This hasn’t happened in practice and won’t until there is a better education system but for now it is better than a dictatorship. Peter A Singer argues that governments that aren’t legitimate shouldn’t be recognized and allowed to sell the natural resources of the country on the world market. An unjust government that is threatening to commit genocide is also more likely to be a legitimate target for intervention in a military conflict. Ideally all governments would be democratic based on the will of an educated public. Until that happens then it should be against the international law to allow tyrants to profit from the natural resources to preserve their power. Tyrants that have done this in the past have often become our enemies. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we shouldn’t communicate with them though. In the past when a country isn’t recognized by the USA it often means that we won’t communicate and officially we won’t trade with them. This hasn’t always been the way it works though. For example in the eighties the USA wound up dealing with both Iran, our enemy, and Iraq. Officially there were no relations with Iran but unofficially there were weapons sold to them in return for hostages and the profits were funneled to the Nicaraguan Contra’s. The result is that the communication that could have led to warming of relations didn’t happen but the USA wound up selling weapons to both Iran and Iraq and funneling profits to the contra’s all of which were violent and tyrannical governments. This is a clear indication that the USA isn’t fighting to defend democracy at all.


This isn’t what the American people are being told, or at least they aren’t being told in a manner that will get through to the majority of the public. Instead the majority of the public is receiving a massive amount of propaganda to base their decisions. They are more concerned with promoting what is often called “American Exceptionalism”; if this involved citing the cases where American’s have stood up to authority and included when they stood up to the USA government this might not be so bad. Unfortunately the version of American Exceptionalism being promoted usually involves a strong bias that is controlled by the same people that control the Mass Media. Unless this can be addressed then there can be no sincere rules of war which many people will respect. This is why the rules of war will remain on life support until we have a more accurate perception of reality and base important decisions on accurate facts.  


Whether or not we have to fight wars we should make more of an effort to understand them and find out how to avoid them in the future and this should be taught to the general public.


There needs to be a much better effort to teach people what the route causes of war are. One of the biggest route causes of war is the fact that there are so many children being raised in violent environments around the world. This leads to a large amount of children that gr4owe up to be angry adults. There needs to be more done to teach the public about the long term damage of child abuse which I have attempted to address in other entries.


Another major contributing cause to war has often been the excessive influence that multi-national corporations have over politics around the world especially in the USA. The USA is the leading superpower and spends about as much money on military expenses as the rest of the world combined. The USA claims to be a democracy and they claim to be the defender of the free world; however a closer look doesn’t seem to confirm this. The American public hasn’t had the information they need to participate in the most important decisions that need to be made.  Instead the people that the politicians consult with tend to be those that donate millions of dollars to political campaigns, high priced lobbyists and the people that control the Mass Media. When the members of the public provide an enormous amount of effort to organize, they often succeed in making small changes; but other than that the vast majority of the decisions are made by those with the political connections and then there is an enormous amount of propaganda presented to the public. In order to set up reasonable rules of war it will be necessary to reform the democracy in the USA and other parts of the world. If the USA wants to be a true defender of democracy they need to start at home by setting a good example and allow more people to participate in decisions both at home and abroad. If they make decisions that affect the whole world they should accept input from the rest of the world instead of dictating the truth as they see it.


As indicated earlier the USA and many other countries indoctrinate a class of people to fight their wars for them. The people who fight the wars are usually the lower classes especially on the front lines where the casualties are the highest. A major part of the way this is done is the fact that the upper classes control the economic system and they set it up so that the lower classes are much less likely to have good opportunities to get ahead without some help from the military.  That isn’t how it starts though; war indoctrination starts unintentionally at early childhood. Parents who educate their children using strict disciplinarian tactics without adequate explanation to sort through issues unintentionally lay the ground work for indoctrination. They do this because it is the way they were taught and it is the only way they know how to raise their children. Many of their ancestors have been taught to use these tactics by the leaders of society including religious leaders. Alice Miller and Philip Greven have reviewed the way many religious leaders teach parents to use physical punishment to cause pain in order to control their children and teach them to be obedient to authority. This also makes them angry children ready to strike out. This escalates to bullying and hazing in school. Then when many of them join the military they have to go through boot camp which is designed to reinforce their compliance to authority and make sure that they will follow their new military leaders without question. This doesn’t lead to absolute indoctrination in the modern military for all soldiers but it does for some and it leads to partial indoctrination for others. This indoctrination isn’t limited to indoctrinating the soldier; it also involves indoctrinating a major segment of society. This is influenced by the education or lack of education about many historical subjects that have influenced war in the present. As indicated before the USA has been involved in suppressing many popular movements since WWII in the name of defending democracy but this isn’t what is taught in school. Some researchers like Howard Zinn, author of “The People’s History of the United States”, and James Loewen, author of Lies My teacher Told Me” have done a much better job teaching the public about some of the activities the USA has been involved in but they don’t target the majority of the public. The most powerful institutions that target the majority of the public are all controlled or influenced by the multi-national corporations.


Some of this indoctrination involves using violence to encourage obedience to authority starting at birth and in the most extreme cases this often leads to what Richard Gabriel and James Garbarino have referred to as aggressive psychopathic personalities. There were supposedly about 2% of the soldiers of WWII that had aggressive psychopathic personalities, presumably because they were raised in violent environments according to many researchers. The volume of violence against children has supposedly gone down a lot since WWII therefore the percentage of soldier with aggressive psychopathic personalities has probably also gone down. Some of the officers that were involved in training many of these soldiers for several generations have found that in many cases they had to toughen the new recruits up more later in the twentieth century than they did earlier in the twentieth century including during WWII. This may be an indicator of reduced violence to children but it doesn’t mean that violence against children has been eliminated and it may also be possible that the military recruits from some members of society that are more likely to be raised in strict disciplinarian ways. According to some studies about former WWII veterans these people are the least likely to break down under the stress of war. This is because they are already accustomed to violence and they are comfortable with it. They are also much less likely to feel empathy for others, which makes it much more difficult to control them; they may also strike out violently when they aren’t supposed to. It is very difficult to train people to be violent when and only when they are supposed to; however that is what needs to be done in many cases when we rely on war to solve our problems. When it comes to dealing with the most violent situations in war these people with aggressive psychopathic personalities are often the ones that do the best job; this is why to some degree the military may need them; however you can’t tell the public this if you want to glorify war.


An example of a soldier who went out of control is Steven Green who once told the Washington Post “the truth is, it wasn’t all I thought it was cracked up to be. I mean, I thought killing somebody would be this life-changing experience. And then I did it, and I was like ‘all right, whatever’….Killing people is like squashing an ant. I mean, you kill somebody and it’s like ‘all right let’s go get some pizza.’ “ Green was charged with raping and killing a fourteen year old Iraqi girl he apparently became infatuated with during check point duty. This was supposedly premeditated and he supposedly had a history of mental instability. The fact that he may have had aggressive psychopathic personalities wouldn’t necessarily mean that he couldn’t function in violent situations but it might have meant that he couldn’t control his violence in some peaceful situations. He was discharged before the murder was exposed and two of his fellow soldiers were kidnapped tortured and killed in revenge for this crime. This type of uncontrolled activity leads to unnecessary violence and a constant situation where people are seeking vengeance and both sides tend to downplay the atrocities committed by their own side and exaggerate those committed by the other side. This isn’t the only example of misconduct by far if there was an organized list of all the crimes that were committed by soldiers or former soldiers it would be much easier to tell how much this contributes to future conflicts but the military doesn’t seem to keep such records and present them to the public any more than they keep tack of collateral damage to innocent civilians. This is part of why we can’t prevent many wars from happening over and over again.


In order to have rules of war that prevent future wars and leads to peace we need to have social justice around the world that treats everyone fairly. As long as the multi-national corporations control all the most powerful institutions and concern themselves with profit at the expense of everything else there can be no fair rules of war. If the rules of war arte controlled by those running the wars it would be like letting criminals make the rules of justice.


The newest technology being developed is raising even more concerns about how this could affect the rules of war. Peter W Singer reviews some of this in his latest book Wired for War. This book has been described as science fiction and some of it does involve reviewing science fiction but most of it is about technology that has been developed and is being put into practice in the most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This book is about sorting out the difference between science fiction and fact. We already have enough problems where the majority of the public are making decisions based on false facts and propaganda given to them by the Mass Media; the new technology being developed makes it even easier for people to fight more wars without have many of the most important facts they need. Some of this technology enables the US military to fight wars from greater distances without risking the lives of their soldiers. This means that in many cases the people doing the killing may not be able to see the damage they’re doing or if they do see it through camera’s  from a long distance it seems more like a TV show or video game which seems less real. This makes it easier for people who wouldn’t kill otherwise close up to kill by remote control. It also makes it easier to maintain a constant state of war if the level of people with aggressive psychopathic personalities is being reduced. In some cases the USA has even decided that the right of self defense extends to robots that are patrolling enemy territory when that enemy doesn’t have sufficient political power. This has included Sadam Hussein when he was still controlling Iraq between the two Persian Gulf wars. Some members of the USA government have at time expressed disregard of the right of many other countries so even though most people don’t agree with Sadam Hussein this could lead to a slippery slope if there are no checks and balances. A different situation took place when a pilot in Afghanistan dropped a 500 pound bomb on Canadians conducting night maneuvers and killed four troops and wounde4d eight more. In this case the pilot was found liable for failing to follow procedure but it is much less likely that he would have been found liable if the people killed were Afghans. This double standard continues to lead to animosity. The case of Iran Air Flight 655 is another example of advanced technology going wrong. The plane was considered an “Assumed Enemy” by the computer; however none of the hard data observed by the crew backed this up. None of the eighteen soldiers on board questioned the computers conclusions and they shot it down killing 290 civilians including 66 children. None of the crew members were held accountable and they even received awards at the end of their tour of duty. These awards weren’t because of the incident but it still raises some question of accountability. This is an example of blind obedience to authority that was transferred to a computer. This type of blind obedience may help win wears in the short term but it may also do more to enable bad wars to be fought and to incite future wars that shouldn’t be necessary.


Some of this military technology is already making its hands into private hands including the American border Patrol that has a “Border hawk” to patrol the borders for illegal aliens. The founder of this organization has been accused of racism; he has described illegal immigration as the “Second Mexican American war” and referred to Latin America as “a cesspool of a culture” that threatens the “death of this country.” This drone doesn’t have the ability to shoot and kill by remote control like the ones in the control of the US military; or at least not yet. However it is a matter of time before other organizations get a hold of the technology they need to fight by remote control and unless we can solve social issues and teach people to search for nonviolent ways to solve problem war will only get worse possibly until it leads to a total break down of society.


We already have a complex system where people who purchase goods produced in other parts of the world unintentionally provide funds for some of the most vicious tyrants and enable them to maintain their authority by brute force. Know new technology is making it easier for some people to obtain benefits at the expense of others without realizing the consequences of their actions. This will lead to more breading grounds for terrorists and other people who see the USA as the evil empire. This doesn’t make sense to people living in the USA who don’t know what is going on in the rest of the world but for those that are forced to live with it every day it makes perfect sense. This is already leading to the eternal war predicted in Orwell’s 1984. As long as we are at constant war based on a false perception of reality not only are people unable to make rational decisions about war but they can’t make rational decisions about protecting the environment which could lead to more desperation and more conflict over limited resources.


The organizational structure of the Capitalist ideology also encourages war. Capitalism doesn’t provide as much funds for research and education for nonviolent technology as it does for military research and education. Furthermore the education is controlled in a way that encourages continued war. If academic researchers want grants for their research they have to look mainly to either the government or the corporations. This means that the research has to be designed to either make a profit for the corporations as the first priority or help the military which is the most powerful rese4arch organization the government has. By demonizing “Socialism” and “Communism” without a rational discussion about the details it prevents us from finding out whether or not there is a better way to provide funding for other projects that help the general public without first providing a benefit to the most powerful people controlling the corporations and the military. This doesn’t mean that “Socialism” or “Communism” as they have been practiced are the best way to do things but in order to find out it is necessary to sort through the details and if they have some good ideas then we should adopt the good ideas without the bad instead of rejecting it as a package deal.


If the most powerful governments in the world don’t feel the need to set a good example and support the rules of war then there will be little or no incentive for those that act out of desperation to do so. The USA spends about as much money on the military as the rest of the world combined and they have the most advanced technology yet they are one of the biggest obstacles to many of the treaties to improve the rules of war and they are the biggest abusers of the environment per capita which could inevitably lead to more wars when people have to fight for clean food, water and air. The USA claims to be the leading defender of democracy yet there is a lot of doubt about whether or not they demonstrate this with their actions. To provide an overly simplified example consider the possibility that some one claims he is trying to accomplish a certain goal and he has three options generally speaking. Pursue a course of action that will advance that goal, pursue a course of action that will prevent that goal or take no action that does either one. Consider an example where there is a manager of a hotel on the beach and there is a hurricane coming. He can either do nothing if he doesn’t think the storm is going to be that bad or he can put plywood over the windows to protect them from the wind. When he receives a call from the owner telling him to prepare for the storm by protecting the property he promises to do so. Then later in the day he is seen yelling I’ll protect the property over and over again and each time he throws a rock through a window. Would you believe he was sincere about protecting the property? Now imagine there was an investigation and they find that he was drunk and he found a letter indicating the owner was having an affair with his wife. Would you consider the hypothesis that he acted out of anger after getting drunk more reasonable than the claim that he was trying to protect the property.


The same simple principles could be applied to whether or not the USA is trying to protect democracy around the world after an investigation. If you look at enough sources you may find that the leaders of the USA can’t get elected unless they accept an enormous amount of money from corporate contributors and the Mass Media covers their campaigns. Any candidate that doesn’t do this is referred to as f4ringe by the Mass Media and they have no way to get their message across to the public. The politicians also spend an enormous amount of time with high priced lobbyist most of which work for the biggest corporations in the world. Many of these high priced lobbyists are former politicians implying the possibility that may have a tacit retirement plan making much more money. They come up with one policy after another that provides most of the benefit to the corporations that pay for the campaign contributions and lobbyists. The majority of the public is ignored unless they conduct enormous protests which lead to minor improvements. The campaigns spend little or no time discussing the issues and when they do; they make things so complicated that few people understand them. The USA has a history of invading countries or influencing their elections against the will of the people of those countries and they do little or nothing to educate people; instead they put out an enormous amount of propaganda to support the blind trust in capitalism without understanding it. Under these circumstances do you think it would be more reasonable to believe that the USA is defending democracy or that the USA is using a complicated propaganda machine to support a corporate plutocracy?


In order to have real rules of war that can help lead to peace sincere people that don’t benefit from war need to be involved in making them.


Peter Herby of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) claims there should be four pillars of international humanitarian law on weapons. The first one is essentially that countries should obey the rules. The second is that weapons that can’t distinguish between civilians and military targets should be prohibited. The third that weapons shouldn’t cause unnecessary harm and suffering. The fourth is that any weapons the international community find abhorrent for other reasons should also be banned. This should be considered a reasonable starting point or target. These rules are of course currently being ignored by many of the most powerful countries and the most desperate people. There is little that can be done about the most desperate people unless the social causes that lead to their desperation are addressed. Banning suicide bombing may be politically correct but if someone is suicidal or extremely desperate it is totally unenforceable. The most powerful countries should be another case. They are supposed to be accountable to their people. If this is true and the people can be educated about the truth then they can elect politicians that respect international law and attempt to improve these laws instead of eroding them. In additions to the rules cited by Peter Herby the following could be implemented if there is enough popular support starting with the ones I discussed earlier.


Both sides should abide by the same rules.


Killing the innocent including children and other noncombatants is wrong. If this can’t be avoided completely then the best efforts should be made to reduce or eliminate this as soon as possible.  


Torture is wrong and it should be against the rules of war. It has been proven by numerous research efforts that even when it used to gain information it doesn’t do a good job accomplishing this.


Preventing people from telling the truth about many of the most important facts, while simultaneously spreading false information that guarantees that wars will continue to be fought when they could be prevented, is wrong and should be against the rules of war.


Wars shouldn’t be fought at all unless there is a just cause for it.


Whether or not we have to fight wars we should make more of an effort to understand them and find out how to avoid them in the future and this should be taught to the general public.


Landmines, chemical weapons, biological weapons and nuclear weapons should all be banned.


Efforts to protect the schools and other democratic institutions should be made as early as possible.


Censorship should be banned.


Weapons trade should be heavily regulated and sales to tyrants of any kind should be outlawed.


Efforts by advance countries to train military organizations that aren’t accountable should be banned.


Espionage should be put to an end if possible possibly with the implementation of a truth and education commission so that it won’t involve disclosing information that incites more war instead of ending it.


More efforts should be made to educate the public about true history; this should include peer review from different points of view and the work behind this education including copies of original documents and secondary research should be available to those who have time to check it.


Corporations that have been involved in illegal activities in the past should be held accountable and they should not be allowed to continue to conduct their activities including illegal ones in secrecy in the future. Knowledge should not be available to only one side of the transaction enabling fraud and corruption.


More efforts should be made to reduce child abuse that creates a lot of angry adults ready to fight wars around the world.


For information on the ban on landmines see:!Open


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Posted by zakherys at 1:00 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 26 April 2010 11:41 AM EDT
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Truth and Education Commission


There have been several calls for a truth commission or a truth and reconciliation commission about several events including possible war crimes committed in Iraq. This may be a good step in the right direction if it is done right. In order to have a true democracy the public needs access to the information and education necessary to make rational decisions about all major policy issues. Even if the public doesn’t make the decisions directly they need accurate information to hold the representatives that do accountable. Under the current circumstances at best only a small percentage of the public has access to the information and education they need to run a sincere democracy. Past requests for the truth from a government that claims to be democratic were perfectly reasonable and should have been granted yet they weren’t. What many people may not fully understand is that if they start revealing the truth about one subject it may lead to questions about another one. For example a truth commission about the activities at Abu Ghraib may lead to disclosures about the CIA as many people already suspect. This could raise more questions about other activities being conducted by the CIA which may involve many other things including activities overthrowing governments, some of which may have been more democratic than the ones installed by the CIA; and tacit approval if not active participation in drug running operations run by allies of the CIA like the Nicaraguan Contra’s and other organizations; and corporate involvement in military activities like the incident where ITT was exposed helping to overthrow the Allende government in Chile. Information from credible sources has already been released about these activities but they have been confused by a lot of propaganda and conflicting reports.


Once a good and sincere truth commission gets started and the public becomes accustomed to finding out the truth the flood gates may open and the truth about many incidents may be revealed. In fact a large portion of the truth may have already been leaked to the public one way or another. This hasn’t happened in a manner that is well organized in a way the public can understand it but if this information is organized in the most efficient way possible and other potential factors that may effect a formal truth commission then it will help set up the commission in the most effective way possible. This is especially important if there is going to be some degree of immunity granted to people that come forward with the truth. In some cases this may involve deciding whether or not a dangerous person guilty of murder will be released to the public again. Proper planning will also help decide what if any reparations should be made and in what forms this should be done. Past Truth Commissions may not have been quite as successful as they have been made out to be; therefore it would be a good idea to review them and find any flaws so they don’t happen again. If they were as successful as they have been made out to be this review will only confirm that; however there is at least one example where the most famous one has turned out to be flawed. The South African truth commission let members of the former South African government free without any job training for non violent lines of work and many of them wound up working for mercenary organizations like Executive Outcomes.


A good truth commission should carefully consider priorities before formalizing the conditions. In most cases a truth commission gives a higher priority to revealing the truth and reforming democracy than it does to punishing people for their wrong doing. Some exceptions may be necessary. Most people wouldn’t want to risk putting a dangerous mass murderer back on the streets like Gary Ridgeway or Joseph Kony. In some case a truth commission may reveal more mass murders which people may not want to release. In some cases it may turn out that these mass murderers were once people that were put above reproach in the past. This may be due to the fact that the Mass Media isn’t nearly as unbiased as it pretends to be. Other priorities may involve deciding what subject should be explored first. The highest profile incidents include the war in Iraq and the war on terror but there may be many other subjects that are also just as important. In order to find this out it could be helpful to start by making a list of different subjects and goals and deciding the priorities after considering all of them. Generally speaking some of the top priorities should include setting up a good education system so that the public would have the information they need to make decisions; protecting the environment and preventing the downward spiral that could destroy the ecosystem currently being pursued by the corporations; stopping wars of all kind around the world by supporting peaceful alternatives; and a better effort to reform health care. All these goals should start by looking at the basics in any given subject and working up from there. Allowing the government to ignore the basics as they pursue a pseudo reform of any subject including the health care program they passed last year shouldn’t be considered acceptable. A truth commission shouldn’t be limited to violent situations as it has in the past and it should include improved education. It would be foolish to allow the Mass Media to set the priorities by focusing on one issue obsessively and ignoring subjects they don’t want to address. If the Mass Media was willing to do a good job they would have done much better already. People should always remember that one of the most important objections of any truth commission regardless of what you call it is to avoid a revolution that “eats its own children”.


Since the government and the Mass Media are currently unwilling to address the manner in an honest manner it might be better to start with an informal truth an education commission. In fact this is already happening. There may not be people referring to it in that manner but there are people trying to do their part to reveal parts of the truth to the best of their ability. This includes many authors and low profile web sites that the government and the mass media aren’t paying much if any attention to right now. These efforts could be better organized simply by making a list of all these organizations and books. For example some good organizations that are producing books about reforming the government are The American Empire Project and Free Press (founded by Robert McChesney). They have provided some good books that organize many of the information released in the past about government activities that have been undemocratic and how the Mass Media has been corrupted by commercial interests. There are many other academics that have addressed different subjects that are also important that are not included in the American Empire Project or Free Press like some of the authors who have research into the damage done by child abuse. The long term damage done by child abuse is mostly underestimated by most people.


Organizing a lot of information from a lot of different sources will be helpful but once this begins it will quickly become apparent that many of these sources often contradict each other and in some cases even themselves. The most credible ones will usually have the least amount of contradictions and mistakes. But in order to find out which organizations and individuals are credible it will be necessary to confirm their work even for the good ones. The most credible ones shouldn’t see any problem with confirming their work since if they did as good a job as they claim it will stand up to scrutiny and this will only confirm their credibility. When it comes to confirming the credibility of any one source the first thing to do may be to look at the quality of their organization skills. This won’t guarantee that they are credible or not but if they did a good job organizing their information it will be much easier to either confirm or refute the information. Surprisingly some sources have provided reasonably good organizational skills and when checking them it becomes clear that they are misrepresenting their sources. In most cases that I have seen where this has happened there have often been other red flags indicating problems without even checking the sources though. Other sources have done much better which clearly appear more credible but if they have a few bad sources in there it will be necessary to find them. In some cases this may involve sorting through tough subjects where a misinformation may have been spread to confuse the issue. If someone does a good job citing his sources and organizing his information then any one who believes his conclusions are false should review the sources and the work. Any effort to discredit someone with good organizational skills that doesn’t also discredit the sources or the way they were presented should be considered suspect.


It has often been said that the burden of proof should belong with the claimant. This seems reasonable in most cases but there may be some cases where the claimant doesn’t have the organizational skills necessary to meet this criterion. If this is the case then the burden of proof should belong with those who have the research abilities and sincerely want to find out the truth whether they like it or not. In some cases if the claimant doesn’t do a good job presenting his work due to lack of skills and there is something to his claim perhaps he could benefit from the help of a sincere researcher with better academic skills. There may be some cases where there is an effort to confuse the issue to cover something up or to obtain preferential treatment for a certain group. I have never heard anyone says “The burden of proof belongs to those that disagree with me and they have no credibility.” However there have been many people or organizations that have given this impression with their actions. Sorting through conflicting stories won’t be quick or easy. The public shouldn’t be given the impression that a truth commission will magically bring out the truth; instead they should be encouraged to learn how to sort through at least some of the details so that they can confirm for themselves what is true.


Another advantage of starting out with an informal truth commission is that the conditions of a good official truth commission should have the approval of the public based on a reasonable accurate perception of the truth. Under the current circumstances a large percentage of the public has been influenced heavily by misleading propaganda from many different sources. In order for these people to agree on a rational and fair truth commission they may have to learn how to sort through some of this propaganda on their own and figure out what is true. When Patrick Leahy called for a truth commission he was rejected and even ridiculed. This may have been a blessing in disguise. The public should have access to the truth but if the current politicians are in control of the conditions of a truth commission they may set unreasonable terms. One problem could arise when the truth comes out and the public becomes more aware of how the politicians and corporations have been using sophisticated ways to commit fraud and rob the public. When this happens the public may want some reparations.


Reviewing similar incidents will help to anticipate potential problems that may affect any possible Truth and Education Commission. This should include past truth commissions and many incidents where there were plea bargains for criminals which are very similar to truth commissions in some ways. One of the most famous cases is of course the South African Truth and Reconciliation Committee; however there are many other incidents that some people may not immediately associate with a truth commission. One example is Gary Ridgeway who agreed to cooperate with an effort to find out the truth about his past activities killing dozens of girls most of which were unsolved murders. In this case he didn’t receive freedom; he just avoided the death penalty. This provided the authorities to find out what happened to many of these missing girls and it gave psychologists to study the background of Gary Ridgeway and develop a better idea of why he became a serial killer. In this incident the public was never put at any risk once Ridgeway was caught since there was never any consideration of letting him free again; however in the case of Sammy “the Bull” Gravano it was different. He also worked out a plea bargain where he was released after a surprisingly short jail term in return for informing on many other mobsters and helping take down a much more powerful bunch of killers. This was at best a very tough call. If they didn’t cut a deal with him they would have left dozens of killers on the streets but when they did they had to let him go. Either way they had to take a risk and at the time they didn’t know how it would turn out. Fortunately he probably didn’t kill any one else but he did wind up involved in crime again selling ecstasy and is currently serving a nineteen year sentence. It is unlikely that he will live long enough to be released; he certainly won’t be released long before he dies. These are the types of things that should be considered when deciding who should receive immunity from criminal prosecution.


In many cases some of these killers may be psychopaths that either can’t control the urge to kill like Ridgeway or they won’t hesitate to kill if the think it is in their best interest like Gravano. Determining whether these people are a danger to society should be done by consulting with the most qualified experts in the appropriate field. More often than not that field shouldn’t be the legal profession. Lawyers are often portrayed as experts on many subjects but what they do is study, and in some cases creates, confusing laws that often benefit the client they work for. The more appropriate experts would probably include psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologist etc. that have gone through peer review. These academics are much more interested in doing the research and finding out what is the truth. They are also much more inclined to cite other academics that support their work, refute those that disagree and show the work behind their arguments. Allowing the lawyers to screen academic sources is part of the reason why we need a truth commission now.


Another important thing to consider might be what is going on behind the scenes to shows like “Gangland” on the History Channel. They seem to be obtaining a lot of cooperation from a lot of inmates one way or another but they don’t do a good job explaining to the public what kind of incentives they are offering. The details of many of these inmates may be more important than those of Gary Ridgeway since they offer a much larger variety of people with various records including many extremely violent people, a lot of much less violent people and many people somewhere in between. This could be more important since it covers the grey areas where it is much harder to draw the line between who is a further threat to society and who isn’t. this shouldn’t be rushed into and careful consideration should be given to the input of many academic experts from the appropriate fields. Under the current circumstances there may be way to many nonviolent offenders in jail while some of the most violent ones go free.


In the academic world they may not think of psychopaths the same way the majority of the public or the mass media does. In the academic world a psychopath may be defined as someone who is incapable of feeling empathy and has little or no concern for the well being of others. This doesn’t always mean they appear like raving lunatics in fact most psychopaths don’t appear this way at all. If they don’t learn how to at least create the appearance of normality they won’t remain out of jail for long therefore they shouldn’t be able to present to much of a threat to society. The bigger problem is those that do create the appearance of normality and can function in society it least to some degree. When that happens it is important to understand how they became psychopaths in order to know how to deal with them. In most if not all cases there is a history of abuse that they went through which led to them being violent in the first place. Knowing how serious this is may help understand whether there is any chance for rehabilitation or not. In the past this has been presented to the public as an excuse which should excuse the crimes. This is the wrong way to look at it; instead they should look at it as a contributing cause to what made them violent. In may in some times be legitimate cause to avoid the death penalty especially if they cooperate with the authorities but this doesn’t change the fact that they may still be angry with society and they still may not be able to control the urge to kill. If this is the case then few people would argue they should be allowed back into society. Even if they were the victim first that doesn’t change the fact that they are dangerous. In the case of Gary Ridgeway it is clear that he went out and committed arbitrary murders and is still prone to do so. Gravano didn’t kill without reason like Ridgeway but he still had a temper and wouldn’t hesitate to kill if he thought it was in his best interest.


If you consider a psychopath some one who is incapable of empathy this definition may also apply to people who commit more complicated crimes or activities that should be considered crimes and then hide behind the complexity of the activities and their political connections to maintain plausible deniability. This could be what people who start wars that kill thousands including many innocents and people who run businesses that also inevitably lead to many miserable deaths. This isn’t the typical view of what constitutes a psychopath but these activities lead to much more death and suffering than the mass murders that are generally considered psychopaths. If we have a sincere truth and education commission it may be helpful to reanalyze the way we think of these things. The people involved in these activities may be less likely to actually kill people in a direct way where the see right before their eyes the damage they are doing. This enables them to make a more complex argument especially if they are involved with a much larger group of people all supporting a belief system that justifies the activities going on. However in many cases it becomes clear that they may eventually have to create distortions so obvious that they clearly must know there is something wrong. When they have to use political pressure to demonize or discredit people to justify their activities they clearly are crossing the line. If they don’t admit they are participating in activities that are leading to mass murder or negligence that creates the same results it must be either because they are not being honest with themselves or their denial is false. These people are much more likely to continue what they are doing if their political power continues to go unchecked. In some ways they may fit the definition of a bunch of psychopaths but they would be much less likely to participate in their crimes if they weren’t in an environment where they would benefit from it. The problem with these people may be that they are raised in a system that seems to teach the upper class that they are entitled to rule the less educated rabble. If we had a true democracy with truly a independent media they would be much less likely to believe that they should be above reproach.


Even if many people don’t believe that a legitimate business like tobacco should be considered murder it will be much harder to say the same thing about war crimes if the truth was actually presented to the public instead of propaganda. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence indicating the war in Iraq was based on lies and it was a violation of international treaties. This isn’t limited to the war on Iraq; similar problems have been exposed on most of the military activities that the US government has participated in the past. This shouldn’t be limited to war. The government and the Mass Media have clearly been doing an incompetent job presenting many other subjects to the public including the environment, the economy and many other subjects including some that are class related. A sincere truth commission needs to prepare the public for the fact that they have been misled on many occasions by some of the authorities they may have trusted the most.


Once the truth becomes clearer it will become more obvious that some people have obtained their wealth through corrupt means at the expense of the public and the public will certainly demand reparations. If this isn’t anticipated ahead of time then the people with access to the information the public needs may not have the proper incentive to cooperate unless there is already enough evidence to file suit against them and recoup the losses. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the current system of civil law will be the most effective way of handling the situation. Under the current circumstances when a law suit is filed an excessive portion often goes to lawyers on both sides. It would be helpful to consider a system that reforms this system and allows more reasonable reparations without arguing over technicalities or allowing the legal profession to take an excessive cut out of everything. When it comes to reparations it will be helpful to organize available information in a much better manner and presenting it to the public before setting any formal terms for the reparations if they are included in a truth commission. If formal terms are set up before the public is given a better education about the subject the terms may be essentially set by those with a better education which may mean those that have been manipulating the system in the past would have more influence on these terms. This would essentially be like allowing the perpetrators control the so called justice system which in many cases has already happened.


A large amount of what a truth commission uncovers may involve the activities of covert organizations like the CIA, the NSA and other espionage organizations. This may involve their activities or alleged activities overthrowing governments including many that had much more popular support than the ones they installed, collusion with drug runners, influence over the media and the use of propaganda both abroad and at home and perhaps many other activities. Bizarre CIA conspiracy theories have often been ridiculed and portrayed as absurd but it is important to consider the definition of what a conspiracy is when analyzing this perception. A conspiracy is when two or more people conduct secret communication and/or activities that influence the public. That is essentially what the CIA was created to do; it’s part of their job description. They were created to provide covert activities to protect us from a potential invasion from the USSR. The assumption at the time was that we were at risk of another world war and we needed to protect ourselves against the covert activities of the USSR by doing the same thing. The covert mentality didn’t start with the cold war of course; it was a result of a constant threat from one source after another in one war after another that could be traced back thousands of years if you looked back in history. This doesn’t mean one unbroken conspiracy as some people seem to believe but it means that when one government collapse4s the next has often adopted many of the same tactics to control their people even though ultimately they failed in the past. What this may essentially mean is that most espionage activities have their routes in prejudicial beliefs. Alfred McCoy has done a good job, in what he calls the rise of a “Surveillance State” in “Policing America's Empire”, reviewing the activities that led to the creation of the CIA. He describes how the US government learned covert activities during their occupation of the Philippines and how they later used it in the USA and many other places around the world. This isn’t the first time that a government went through this learning process; The Catholic Church and the governments they supported went through this learning process when they were in power and they learned some of this from the Roman Empire that elevated them to power and the ancient Egyptians also learned some of these tactics. The text found at Deir El Medina on many scrolls and ostraca (pottery shards used to keep record) indicates that they used tactics similar to those described in Orwell’s book 1984.


In some ways the espionage tactics that the USA learned in the Philippines began even earlier. During the Nineteenth century there was a lot of propaganda being put out by the upper classes intended to make the working classes more productive without sharing more of the benefits than necessary. They were essentially trying to create a virtual slave state even while they were doing away with official slavery. Detective agencies like the Pinkerton’s learned how to infiltrate unions and they worked with the government that often used the police or the National Guard to break up strikes. If you look back when the constitution was first written you’ll find even more indication that the rich had an excessive influence over the government. They indicated that they didn’t believe the uneducated lower classes shouldn’t have much if any influence over the government because they didn’t know how to handle it. There was some truth to it but they could have addressed this problem by trying to provide a better education system for the lower classes so that they would know how to participate in government. Instead they made efforts to shut out the poor, minorities and woman who took decades to partially over come these obstacles. When a better education system was set up for the poor it was because of the industrial revolution and the rich found that uneducated people couldn’t deal with the new machines. At the beginning of the twentieth century they added history to the education system but it was added as part of a glorification process to encourage the support of “American Exceptionalism” which was used to encourage the public to support war efforts when necessary. This form of education was always unduly influenced by the rich and in some cases, like the Scopes trial, religious organizations.


This education system helped enable the mob mentality when the American Protection League went on witch hunts and again when Joe McCarthy went on an anti-communist crusade. The CIA came to power when McCarthyism was on the rise and some people believe the CIA was moderate by comparison. This wasn’t followed up by much if any effort to review the real problem with communism. Communism is based on the word commune which is a group of people that live and work together as a community. The version of Communism that many people subscribed to was supposed to stand up for the rights of the working class. It is hard to see what could be wrong with Communism when you look at it like that but that isn’t what Stalin did when he obtained power nor is this the version of Communism, that was presented to the American public. When Stalin, and perhaps Lenin as well, distorted Communism it served the purpose of the supporters of Capitalism to allow this to go uncorrected since they could demonize Stalin. This essentially means that one of the core beliefs that led to the creation of the CIA was flawed from the beginning. Instead of fighting against Communism we should have been fighting against totalitarianism all along. This false belief was drilled into the heads of most members of the public who didn’t know how to sort out the details on their own and those who tried were often demonized creating a cult support for the Capitalist ideology. If the conflict was phrased in the right way it would have been much more difficult to justify the support of puppet governments of the USA that suppressed democracy like the Shah of Iran, Ngo Dinh Diem of Viet Nam and many others. A review of the information about the CIA from credible source available already will clearly indicate that the CIA has often overthrown popular governments and supported existing tyrants or revolutions some of which later turned against us in countries around the word including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Algeria, South Africa, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama and many more. Rather than protect national security the CIA has meddled in many governments around the world and suppressed the people of those governments virtually guaranteeing that we would always have an enemy to fight. Instead of protecting our national security the CIA may have become one of the greatest threats to national security by inciting hatred around the world.



The CIA has also been allegedly involved in activities with many of the greatest drug runners around the world at a time when we are supposed to be in a “War against drugs”. Some of these allegations come from very credible sources and they have been documented in numerous US courts and at Senate or House hearings about the subject. The CIA has at time acknowledged that they have dealt with some of these drug dealers and justified it as necessary in the “War against Communism” which as I indicated earlier is a flawed concept. Some of the most detailed and credible reviews of complicity with drug dealers may have been done by Alfred McCoy in "The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade" and Gary Webb In “Dark Alliance”. The work done by Gary Webb turned out to be much more controversial since it described how they occurred in the USA with at least some alleged knowledge and protection from the CIA. Both these books were very well organized and sourced. They both included a lot of testimony from credible sources in Senate hearings, news papers and many other sources that often confirmed each other. When dealing with a subject like this is it also inevitable that they will come across some testimony that isn’t as credible as others since they are often dealing with the criminal element; however if they don’t put undue weight on theses sources and attempt to back it up with confirmation then it should be acceptable. The reader can decide whether they want to trust the word of a drug dealer. Gary Webb went one step further and provided his sources and additional information available on line. This would enable the public to review his work and his sources and come to their own conclusions; this also sets a precedent for many other credible journalists who may want to use the same methods. By showing the work it should add significantly to the credibility of the investigator since he didn’t ask the public to rely solely on the credibility of the author. What happened in the case of Gary Web seems to be quite different. Many other mainstream news outlets, often using some “journalists” with a history of supporting the CIA, put out numerous reports discrediting Gary Webb and his work. His own newspaper withdrew their support for one reason ort another presumably after pressure was put on them and they acknowledged “mistakes” in the report which was interpreted as a retraction even though Gary Webb didn’t agree. The report no longer appears on the San Jose Mercury News website nor does there appear to be any acknowledgement of the fact that they did the story; however fortunately once you put some thing on the web like this and it is viewed by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people someone is bound to save it. It is still available online what the mainstream Media and the CIA seems to have done in this case is shut the barn door after the first horse got out of the barn the time to open the barn door and let the rest of the horses out is overdue. As far as I can see they didn’t do much if anything to review the sources and in some cases they supposedly admitted that they were accurate. This isn’t what I would consider the correct way to discredit an inaccurate news story; unfortunately many people that are accustomed to believing what they’re told from what they consider authority figures and mainstream media may not know how to recognize misleading tactics. Webb’s reports are much more important than many people may realize since it indicates that while the Reagan administration was cutting funds to the poor including schools that could have provided a better education to the black people affected by the Crack Cocaine explosion they may also have been dealing with the drug dealers that were supplying this epidemic to support the Nicaraguan Contra’s. a closer look at the activities of the Contra’s makes it even worse. The “Contra’s” is short for counter revolutionaries. They are essentially the remains of the Somoza regime which was a brutal dictatorship supported by the USA. The first revolutionaries had much more popular support in their country since they were opposed to the brutal dictatorship but they attempted to redistribute wealth in a communist government which the USA disagreed with. The continued suppression of the poor in Nicaragua may have led to allowing drugs into the USA to ravage the poor in the USA as well. If the details of this are confirmed and exposed they could indicate a degree of class warfare conducted by the rich against the poor.



There is much more evidence of class inequities than the CIA, Contra and Cocaine link. Some of the most important information about this isn’t kept secret but it isn’t presented to the public ion a rational manner either. Part of the problem is that the education system is controlled and financed at the local level. This might not be as big a problem if we had a fair distribution of wealth that included giving people fair compensation for the wages but that isn’t the way it is. The upper classes have always had most if not all control over the most powerful economic institutions and they use this control to ensure that they always get the lion’s share of the benefits of the economy even though the poor and the middle classes do the lion’s share of the work. They even add insult to injury by using their control of the media to make it seem like the lower classes and the unions are responsible for “class warfare”. Economic ideologies have been controlled primarily by the rich and they have used this to develop a cult support among some segments of society and turn them against those that don’t conform to the capitalist ideology. A sincere truth and education commission needs to recognize the difference between education where people can figure out what is true and indoctrination where the truth is dictated to people.   


In order for a sincere truth and education system to be successful they will have to learn how to deal with cult activity. Many people have been raised to believe what they are told by their leaders but they are often only supposed to trust the appropriate leaders. This means they aren’t accustomed to sorting through details themselves and finding out what is true. If the appropriate leader tells them what to believe they are supposed to accept it without question even when it makes no sense. This has become clear in many fringe cults like those that followed Jim Jones and Charles Manson. They often submitted to coercive tactics of their cult and followed orders without resistance until it was too late. Those that objected at the last minute were intimidated or killed by these cults. This type of activity isn’t limited to “fringe cults”: it is also found in what many people consider mainstream religions. A review of the activities during the height of the inquisition will confirm this. People who dared challenge the authority of the church were intimidated harassed and if necessary tortured and killed. If you go back farther in history there is evidence of similar tactics used to develop many of the beliefs that are now considered sacred. The bible is based on the texts of holy books or scrolls that weren’t burnt in the first two centuries of the modern era. When Constantine converted to Christianity the most powerful bishops debated the “truth” and intimidation harassment and if necessary torture and murder were used to decide which text would be holy divine truth. More modern religions have done a partial job reforming but when they encounter emotional opposition from some of the strongest believers they often compromise without addressing many of the most important issues. Many moderates find it much easier to go along with the extremists in the short term than to confront them one time after another. This often results in small changes which are often not remembered. This means that many religious people are unaware of how much their divine beliefs are constantly changing. Philip Greven Alice Miller and some other academics have reviewed some of the recommended child rearing methods for many religions including Fundamentalist Protestants. First of all it is important to keep in mind that the true meaning of a fundamentalist should be based on the word fundamental which means basics. A good fundamentalist will check the basics and get them right before going on to more complicated things; unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be what the people that call themselves fundamentalists do. While reviewing some of the child rearing advice given by “fundamentalists Miller and Greven found that they often recommend people start using harsh disciplinary action before a child even learns how to talk. In some cases they even admit that they do this because they know that the child won’t remember this and they are using force and coercion to teach the child that the parent is boss. To put it bluntly they beat the ”truth” into the children without any scrutiny. This essentially means that many children are taught to believe what they are told no matter how senseless it is and they continue to do this when they become adults. This is much more common than most people would want to believe and it is easy to keep on denying it since the worst of this type of activity now tends to be done behind closed doors. People didn’t always feel the need to do this behind closed doors if you look through the right history books you might find examples where this type of child rearing was taken for granted and if you look at the behavior of many people in the developing world you may find that it is still common. Religious beliefs have also made their way into secular thinking as well. Many of the beliefs that were developed by secular institutions were developed before they sorted through all the details of religious beliefs. Many non religious stories and beliefs have their roots in the bible even though they haven’t been traced to that source. Two of the most common example include Anti-Semitism and homophobia. These superstitions both have religious roots but many people who are no longer religious still maintain these beliefs. A sincere truth and education system shouldn’t use coercion to force people to adopt beliefs that aren’t accurate. Finding out the truth and teaching it to the public won’t be quick or easy.


Cult activity may create some obstacles before even beginning a formal truth commission since ideally this should be done with input and agreement from the public. To understand how cult ideology might influence the conditions of a truth commission it might be helpful to consider an overly exaggerated hypothesis, Imagine if five percent of the people were somewhat rational and could sort through details to some degree reasonable well. Another five percent of the people belonged to what were considered fringe cults like the Manson or Jones cults. The other ninety percent of the people belonged to either mainstream religion A or B. Perhaps 50% belonged to religion A and 40% belonged to religion B. Imagine they both had apocalypse myths where they would fight the other and the right religion would win and vanquish the wrong religion. In most cases they wouldn’t pay much attention to these myths if things were bearable but during a crisis they might start to take them more seriously and eventually after they listened to enough demagogues they began WW 3 which could involve nuclear weapons. If these people were allowed to dominate the conditions of a truth commission it could devolve into a fight that could lead to scorched earth tactics that could destroy life as we know it. To put it bluntly if it isn’t handled right instead of getting a truth commission that avoids “eating its own children” we could have a self fulfilling prophecy that destroys the world and if the premise of the myths aren’t true then there will be nothing left. In order to avoid this many people may have to review their beliefs before we can have a rational formal truth commission but this shouldn’t stop education effort from continuing or escalating. Some problems like environmental destruction and the constant threat of war based on propaganda should be addressed sooner rather than later or it could lead to a slippery slope of destruction.


There are also some examples of activities that are still being covered up by various religious institution including the current controversy surrounding Catholic priest that have been abusing children. This has been happening at an epidemic level yet the Catholic Church continues to decline to review many of the activities that lead up to this issue and the attempts to cover it up. There has been plenty of research into the causes of abuse by other non religious pedophiles and they have found that most if not all of these pedophiles have been abused themselves before they became abusers. This principle hasn’t been explored nearly as much when it comes to the Catholic priest scandal. In the case of the priests they have been raised in a religious manner and the later part of their education is generally handled by the Church in Seminole School. I have seen very few reviews of how the Catholic Church educates their priests; but there are a few exceptions which may help understand how this might contribute to the problem. One review has been provided by Bernard Ruffin who wrote a biography of Padre Pio. Padre Pio was given the name Francesco Forgione at  birth and he took the name Pio when he was ordained into the priesthood. He was famous for the Stigmata and other mystical claims but the more important thing in this case may be the traditional way he was raised. He didn’t remember being disciplined in a harsh manner by his parents but his father remembers at least one incident where he lost his temper when Francesco was crying at night and he shook him and dropped him on the floor. This led to an emotional reaction from his mother. He later went to school to train to become a priest, since he needed a high school education and this wasn’t available to most people in southern Italy at that time he went to a religious school. This school taught children by using strict disciplinarian methods and dictating the truth to them. When they made mistakes or misbehaved this was dealt with by using corporal punishment. They were often hit on the palm of their hand with a ruler or subject to more severe punishment perhaps with paddling. When he went to Seminole School this type of discipline escalated. He underwent some of the strictest disciplinary methods that the Catholic Church ever implemented. He was taught to obey all orders without question and to show his obedience he would undergo what they called “the discipline” which meant they would flagellate themselves. This was far more severe than what most priests went through. The majority of the discussion about padre Pio is about the alleged mystical aspects of him; however the way he was raised may be more important especially since it isn’t in dispute. This shows how the Catholic Church taught people to accept authority without question and even though Pio’s Seminole School didn’t have any reports of sexual abuse it did have examples of physical abuse that encouraged people to obey authority. Later in life their were reports of other priests that were involved in sexual abuse and when someone thre4atened to report them Pio’s response was to just deny it but when he was told that it was true he tried to convince the person threatening to reveal it to keep it quite to protect the reputation of the Church. This indicates that people from Seminole School may have been taught to cover things up rather than expose it and fix it; further more these stories were from the fifties and it was at least a couple more decades before they started being exposed on a large scale.


Another example of a story where someone went through Seminole School was when James Carroll became a priest. He told his story in “Constantine’s Sword”. This wasn’t nearly as severe as the discipline padre Pio went through nor is it likely that most priests went through what Padre Pio went through but it is a start in understanding how the Catholic Church educates their priests. He also told about how the Catholic Church dictates the truth and he told about one incident where he was called before his superior about a book that he was about to read. The superior indicated that it was on the non approved list from the Catholic Church and ordered him to hand it over which he did. This indicates that the Catholic Church was still relying heavily on censorship to teach their version of the truth. These don’t directly relate to the problem with Pedophilia and it would be more important to look at the background of those that actually became pedophiles; however it will shed some light on how they come to absolute conclusions about the truth and this is important whether you are trying to expose the background for this scandal or any other one. There is a strong possibility that they may have endured some kind of abuse as children and perhaps this escalated in Seminary School. In order to disclose this it would help if the Catholic Church would provide more cooperation but they continue to cover things up and deny that this could possibly have any thing to do with the scandal. In order to find the root cause of the abuse, and prevent this from continuing, the activities leading up to the abuse need to be exposed with or without the cooperation of the church. If other Catholic Priest that have left the Church come forward with more explanations about how they educate their priests this would help. There should be serious doubt about the moral authority of any institution that continues to cover up scandals like this.


Another thing that many religious people of all religions may want to consider is why, if the God they worship is benevolent, he remains silent while many atrocities are committed by the religious institutions that are delivering his messages. If God really is benevolent there has to be a good answer to this question and many others that will stand up to scrutiny. Religious people may have to decide whether or not they can find out the truth with or without the help of God or people who claim to speak in his name.



Some of the most consistent calls for disclosure come from a group of people that are generally considered fringe; these are people that want the truth about UFOs. They have made many calls for disclosure about what the US government knows about this phenomenon and they are not all believers in extraterrestrials as some people have been led to believe. A close look at the subject seems to indicate that either there is something to this phenomenon or there is a massive effort to make it appear as if there is something to this. If the UFOs are real this doesn’t necessarily mean they are extraterrestrial although that is one of the possibilities that should be considered. A close look at the way this is being handled seems to indicate that the high profile people on both sides of the issue seem to make an enormous amount of obvious mistakes. People on both sides of the issue are routinely passing up the opportunity to encourage the public to take a closer look at the basic principles of science before trying to figure out the answers about UFOs. Would any one consider it a good idea to teach calculus to first grade children before they learn addition and subtraction? Of course not; yet this is essentially what people on both sides of the issue are attempting to do when it comes to UFOs. Even if they are extraterrestrial they must have gone through a much more advanced learning process when it comes to science and in order to understand them it will help to review that. If they aren’t extraterrestrials then it would still be a good idea to learn more about science and this will provide the evidence to refute this belief. Either way more education about science is called for. The quality of the education about science has been made clear by some of the stories that the Mass Media has presented to the public including many claims that they have recently found water on Mars and the Moon which is false. In order for there to be water on either Mars or the Moon they have to have an atmosphere thick enough to support it which they don’t. What they have found is Ice not water and at least in the case of Mars this isn’t news; they have known there was ice on Mars for a long time. This should indicate that the public isn’t well enough educated about science and that the Mass Media is doing more to distort this lack of education than to correct it.


Part of what a truth commission does will be to disclose what has often been ridiculed as fringe conspiracy theories. Some of these conspiracy theories really are ridiculous of course but that doesn’t mean that we should automatically assume that all conspiracies are absurd. In fact the official explanation for 9/11 is that it was a conspiracy hatched by Muslim extremists. It should be kept in mind that the definition of a conspiracy is “activities or communications between two or more people that are held in secret and that affect the public.” When the government makes laws behind closed doors and the public doesn’t find out about it until they have to pay the price for it this fits the definition of a conspiracy. In order to put an end to major conspiracies the government and the most powerful institutions have to stop conducting a large portion of their activities that affect the public behind closed doors. In order to figure out whether or not a conspiracy theory should be considered fringe or not it should be necessary to uncover it instead of just ridiculing it.


Robert McChesney and John Nichols did a review of the War on Iraq and the 2004 election that may shed some light on how we elect our presidents and start wars with the help of the Mass media in their book “Tragedy and Farce”. This type of review may be helpful in a truth commission to understand whether or not we are electing our politicians in a rational way or not however I suspect that it might be more helpful to review the 2000 election. In the aftermath of 9/11 many people may have forgotten most of what happened during that election already. When reminded they might remember the Florida recount scandal most but that wasn’t even half the problem with that election. The 2000 election was carried out in an absurd manner right from the beginning. If this is what passes for a democratic election in the USA then the state of democracy is in serous trouble. An election is supposed to be the way the public chooses their leaders in a democratic way and these leaders are supposed to stand up for the best interest of the public but the public receives very little if any knowledge about the most important issues during any given election cycle and the 2000 election may be one of the most absurd elections in history. For starters on any given election the Mass Media starts telling the public who the viable candidates are months if not years ahead of time. The members of the public make little or no effort to change this and help decide for themselves who should run. If someone wants to be president and the Mass Media doesn’t give them any coverage they haven’t got a chance to get the attention of the public and win which essentially means that the Mass Media has veto power over who can run for president. Reviewing the way the Mass Media covers election should help us understand what is wrong with our democracy and fix it.


The 2000 election was a long series of absurd activities passing for a campaign to elect one candidate or another. These activities include a lot of coverage of polls that seemed to tell the public that the nominees would inevitably be Bush and Gore even before the primaries happened. They were portrayed as the front runners from the begging. When John McCain won New Hampshire by going on a bus tour and carrying out a series of discussions directly with the public this was considered a great upset. The Bush campaign went on to other states with a massive advertising campaign to discredit John McCain by using attack ads that had little if any credibility but the Mass Media didn’t do nearly enough to point out how much distortion they were using so a large percentage of the public made up their minds on who to vote for based on an absurd set of lies. This was how the Bush money machine with their campaign rangers who raised one to three hundred thousand dollars each ran a campaign to obtain votes. The election was based not on any effort to educate the public but a massive effort to carpet bomb the public with propaganda in the form of campaign commercials. Since the Mass media was making a fortune off of these ads they had little incentive to hold the campaigns accountable. This included an ad which used subliminal messages to call Al Gore a rat. This was followed up by a lot of media coverage. The 2000 campaign was a long series of events that had little or nothing to do with educating the public about the issues and where each candidate stood on them including the following. There was a debate where they allowed ordinary citizens to ask the candidates questions but they had to submit their questions in writing and get them approved first. This essentially meant that the control of the election system wasn’t really in the hands of the public; if a member of the public had the opportunity to ask an important question and the Media didn’t want to report on it they wouldn’t and only those present to hear the answer would know about it. There was an incident where both Al Gore and George Bush were asked what they would do if a convicted murder who received the death penalty was pregnant at the time. In stead of thinking about the question and pointing out the flaws in it both candidates provided an answer they thought would be in line with their position of abortion. Bush replied that he would have allowed the mother to have the baby before executing her; and Gore said he would allow her to choose whether or not to have her baby before executing her. The fact that the two leading candidates couldn’t put more thought into the question than that should raise some serious questions. At one of the debates Al Gore marched up to Bush in an intimidating way before answering a question. In an interview after woods Bush said he thought “he was going to hit me”. There were many reports about how Condoleezza Rice was tutoring Bush because he knew little if anything about world affairs. There were a couple of incidents where the media gave Bush a “pop quiz” implying correctly that he knew little about much of anything. The toughest questions he received during the campaign before a national audience probably didn’t come from a reporter but they came from David Letterman. Bush showed up expecting this to be fun and games and he seemed surprised when he encountered tougher questions from a comedian than he ever encountered from any one else. The was a lot of focus on the death penalty and the fact that Bush was governor of a state that was fast tracking the death penalty minimizing opportunity for appeals. This included one example where a person who was almost certainly innocent of the crime he was sentenced for was executed. This was Gary Graham who was tried and convicted of two major crimes one of which he was sentenced to life the other to death. There was no doubt that he committed the crime he was sentenced to life for; he even confessed to it. This involved an incident during a robbery spree when he shot some one and seriously maimed him for life but since this person didn’t die it wasn’t a death penalty case. The crime he executed for was another story where he was put in a line up and there were some doubts raised about the validity of the identification before it was done. There were two other witnesses who said it wasn’t Gary Graham but they weren’t interviewed by Graham’s lawyer and Bush refused to consider this when deciding not to pardon him. Many people may think that he did another crime which was bad enough and that person could have died so he deserved it any way but this still means that they are making their decisions on false facts and the real killer got away with it. There was also a scandal about one of his faith based institutions that he supported that was implicated in abusing children. These people were not held accountable since they were a faith based institution the belief was they should be held to the same standards as a secular institution. There is a lot of evidence to indicate that this type of abuse leads to more violence later in the life of these children which means they will probably contribute to crime later in their life. There were plenty of stories about Bush’s business dealings most of which wound up losing money yet he wound up making a profit any way due to help from campaign contributors of his father who later became his campaign contributors. There was reporting on the way Bush avoided going to Nam by joining the national guard then didn’t report to duty on many occasions. He wasn’t held accountable presumably due to connections through his father. At the last minute there was a story about a DWI that Bush was charged with. The only thing missing was the sincere questions about serious issues that people need to make rational decisions. This is just a small sample of the things that happened during that election before the Florida controversy. A close look at the Florida controversy may indicate that in addition to the fact that the people didn’t have the information they needed to make a rational decision the decision the did make may not have been honored. Thousands of people seemed to have voted for Pat Buchanan in a county that was strongly against him due to a confusing ballot that put his name close to Gore’s. there were many other irregularities that may not have been corrected partly due to the activities of Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the members of the Supreme Court that were appointed by republican presidents including George H W Bush. Four years later after Bush won a second term the Daily Mirror asked “How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?” This question could just as easily be asked about the 2000 election for the people that voted for both Bush and Gore since there were almost as many problems with Gore’s record.


The assumption that we should choose between two candidates who behave in such and absurd manner is insane. Their were other candidates that were on the ballot in a large part of the country that included Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader who were presented to the public by the Mass Media as fringe candidates who didn’t have a chance; however they weren’t the only other candidates at that time. John Hagelin, Howard Phillips and Harry Browne were also on the ballot in a large enough part of the country to win. None of these candidates had a chance due to the fact that the Mass Media indoctrinated the public into believing they would be a wasted vote therefore they had to vote for the most corrupt Democrat, Al Gore, or the most corrupt Republican, George Bush. Considering a ballot with proportionate representation would help solve this problem since the voter would know that even if their first choice didn’t win their second choice candidate would apply. This wouldn’t mean they have two votes since the second choice doesn’t apply unless the first choice is rejected. This would enable the public to influence the choice of candidates when the two leading parties get too corrupt they could vote for an alternative party. Another way to improve the system could involve setting up an interview process which was controlled by members of the public. They could create a job application similar to what vote smart does and control a interview process where candidates would be invited to show up and answer questions from the public. If they decline to fill out the application or show up for the interviews they wouldn’t be eligible to be on the ballot. This would be more like a job interview than a campaign which perhaps is what we should have been doing all along. No employer would ever allow the applicant to control the hiring process yet that is exactly what we’ve been doing all along.


After the 2000 election the absurdity continued and even escalated in some ways even before 9/11 although most people may have forgotten. There were several foreign policy incidents which were handled badly including incidents with Russia and China and the cutting off of relations with Korea for no clear reason except for the fact that a new president was in office. In order to understand the break off in relation with Korea it would help to remember what happened in 1999/2000 with Korea. There were negotiations with Korea to develop better relations with the help of former president Jimmy Carter. They managed to come to a tentative agreement that would improve the relationship and allow weapons inspectors to confirm compliance with non nuclear proliferation agreements among other things. Another related incident which received very little attention at the time was the fact that the primary reason used by the USA not to confirm the international ban on land mines was that they needed this option to maintain security in Korea. Regardless of whether or not this is a legitimate excuse it would have been a matter of time before they no longer could claim this as a justification for declining to approve this treaty. This would mean that thousands of innocent children, who are among those most likely to be injured by landmines, would still be at risk of death and severe children due to the activities of the USA government. George Bush’s foreign policy never improved however after 9/11 the way he was perceived changed dramatically. This wasn’t because he became any more experienced or did a better job; instead it was because the emotional responses from the public sky rocketed and the rational thinking plummeted due to the attack and the massive amount of propaganda that was fed to the public.


Few sincere and rational people who are paying attention could possibly believe that the government and the media are truly trying to look out for the best interest of the public in a democratic manner. It should seem pretty obvious that the most powerful institutions are trying to manipulate the public and for the most part they are succeeding. Another way to look at it may be if they were trying to manipulate the public in the most effective way possible and maintain their power would this be the best way to do it? If this is the case wouldn’t they be better off being less obvious? Are the political insiders so stupid that they can’t come up with better candidates than Bush, Gore or any of the other politicians that seem to make an enormous amount of incredibly foolish mistakes? There seems to be enough evidence to indicate that some of the political insiders are much smarter than that yet the way the media and campaigns are run is looking more and more like a satire than a real attempt to run a democracy. This isn’t limited to any one election cycle; they all seem to be full of absurdities. The Media coverage about just about everything is also so absurd that it is hard for any reasonable person to avoid seeing something is wrong. Either the most powerful people in our society are grossly incompetent or they have some kind of a hidden agenda that doesn’t seem to make any sense at all. Do they truly believe that any but the most naïve would ever believe that Fox is “fair and balanced”. What kind of person can’t see that Glen Beck is an absurd demagogue? Do they believe the public won’t notice they’re replacing news reporting with newscaster who make up for it by flirting more and using more and more hype? This is just as bad as what George Orwell described in 1984 but it is real and some of the members of the public really do have a good enough education to realize what is going on. The education system couldn’t collapse so fast unless there was a purge of some kind and the people manipulating the public should realize this. Why would they be so obvious? Regardless of why the public has noticed something is wrong and many of them are speaking out. The ones receiving the most attention from the Mass Media are the Tea Party members. These seem to be among the most conservatives and there is some doubt about whether or not it is entirely a grass roots movement or not. When you see people like Dick Army, Glen Beck and Sarah Palin emerge as leaders of this group it should raise some questions about whether or not these people are following the lead of a bunch of demagogues. The people leading the extreme right wing have become so obvious that it is much easier for many people with a modest education to figure out something is wrong on their own. Unfortunately there also seem to be a lot of people that are raised to believe what their told from the right leaders which happen to be the right wing demagogues. What this is doing may involve driving some people to the extreme right wing and making it so obvious that many other people will abandon the right wing. This could create more conflict between the two groups which could enable the political leaders to implement more divide and rule tactics.


The problem with this is that we are in a situation where there are a growing number of problems in the world that are escalating beyond control. The environment is being destroyed. There is a constant state of war or what is being portrayed as war. Even if the “War on Terror” isn’t a traditional war it could be and is being used to incite violence that could escalate out of control. The class differences and environmental damage could combine to create conflicts that steadily escalate until society as we know it could be threatened one way or another. Do the leaders of our country see this? Are they so foolish that they would allow this to happen? If everything breaks down they will be the leaders of nothing or they will wind up being overthrown. If they’re capable of thinking rationally they should realize they are taking society on a self destructive path. The most powerful institutions have access to many of the best academic researchers in the world and they could and should be able to use the information they could receive from them to make much more rational decisions. Surely some of them know that there is something seriously wrong and they would cooperate with a truth and education commission. Unfortunately for one reason or another the Mass media is doing little if anything to get these rational messages to the public so they could make intelligent decisions. Those that are making the decisions should know that they aren’t even doing what is in their own best interest unless they have extremely closed minds which many of them may but it is hard to believe that they all do. This seems to create a scenario which may be more insane and foolish than many of the theories presented as fringe theories. Under these circumstances it would seem like a good idea to consider other possible explanations perhaps including some of these so called fringe theories. That doesn’t mean we should jump to conclusions though. Most of these fringe theories really do have simple flaws that are easy enough to understand to rule them out in their entirety.


If the neither the traditional explanation nor the fringe theories seem to make sense it may help to review everything starting with the basics of any given subject and to develop one or more theories that do make sense. If there are more than two or more theories that may be true, or even if they can be ruled out but many people still believe them, it may help to develop solutions that work for all theories if possible. For example regardless of which theory is true it would be a good idea to figure out how to protect the environment in the most effective way possible; how to avoid wars in the most effective way possible; and how to set up an economic system that is fair to everyone without using indoctrination tactics to manipulate the uneducated. These things could be done with the help of a truth and education commission. Exactly how this should be run is harder to know for sure which is why it should be considered carefully before setting the conditions for any immunity and any reparations. This could be done by considering different proposals including some that may not initially be complete.  


One thing that might be worth considering is the possibility that information is already being released on a controlled basis. In fact there should be no doubt that there is some of this going on already. On one extreme if people leak information when it helps them und use coercion to prevent other information from being released this is an example of controlled disclosure and plenty of stories about this have already been exposed. It may also be worth considering that some people in powerful positions know that we are on an unsustainable path and they are releasing a lot more information in preparation for more extensive disclosure that could take place in the form of a truth commission of some kind. On the other extreme there is the conspiracy theory presented that claims there is a group called the “illuminati” that is allegedly controlling just about everything. This theory has been presented by many people including Jim Marrs who is one of the highest profile conspiracy theorist that seems to believe this. In the promotion for his book “Rule by Secrecy” he claims the Illuminati can be traced back to ancient Egypt. If you look in the book however the only thing he seems to provide to back this up seems to be unconfirmed rumors. Jim Marrs has a track record of including as many mistakes, including some that he should have caught, as he does accurate pieces of information. Whenever there is a source like this everything should be subject to confirmation. It is more likely that many of the manipulation tactics were passed on from one civilization to another often with some changes along the way. In many cases the records have been lost but it would be difficult to imagine one non broken conspiracy that goes that far without being exposed. Many smaller conspiracies have been exposed but in most cases there doesn’t appear to be a connection to each other. I’m not aware of any conclusive evidence of any of this but it is worth considering the possibility that there could be something to it or something in between the extremes. If so then once a truth commission gets going then there might be a lot of allies that join in. If it isn’t so then their may still be a lot of people that realize that something is wrong and they join in anyway.


This is just one of many seemingly bizarre theories that many people want to consider; another one is the Apocalypse theory that many people have been led to believe. This theory is very complex and hard to understand especially since there are so many variations to it but it is worth considering because many people are already predisposed to believe it even if it doesn’t make sense. The current events and the bizarre way they’re being presented by the Mass Media may be partially responsible for more people thinking we are approaching what they call “the end of days”. Most of these Apocalypse theories involve a major battle where good fight evil. As indicated before this could only lead to more destruction not salvation. In this case it would be worth considering it to debunk it and prevent it before demagogue turn this into a self fulfilling prophecy.


One example that might be worth considering is the hypothesis presented by Philip Zimbardo in “The Lucifer Effect” (2007). Philip Zimbardo indicates that he believes people father up the chain of command should be held responsible for the abuses and torture in Iraq and other locations around the world. He presents himself as an authority primarily because of an experiment he conducted in 1971 known as the Stanford Prison Experiment and a review of other similar research projects. He attempt to argue that the situation was the primary cause for the abuses at Abu Ghraib. There should be no doubt that many of his claims have some legitimacy however a closer look may indicate there may also be some flaws in his work or even a conflict of interest. This doesn’t mean his work should be dismissed especially since some of it may be relevant and it may be better in some ways than most other sources; however it should be held to a thorough review by other people in the appropriate academic fields and he shouldn’t be the lead source of review for this as I will indicate.


There are several ways to confirm or refute Philip Zimbardo’s work including some criticism from Phillip Greven and Alfred McCoy; a review of his career in chronological order which isn’t necessarily the way he presented it; and a review of the way other prison researchers conduct their work to see if it supports his work. The biggest problem may be that he seems to claim the Stanford Prison Experiment was primarily to study prison psychology but if that were true this may not be the right way to go about it.


The criticism from Phillip Greven and Alfred McCoy was actually directed at the work of Stanley Milgram but it could just as easily be applied to the work of Philip Zimbardo. Philip Greven criticized Milgram for declining to look into the background of his research subjects to see how they were raised. He claimed that he might have done a much better job if he had read Alice Millers book “For Your Own Good”; however this wasn’t a very good example in Milgram’s case since Milgram went to press first. It might have been better if he sited Benjamin Spock or other work that went to press earlier; however in Philip Zimbardo’s case he didn’t go to press until 2007 so even though he wouldn’t have known about it when he did his experiment he could have and perhaps should have known about it and many other good books similar to it when he wrote his The Lucifer Effect. Greven, Miller and many other psychologists that studied the upbringing of children have found that violent behavior and disciplinarian teaching encourages violent behavior later in life and it encourages people to be more likely to follow orders blindly which should be applicable to the work that Philip Zimbardo did. The early upbringing of a child is just the beginning. Child abuse often leads to bullying in school which could be followed by hazing. Hazing is a manipulation tactic that involves using coercion to encourage conformity this is similar to what they do in boot camp and in religious organizations. There were similarities present during the Stanford Prison Experiment. The situation that Philip Zimbardo claims to be an important factor is of course part of it but the earlier upbringing may be just as important if not more important. If he reviewed the upbringing of his subjects he could have found out if the ones that were more violent came from a more violent background with more abuse from their parents and perhaps bullying or hazing later. In the beginning of The Lucifer Effect he indicated some knowledge of this when he said that someone he grew up with became violent partly because of the way he was abused by his father; however he provides little more review into this subject throughout the rest of The Lucifer Effect. There may be few hints but unless the reader is looking for it he won’t find these.


Alfred McCoy indicated he thought Milgram may have been working for the CIA. McCoy didn’t directly indicate he thought Philip Zimbardo was working for the CIA but he did claim there were similarities with the Stanford Prison Experiment. McCoy has been researching the CIA for over thirty years. In the case of Milgram he claimed that he came to this conclusion for several reasons including the fact that Milgram initially tried to get a grant to research the use of mescaline on people which was turned down. This is similar to several of the projects that the CIA has been involved in the past that were exposed including a similar research project on the use of LSD. Milgram did his research project with the help of a grant from the National Science Foundation that was supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Other requests for support that weren’t supported by the ONR were turned down and when his career was in trouble as a result of the controversy around this study he was hired by someone that just left the ONR and this saved his career. McCoy also claims that several of the most prominent psychologists of the twentieth century including Milgram and several former members of the American psychiatric association and the American Psychology Association may have contributed, unwittingly or not, to research to help the CIA understand how to use coercion tactics and psychological torture. In Philip Zimbardo’s case he received his grant directly from the ONR. Philip Zimbardo claims to be an opponent of the Viet Nam War which should raise some doubt about why he was doing this type of research with a grant from the ONR. Why would he accept the grant and why would they give it to him if they had opposing goals? One possibility worth considering might be that he was only providing a token opposition to the war and he may have used this to lessen the criticism that may have been even greater than what Milgram faced otherwise. A review of his anti-war activities could either confirm or refute this hypothesis. If he was a sincere anti-war protester he almost certainly could have done more to warn the public about the manipulation tactics he was studying. Another indicator of why this project was done could be the potential uses it could have had and whether or not they would have known when they were in the planning stage. Even if he wasn’t working for the CIA he knew he was receiving support from the ONR which was a branch of the military; and he knew or should have known that this could have potential benefits for improving the way boot camp is run and other coercive activities including those eventually used at Abu Ghraib. Also it is virtually guaranteed that even if Philip Zimbardo didn’t know it the CIA would have taken notice of this research or any other research like it since it would help them with coercive activities. There have been several investigators of the CIA that claimed that they consulted with Psychologists working in the academic world; former CIA director William Colby even admitted this before congressional hearings. He couldn’t have known it would be used this way assuming it was but he could have anticipated the possibility and done more to warn people much sooner.   


A review of his career in chronological order could help understand what the primary focus of his research was and whether or not it is research into prison behavior or other activities. He was a classmate of Milgram in high school and they both told the story about how Milgram was the smart one and Philip Zimbardo was the popular one and the later found out that each of them wanted the other distinction. He claims he grew up in the Bronx and he learned how to be street smart and become the leader of the crowd. He acknowledges using the basement later used by Milgram in his Obedience to authority experiment. He also acknowledges that he discussed it with Milgram and in 1969 he conducted another lesser known study that was a variation of Milgram’s obedience to authority experiment. His Stanford Prison Experiment appears to be as much about obedience to authority as it is about prison activities. He followed this up with another project to help people opening a new jail conduct a mock prison which seems to a lot like his Stanford Prison Experiment; this didn’t involve realistic research about actual prison life for the same reason as the first experiment but it could have advanced research in manipulation tactics. He reviews dozens of other research projects that were primarily about obedience to authority.


A review of the way other prison researchers conduct their work might help indicate whether or not the way he went about things with his Stanford Prison Experiment was the right way to go. He claims that the reason he didn’t study people in current prisons was because they would have a hard time getting in and out of them without better cooperation from authorities and that they wouldn’t be able to observe everything. This is partially true. Both Dorothy Otnow Lewis and Lonnie Athens researched prison behavior and they had problems obtaining cooperation from authorities to conduct their interviews but they overcame them and things seem to have gotten easier for prison researchers in the late eighties and nineties. There appears to have been much more cooperation based on a review of the books about several mass murders and books by the Behavioral Science Unit of the FBI. These improvements in cooperation escalated after 1971 when Philip Zimbardo did his research project. Philip Zimbardo could have gone about things in a different way that probably would have been much better if he was primarily interested in researching prison behavior but it is conceivable that he didn’t find out about that until after he did his experiment. Even though there were problems with studying activities there were also other problems with the way he went about it perhaps even more serious problems. His prisoners and guards weren’t real. They weren’t brought up in a criminal environment or trained as guards. There was no trial or many of the other activities that would have been relevant and important to researching prison life. He still could have and should have found out of the research done by others by the time he wrote The Lucifer Effect in 2007. If this was primarily about prison research you would have expected him to do much more to cite the work of other researchers to confirm his findings. There is very little of that in The Lucifer Effect except for a few token statements which are mostly accurate about general principles and some claims that some of the people went on to conduct more research in prisons but he doesn’t review their work. The Lucifer Effect spends much more time discussing research projects into methods that could be used to manipulate people than it does in discussing legitimate prison research. If this research is presented to the leaders and withheld from the public it may enable them to manipulate the public and lead them into wars against the best interest of the public. There are many cases within The Lucifer Effect where he confesses to manipulating people as part of the experiment. There are also some cases where this seems as much like a form of espionage as it does a research project into prisons. He says that the conditions of the experiment were that they could quit the experiment at any time if they chose. Later when many of them clearly indicated that they wanted to quit but didn’t come out and say it clearly that “I want to quit in accordance with the agreement” he ignored them and tried to coerce them to continue. He attempted to convince someone to inform on the other prisoners which could have been similar to a prison incident and he didn’t agree or at least not initially; perhaps if it went on longer it would have worked and he could have cut a deal with someone. He attempts to put what he refers to as a spy in their ranks when one prisoner is released as a replacement. This spy winds up sympathizing with the prisoner and doesn’t provide any “actionable intelligence”. The use of this term seems more like something the CIA would use than something an undercover cop would use; they would probably more likely to refer to it as evidence that could be used at trial. There is an incident where they are concerned that the prisoner released would come back and disrupt the experiment. They go to great lengths to prevent this. When one of the parents expresses concerns about his son he confesses to appealing to his “masculine pride” when he asks “Don’t you think your son can take it?” There is reference to a perceived conspiracy to use this experiment to find out how to imprison Viet Nam protesters after someone finds out the project is being funded by the ONR. This conspiracy theory is dismissed out of hand without explanation except that he claims he is opposed to the war so that isn’t the case. He makes no attempt to explain why a war protester is accepting money for research from the ONR or to explain why they would provide it if they couldn’t use it to help accomplish their goal. This doesn’t mean the conspiracy about them using the experiment to arrest people protesting the war is true; it almost certainly isn’t. However the experiment could be used to better understand how to run boot camps and manipulate people. Many of the activities they are conducting are similar to the activities that the CIA participate in and as some people including Alfred McCoy and Philip Zimbardo himself indicated it is similar to what went on at Abu Ghraib.


Philip Zimbardo claims that he changes his attitude after he is confronted by a younger research assistant whom he is also dating that raises concerns about the experiment. He initially claims he doubted whether or not she “could ever be a good researcher if she was going to get so emotional about a research procedure.” This statement may be valid from a scientific point of view; however from an ethical point of view it may be different. After she responds he later agrees to end the research project but he still goes on with a semi-mock procedure where a public defender related to one of the prisoners comes in and conducts interviews with the prisoners. He states that he will file reports with a real court on Monday. Only then does he tell the public defender and the prisoners that he is ending the experiment. After he ends the project he writes ”Then and there I vowed to use whatever power that I had for good and against evil, to promote what is best in people, to work to free people from their self imposed prisons, and to work against systems that pervert the promise of happiness and justice.” This sounds like something that people like Howard Zinn have attempted to do; however Howard Zinn seems to have been much more active in his attempt to achieve this goal and to the best of my knowledge he never mad such a dramatic statement; instead he demonstrated his sincerity with his actions. If you revue the work of Howard Zinn and other war protesters you will find much more activity to protest against wars than what I know of Philip Zimbardo; as far as I can tell his claims to be against the war were all vague general claims without addressing the problems of the war the way other war opponents that I’m aware of until recently. This seems to have changed with the writing of The Lucifer Effect and his opposition to the torture in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere. For the most part his current work may be changing to a point. He is right that more people higher up should be held accountable for this scandal and that the situation is a major factor although it may not be quite as important as earlier upbringing as indicated by Philip Greven. However there are still some problems including the end of The Lucifer Effect where he tries to reinforce hero worship to a point and encourage people to be obedient to a benevolent authority in what he seems to refer to as a reverse Milgram experiment. The problem with Hero worship is that the most effective solutions aren’t dramatic or heroic they are mundane practical things that can be done to solve problems before they escalate. As indicated by Greven and many other researchers violence early in life leads to violence later in life; once you understand this than it indicates the way to solve this problem involves teaching young parents to avoid abuse and spanking instead to spend more time with their children doing little mundane things. This is hardly perceived as heroic yet it is an example of ways to solve problems. Heroism is often based far more on hype biases and lies than on practical solution. Once you have a hero they are often put above reproach and biases tend to escalate. A similar problem comes up when teaching people to be obedient to a benevolent authority since the authorities they have obeyed in the past have always portrayed themselves as benevolent and he doesn’t put more than a toke amount of focus how to recognize which authority is benevolent or not and setting up a set of checks and balances. Until there is a better education system and the masses do a better job learning for themselves to tell who is good or not there may be little choice but to encourage some people to obey authority; however if this is necessary there can still be more done to set up a set of checks and balanced controlled by educated people and set up a plan to educate the rest.


Philip Zimbardo also reviews the ethics of his own project; however he doesn’t focus much if any attention on what the research may be used for. He claims that from an absolute version of ethics the rule is first do no harm which he didn’t obey since he acknowledges that he did psychological damage to the subjects of his experiment. He also reviews a relative version of ethics which weighs whether society gains more than they lose from the experiment. This is based on the assumption that the people being used for the experiment will pay a price but if it goes well then the information gained from the experiment will more than justify the expense. There is no way of knowing for sure whether or not this will happen until after the experiment is done but that is what they are aiming for. This is based on the assumption that the research information gained from the experiment would benefit society instead of being used to harm society. The experiments that were committed by the third Reich were of course considered unethical because not only did they harm the research subject but they also were used to learn how to kill much more effectively. This is actually standard procedure for military research although it receives little attention. If the military produces a more powerful bomb they’re learning how to kill more efficiently. In the case of Philip Zimbardo’s experiment he is studying psychological manipulation tactics many of which were partially understood by a lot of demagogues. This could be used for better by warning the public, or worse by withholding the research from the public and providing it only to those who are using it to manipulate the public. Philip Zimbardo didn’t do either one of these instead he did something in between. There was some information shared with some members of the public but not the majority. This could give him some degree of plausible deniability. The information was much more widely available to the college educated and the members of the military and the CIA than it was the vast majority of the public. He would have had more plausible deniability if he had published a first edition of The Lucifer Effect in the seventies. This couldn’t have included research that hadn’t been done or any information about the incidents in Abu Ghraib since they hadn’t happened and perhaps if the public was warned they might never have happened. He could have followed it up with improved editions as more research became available. Instead he did a few TV shows and perhaps provided more detailed reports to those within the academic community. Philip Zimbardo for the most part ignores the ethics of how his research was used and even goes so far as to claim ignorance when it was used for the Navy’s Survival Evasion and Escape (SERE) program. The SERE program may have been used to develop methods to overcome resistance to torture as well as to develop it. Philip Zimbardo was doing this research project with a grant from the ONR he should have known or at least suspected it could be used for this purpose. Another aspect of his research which should have been considered more carefully was the fact that he relied on the help of research subjects who had a hard time paying for college. They were paid fifteen dollars a day which wasn’t very much for this type of research even in 1970. Like a lot of other researchers he relied primarily on the lower or middle classes for his research and the benefit was evaluated and controlled by the upper classes. Like participants in this research project, Stanley Milgram’s project and many others the people participating in the research were happy to know that the research was being done for the benefit of science which was presumably being used to help everyone in society. A closer look almost certainly will indicate that this is a false assumption. The benefit of this research project is controlled by those in the academic community, the most powerful political institutions and the Mass Media. Unfortunately in most cases especially this one the benefit is provided first to the rich with access to and education and then to a lesser degree to the public but the quality of the education the public as presented by the politicians and the Mass Media is routinely distorted and often involves indoctrination instead of education or insufficient review for the majority of the public to understand.


Philip Zimbardo was the president of the American Psychology Association in 2002 and is now director of the Stanford Center on Interdisciplinary Policy, Education and Research on Terrorism. This may mean he has some influence in the academic community and perhaps in the political community on how to deal with terrorism. His handling of this may be flawed as well; he cites a study of four hundred al-Queda members by Marc Sageman which claims that three quarters of these people came from the middle or the upper classes. This may be true but I suspect it may also be out of context. I don’t know for certain what all the contributing factors are that lead people to become what the USA labels as terrorists but I suspect that generally speaking two of the leading causes are indoctrination that includes coercion and some form of legitimate grievance although they may not be able to express it very well. The indoctrination could include child abuse early in life from those that raise them and mythology about Armageddon and the demonization of those they consider enemies. The legitimate grievance may be more difficult to recognize in some cases since we now have complex systems that control all the most powerful institution in the world which many people can’t comprehend. However they may see that the people that control the systems get the benefit and those that do a large portion of the work pay the price. They are aware of the collateral damage that is done by many sources including the USA military. The people living in the Middle East receive a different version of the news than the people in the USA; while the US media downplays the fact that the CIA has intervened in foreign countries to overthrow governments the people in the Middle East live with it and perhaps even exaggerate it in the other direction. The truth is almost certainly somewhere in the middle and a truth commission that sorts through the details to get it may help reduce violence than ignoring inconvenient facts. Philip Zimbardo doesn’t seem to do much to acknowledge many of the legitimate grievances except for the torture which is now so obvious it should be beyond dispute.


Philip Zimbardo displays more familiarity with the CIA and their activities than he does with prison psychology. This doesn’t mean he always presents them accurately though. Even if it turns out that Philip Zimbardo is sincere it is worth considering the possibility that if there is reform there will be someone involved that may have an ulterior motive and they may attempt to subvert the process one way or another. Even if Philip Zimbardo isn’t entirely sincere it wouldn’t be appropriate to dismiss his work in its entirety either; when it comes to manipulation tactics some of the people who understand them the most are those who have used them in the past. A close look at Mien Kampf indicates that Hitler understood war propaganda and manipulation tactics better than the vast majority of the public but it also requires discretion while sorting out the details; for example when he describes manipulation tactics he attributed them to the enemies including the WWI opponents, the Catholics and of course the Jews. In the case WWI opponents and the Catholics he was at least partly right but in the case of the Jews they didn’t have the power and there is little or nothing to indicate they were a legitimate threat at that time. Instead he was of course catering to the prejudices of his followers perhaps because this was the most effective way to manipulate them. Another thing worth considering is the fact that although many people may not have the critical thinking skills to recognize his flaws others clearly do and Philip Zimbardo may know this. If that is the case why wouldn’t he do a better job manipulating the public and why would he provide so much information about how to avoid manipulation tactics? One seemingly farfetched possibility is that this may be for some people another obedience to authority experiment and a partially controlled disclosure plan. As time goes on more people will come to learn how to understand these principles and they may realize that Philip Zimbardo isn’t being completely sincere. This would enable some members of the public to cope with the truth gradually. Believing this hypothesis without further evidence would be foolish but even if it isn’t true it may work out that way in the long run. If there is a truth commission it will help to learn how to sort through the details and check facts and the public should be involved in that. There will almost certainly be some people who don’t come out with the truth unless they realize they have no choice and it is in their own best interest. Many members of the public may also have to do a better job dealing with the fact that their leaders haven’t been nearly as honest with them as the public wants to believe. Many members of the public have developed an emotional attachment with some of their leaders and an emotional distrust of others and in some cases they may not have gotten either one right. A truth Commission may have to do as much to de-cultify many people as it does to educate them.


Informing the public of these indoctrination or manipulation tactics needs to be a very important part of a truth commission so they can learn ho to avoid being taken in again and led to one war after another for the wrong reasons. If Philip Zimbardo had done a much better job organizing his research and presenting it to the public thirty years ago then much more could have been done to prevent the wars that have occurred since then. The fact that this didn’t happen can’t be changed so it will be important to do it now in the most effective way possible and even though Philip Zimbardo probably hasn’t as sincere as he could have been he could still make partial amends by helping to educate the public now if his work is checked. If he is called out and punished to severely when he was coming out with at least part of the truth and an important part then others may be reluctant to follow suit. Whether Philip Zimbardo or others like him disserve some form of immunity may not be the most important issue but whether or not it is the most effective way of getting the truth out and reforming the system without a revolution that “eats its own children”.




This may seem farfetched but it is worth considering. The CIA has released an enormous amount of information about their activities over the years intentionally or not. It may be difficult to sort it all out but there are dozens of books by members of the CIA and investigators of the CIA that have been released; if this information is organized in the most effective way possible it will help understand what they’ve been doing and why. One possibility worth considering is that they want a truth commission of some sort to avoid self destruction. This wouldn’t mean they’ve been working in the best interest of the public as some of them would have us believe but it may still be in the best interest of the public to participate. Some of the information released by the CIA is clearly not trustworthy. This is beyond doubt since there are many cases where one person says one thing and another contradicts him. Clearly when this happens one of them must be wrong. Another thing worth considering is the fact that according to Victor Marchetti the CIA has been keeping a library that includes a secret history of the CIA. If this is true then this should be made available to the public. The CIA may prefer to do this in a controlled manner not only to protect themselves but to avoid additional wars. They haven’t been reliable in the past when it comes to avoiding wars but that doesn’t mean we should rush into a situation that will do little or no better. It may also be in the public’s best interest to release this in a manner that is peaceful; however the control of the disclosure should be handed over to those that have been more sincere in the past as soon as possible. Once the public learns how to handle it better they should receive the control over the way the system is run.


If it isn’t possible to work out the details for some of the most important institutions it may help to start with a limited example while the details of the rest are being worked out. One possible example could be a truth commission about the abuse that has happened at many reform schools. One reason why this may work out well is that if this does happen first it will give a psychologist the opportunity to educate the public about the damage that can be done by severe abuse early in life and how it could lead to more violence later in life. This is one of the most important subjects that the public needs to be educated about. By explaining this sooner rather than later then we can get a head start cutting back on child abuse which has a lot of long term effects. One of the reasons why it may be easier to start this is simply that they have less political power than many of the other institutions. This may not sound like the right way to choose the order but ultimately this will inevitably happen and in this case since it is so important it may be a good idea to do it anyway. Ideally it would be better to give more political power to the majority as effectively as possible but if it leads to violence it should be considered carefully. One problem with this is that it is very close to the scandal with the Catholic Church. There is already a growing amount of pressure on them so hopefully they will cooperate sooner rather than later. If there is excessive resistance from one source but we can work with another for simple practical reasons it is better to get started rather than do nothing. Once this happens pressure could increase on the institutions that resist, preferable peacefully.


Another thing that needs to be considered carefully is reparations or partial reparations for the public. If we exposed the fact that a white collar criminal stole millions of dollars from the public would it be considered acceptable to let him off and let him keep his money? Of course not. A truth commission may involve little or no jail time for many people but when it comes to reparations it should be a different thing and if it isn’t handled that way from the beginning then once the truth starts coming out it will become increasingly obvious that the public has been robbed of billions if not trillions from the highest classes. In fact to those who check the most reliable sources this is already obvious. When setting the terms of a truth commission it may be necessary to allow some people to have keep minimum of their funds for survival or enable them to find some way to earn there way honestly and of course there should be precautions to make sure that the people making the reparations really are the right ones responsible for the white collar crimes. It should be kept in mind that one of the highest priorities should be setting up systems that make sure these problems don’t happen again. This should involve a complete review of the capitalist system without the coercive tactics used in the McCarthy era or when the American Protection League was active. Instead there should be a rational review that checks and double checks the details and explains them to the public. At some point it may be necessary to consider whether it will be more important to provide education for children or reparations for older people. Ideally we would have both but if we can’t have them both at the same time it would be important to consider the fact that although children have much less political power investing in them is much more productive in the long run.


A true reform system should provide better education for all those that are capable of learning one way or another. Modern technology is providing ways to educate people in a much more efficient manner since computers can be used to make copies of books and newspapers at minimal expense. Unfortunately instead of reducing the cost of education it is going up partly due to copyright laws and other rules that provide unnecessary obstacles to educating the poor and the middle classes. Copyright laws have turned into a form of corporate welfare that protects the rich and enables them to control the way information is distributed. Without paying the owner of that information the public can’t have access to the information they need to make important decisions about how to run our government. In some case this is even subsidized with tax payer money that helps to support research that is later copy written by private corporations. Both the Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment were done with the help of public grants but the information was copy written by private corporations. If the public finances something they should have access to it especially if it is about manipulation tactics that could be and probably are being used against them. John Nichols and Robert McChesney have both argued that the increase in the length of the copy write laws should be repealed perhaps to the original 14/14 law where they would have an initial copy write for 14 years which could be extended an additional 14 years for a maximum of 28 years. They also cite a recommendation by Dean Baker where people could deduct $100 from their taxes for a charity which could be the author of research work on the condition that the work provided with this money becomes part of the public domain without copy writing it. This wasn’t intended to be the final solution but they did this to encourage others to try to come up with other ideas to replace the current system. One way to amend this would be that the public could use several ways of raising money to buy the copyrights of an important piece of work including Baker’s suggestion and for every $100 dollars raised a certain amount of time could be knocked off the copyright period for any given book. This could enable a new book similar to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos to be available free online much sooner.


In addition to reforming unfair copyright laws the way we fund education needs to be reformed. Education was initially presented to the public when the corporations found that uneducated people couldn’t operate machines without enough education. Since then the corporations and religious institutions have always had an unfair amount of control over the education system. Part of this problem is the fact that most if not all schools are funded by property taxes and the wages have never been as fair as the corporations have indicated. In order to allow the lower classes to have a sincere chance to participate in a democratic society and climb the economic ladder they need a fair chance at an equal education which the current system doesn’t provide. Some versions of Communism or Socialism have attempted to provide a better education system for the middle or lower classes although they haven’t always succeeded. This doesn’t mean we should adopt this form of system but it is worth reconsidering especially since despite the capitalist propaganda the current system isn’t providing more than a minimum amount of effort to educate the poor. Instead they provide a lot of propaganda to demonize communism and socialism, glorify capitalism without actually taking a close look at the details. If they are right and capitalism is as good ads they claim they shouldn’t have any objection to a close look at the details without appeals to emotions and distorting the data in either direction.


It is also worth considering that we have a similar problem with the environment with capitalism. The current form of capitalism provides little protection to the environment except when there is an enormous amount of political support for it. Recently some advocates for capitalism including Glen Beck have cited some examples of how capitalism has repaired the environment in some parts of the USA to indicate that the market works. The problem is these improvements weren’t implemented by the market; instead they were implemented over the opposition of businesses. These improvements are very rare and for every one case where there has been improvement due to the political power of the locals there are many more locations that have undergone much more environmental damage especially in third world countries where war is the norm partially because of the support of multi-national corporations for dictator’s who are abusing their own people and environment. The environmental damage may eventually reach a point of no return but unlike the movies it almost certainly won’t be a clearly defined point of no return where a hero can come in at the last second and save the day. I doubt if we have reached that point of no return and I have no way of knowing when or if we will but there clearly appears to be an enormous amount o0f evidence to indicate that un regulated capitalism can’t turn things around. We need an educated public that can participate in real solutions that help everyone not just the rich and a truth and education commission could help do that.


For links to the American Empire Project and Free Press see the following: 


To read about the Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo (discretion advised as indicated above) see: 


For another critical review of the Lucifer Effect see:


For web page information about the “Dark Alliance” series see:


To search for information or lack of information about the “Dark Alliance” series at the San Jose Mercury News see:


For the full HTML version of this blog with table of context see: 


Posted by zakherys at 1:55 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 May 2011 12:51 PM EDT
Friday, 12 March 2010
Human Research Subjects


are being studied on a regular basis. In many cases the benefit of this research is being withheld from the majority of the public and in some cases the knowledge gained by this research is being used against the public.


This isn’t necessarily a conspiracy since in many cases the information is available to the public if people know where to look for it and how to process the information. However most people don’t have the education necessary to do this or they are too distracted to realize how it affects people. In most cases people look at all the aspects of a research project without realizing that is what it is. Simply learning from our mistakes or using trial and error tactics is enough to constitute research and enable people to improve the quality of their lives. By reviewing the most basic aspects of research methods it will be enough to realize how much this affects our lives when it is acknowledged and how many benefits are being passed up when it isn’t acknowledged. To do this I have divided research projects into four different basic categories. These are controlled research, field research, unconscious research and incomplete research.


An example of a controlled research project would involve when the researcher controls as much of the research project as possible excerpt for the aspect they are trying to study. This may often be done in a lab or if it is done elsewhere it will involve controlling part of the research project so that they can isolate one aspect that they are trying to study and sort it out from other contributing causes. One example of this would be a project cited by Murrey Strauss where one group of parents were instructed to raise their children with traditional methods that involved using spanking to discipline their children and another group of parents were instructed to use other methods without ever spanking their children. In this study they would have attempted to pick parents so that each group was similar to the other and the biggest difference would be spanking. This would enable them to isolate the cause and effect of any possible behavioral differences assuming there were no other contributing factors that were overlooked in the study.


An example of a field research project could involve the study of nature. One example of this could be seen by looking at some of the work Jane Goodall has done. When she initially started her research they began interacting with the Chimpanzees. This was later considered improper for the sake of a field research project so they stopped doing it. They later minimized any influence they had on the chimpanzees so they could attempt to learn about their behavior as it would happen in the wild. In this case it is very difficult to sort out many different aspects of their lives and find out what the cause and effect for any particular behavior might be so it is necessary to study them for an extended time to understand the natural behavior of the chimpanzees. Another example would be a study done by Marvin Kohn on the values of people from different classes. This involved interviewing people of different classes to try to understand how the classes differ. In this case the ability to find out all the differences can’t be done by one study so they conduct many different studies and compare them. There is an enormous amount of potential in field research that could benefit the public if people understood it. This could include studying wars, famine, other social activity, the strength of buildings that hold up to earth quakes and many other things. In order to receive these benefits the research has to be done and the work has to be presented to the public one way or another.


An example of an unconscious study would be if an individual that may not be accustomed to doing organized research with thorough records and peer review tries to do a simple activity two different ways and finds one works better and does it that way in the future. This is quite routine for everyone and it is more common among little children who are learning about the world. Simply learning how to walk would be an example of this. If they run to fast they lose their balance and fall down. Then they go slower until they develop better balance. Even animals do this. If you see a sea gull on the beach dropping a clam shell that is the result of an unconscious research project that probably began by accident when a gull thousands of years ago let go and found that after it cracked he could get the food from it which he was unable to eat while it was whole. Then other sea gulls would have learned by watching and repeating. This is the kind of thing that is taken for granted. If people understood they were doing this and applied the same process to other things they could receive much more benefits from it including studying how to avoid crime and even war.


An incomplete research project might involve a situation where people try to do things at least two different ways and they decline to collect the data that enables them to study the situation and learn which way works better. This can be either intentional or unintentional depending on whether or not people think about it and decide to pass up the opportunity for one reason or another. An example of this could be in war time when many of the leaders of a foreign war have often said they don’t feel the need to collect the numbers of woman and children killed often considered collateral damage. They collect this type of data when it involves US soldiers of other American citizens but when it comes to the people of the native country, which in many cases they claim they are liberating, they don’t find it important enough. This information could be very important when studying the social aspects of war. Another example of this would be if a major corporation decides not to make records of information that could lead to the conclusion that they are selling a dangerous project when they find that people are having a lot of accidents. An example of this could be the recent problem with Toyota cars. If they received many reports of problems before it was made public and declined to organize this information and address the problem this would be an example of an incomplete research project that has deadly consequences.


In many cases research projects may not follow into just one of these categories but they may instead be a combination of two or more. In order to determine which it is it helps to start by defining the basics which many members of the public take for granted and many members of the academic world often forget this.


There has been an enormous amount of research done on war that includes war tactics, propaganda and even prevention. Most of this hasn’t been presented to the public in a way they can understand. The most commonly known research has been about war tactics which are often taught in history shows and history class. They are much less likely to discuss the reason for the war when discussing tactics. They usually discuss ways previous generals launched attacks feints and used more advanced technology. They also consider ways future wars may be fought with new technology that may be coming on the market. In some cases they discusses deceptive tactics after the war is over like when there was a false attack leaked to the opposition to distract them from the real attack on D day. When discussing war tactics some military men have said that the decisions about fighting the wars are and should be left up to the politicians and they will accept it without question. This may provide some limitations when considering psychological aspects of the war. During Viet Nam it was decided that they would fight the war or “police action” and then the military was to carry it out. They were told they were fighting to protect democracy and fight against communism. This was considered above reproach. They found that many of the people were working with the enemy in fact few if any people supported the USA unless they were coerced. It is now clear that the assumption that they were fighting for democracy was false. There was no popular support for the USA in Viet Nam. Without acknowledging this they couldn’t anticipate the opposition they would face and they had to fight the war on false pretences which eventually led to defeat and withdrawal. This is a clear case where the research was tainted by political choices. The ability to study tactics without considering potentially related subjects is seriously flawed; few if any other research fields have this problem. Psychologists, sociologists and other academics may base most of their research on the work they have done within their own field but at times they also consult with each other and exchange notes and conclusions enabling them to confirm their work in different ways. They also consult with academics from other fields including history, anthropology etc. Whenever it is necessary to consider another specialty the credible ones do it. When it comes to war, politics or economics this isn’t always the case; which leads people to make some of the most important decisions on based false facts.


There has also been a lot of research done on war propaganda although this hasn’t been presented to the public in a way they can understand it in most cases. This is necessary in order to make propaganda effective. Any research on ways to manipulate the public can’t be presented to the public in an organized way unless you want to warn them and enable them to defend against it. Adolph Hitler demonstrated with his actions that he understood this very well and even described it in his book Mien Kampf. He wasn’t as clear as he could have been but he was far clearer than many if any other high profile book that described war propaganda and made it available to the public. He even described the way he studied hand gestures to manipulate the crowd. This has often been demonized without explaining it to the public in a way they could understand. The result may have been that those that want to manipulate the public may have studied it and incited war while those that want to avoid war may have neglected to understand how it works and wound up being caught of guard one time after another. I have attempted to describe this more in another entry, if the public is taught how to recognize this they will be better equipped to recognize it and avoid war.


There has also been some research in protesting wars and preventing them. Unfortunately this hasn’t been nearly as well organized as the research done by the most powerful institutions that have been leading us into wars one time after another for thousands of years. War protesters don’t have the advantage of using the Mass Media, nor have they had as much influence in school boards which often glorify our leaders even when the most effective solutions have often come from the people, which is a great disadvantage. The Mass Media is powerful tool when it comes to either educating or indoctrinating the public. They have worked with many of the most powerful institutions including the government and many major corporations. They have often asked for input from the public bet they seem very selective about the way they process this and they don’t give nearly enough attention to the academic community that includes many sincere academics. War prevention has been turned into a fringe movement by the most powerful institutions yet there are some serious academics that are studying ways to prevent war. This includes organizing protests and educating the public. What needs to be done is to keep the education efforts going even after the current war ends. The most effective way to stop wars from happening involves addressing the issues before it comes to war.


Advertising companies have also done an enormous amount of research on how to sell their products in a more effective way. When this first began many people thought that the first thing you should do is find a product that is a good quality and fills an important need of the public that improves their lives. Then they would educate the public about the benefits of this product and sell it to them. This was based on the assumption that the public wasn’t stupid enough to by useless products. This assumption turned out to be false. As the advertising industry grew they found that the most effective way to sell their products involves distorting or lying about it. With the domination of the Mass Media by the most powerful corporations and the absence of any real educational efforts by the media they have found that it is much easier to manipulate the public and commit massive fraud. The mere term “marketing research” should be enough to understand that the advertising industry is studying ways to manipulate the public. They have successfully learned how to convince the public that they need just about anything even when many of these products have no practical value at all. Most people are too embarrassed to admit to themselves that they are being manipulated so they deny it which only makes the manipulation easier. Until a system is set up to teach the public about these methods they will continue to fall victim to massive marketing and capitalist fraud.


Research on violence prevention has also been done by many people from many different fields including psychologist, sociologists, historians and many other academics. They have found that the most effective way to stop violence is to start when people are young and prevent child abuse. At times in the past this research has often been compromised by prejudicial beliefs and the desire to obtain revenge often referred to as justice. Many people continue to be more concerned with getting justice after the fact than finding the route causes and preventing them but there are a growing number of researchers who are doing a much better job at this. Unfortunately as I have indicated in other entries this point isn’t getting across to many members of the public.


There has also been a lot research into many medical subjects including depression and ADD. This is just one of many examples where the pharmaceutical companies may be using the public to study the impact of drugs on customers. They generally do field studies before making drugs available to the public and these are supposedly enough to ensure that drugs are safe before they are given to the public. People participating in the field studies within the USA agree to do so willingly with at least some knowledge of what the risks may be although in order to know for certain whether it is enough it will be necessary to review the process with full access to all the data. Other members of the public that accept drugs do so based on the assumption that their doctors are looking out for their health. There have been enough stories about drug company representatives providing incentives to doctors to raise doubts about this and call for a closer review. In the case of antidepressants their have been some stories about some drugs that may have lead to increased suicide rates among some people. This is exactly what the drugs are supposed to prevent. If some of them are doing the opposite that should raise some major red flags. When if comes to treating depression it is important to find the cause of it and prevent it just like many other diseases. Some psychologists have found that child abuse has led to increased rates of depression and dealing with stressful situations has also contributed to increased depression. If this is the case than the most effective way to reduce depression for society involves reducing child abuse and many of the social injustices that lead to depression. These are major problems that will require help form many members of the public who must first be educated about the subject. Since these causes are also the causes of many other social problems this effort will be worthwhile and it will provide an enormous benefit for society. The problem is that addressing these problems involves challenging the most powerful institutions controlling society. This may involve challenging prejudices and the capitalist ideology. Since the most powerful people in society receive their power from the current system they don’t seem to want to change it so they may be trying to treat the symptoms of depression without addressing the cause. This may have led to an unintended research project that uses depressed people as guinea pigs and enables the pharmaceutical companies to make money selling drugs that are going about things the wrong way. Of course their may be many cases where there really is a chemical imbalance also contributing to the problem which needs to be treated. In order to find out which cases are legitimate their needs to be a review of the system that addresses both the medical issues and the financial incentives provided to medical institutions.


According to the first chapter in Gary Webb’s book “Dark Alliance” Several academics have done some research into the effects of cocaine and other illegal drugs on the users. Some doubts have been raised about the credibility of Webb’s book however this chapter is based on academic sources including some testimony presented to congress. Even if there are problems with the portions of the book that are based on the testimony of drug dealers; that isn’t likely to affect this chapter. They have found that some of these drugs are not as dangerous as others and some of them have recommended that they be honest with the public about which is which. The reason for this is that when they tell the public including the users that certain drugs are dangerous even though they are the less dangerous ones the users will know they are lying and they will come to their own conclusions. If they don’t believe them about less sever drugs than when the academics or politicians try to warn them about the drugs that are more dangerous they won’t believe them. They also found some evidence of the potential danger of crack cocaine before it became an epidemic and they recommended that a campaign be carried out to warn the public. These recommendations weren’t carried out. There were warnings given to the public but they were often not based on the research instead they were often based on the political aspects of it for one reason ort another. There were additional research efforts done both in the USA and in Peru on drug users including some in Peru that invited the users to participate in a study where they were given free drugs and payment for participation. This enabled the researchers to study how they affected the users and learn from the damage it does to them but there are ethical concerns that wouldn’t be acceptable in the USA. This research was still reviewed by American academics. They were initially skeptical about the work of the Peruvian researchers but after someone went down there and looked over the data and the situation where the users were living they accepted at least part of it and attempted to warn congress about it. Congress declined to make their decisions about the drug situation based on the research material these academics provided. This lead to a drug policy that has been a complete failure. If they had accepted the results and called for more research into the route causes they may have come up with a much more successful policy. These research projects almost certainly weren’t good enough to understand the drug problem. They almost certainly had to take a closer look at the class problems and other social factors that contributed to the problem to solve it. One of the biggest problems is often the social problems when they are influenced by the policies of those with the most political power at the expense of those without political power. Many politicians are reluctant to accept research that contradicts their ideology which is often influenced by lobbyists with an agenda. This agenda doesn’t involve solving many social problems if they affect the bottom line of many corporations.


The tobacco companies have been doing research manipulating nicotine levels for a long time. They were able to keep this from the public because of laws about trade secrets and attorney client privilege. There are many other cases where major corporations have been able to hide their research even when it influences the public in a negative way. This isn’t limited to research; they can use laws protecting their right to secrecy to manipulate the market in many different ways. The business leaders aren’t the only ones involved in their business deals; they also do business with employees and consumers; however the owners of the business are often the only ones that fully understand many of the aspects of the industry they participate in which enables them to gain the better part of most if not all deals. Industries have the opportunity to collect an enormous amount of information from consumer complaints which can be used for research projects to improve their business but if it involves a danger to the public or shoddy merchandise they are under no obligation to tell the public about it. They often claim they need these secrets to protect their ability to compete but their have been so many stories of corporate espionage and consolidation it is clear that they aren’t protecting this information from the big businesses they are competing with only the small businesses and the consumers. This enables them to prevent small new businesses from entering the market and from allowing the consumer to have the information they need to make rational decisions. This secrecy has enabled the major corporations from covering up or preventing research about dangerous products like Firestone tires ten years ago, tobaccos most dangerous qualities for the last hundred years and current problems with the Prius acceleration going on now. These examples are just a tiny example of the problems that were exposed in the past and there are almost certainly many more that haven’t been exposed yet. Allowing corporations to dominate the research field enables them to design the research to advance corporate profits at the expense of just about everything else including public safety.


Political parties have also done a great deal of researching on advertising which enables them to know how to obtain votes and convince the public to support their cause. This doesn’t seem to involve a rational discussion about many if any of the most important issues. They make little if any effort to address the most obvious and accurate basics of many subjects including the economy. They often study ways to keep the public distracted or to manipulate their emotions. Part of this is the polling that they are doing at an enormous rate. Both the political parties and the Mass media spend much more time conducting polls and discussing them like a horse race than they do the real issues. If they really were concerned with the best interest of the public they would spend more time starting at the basics with simple facts that have often been overlooked including some of the principles I mentioned in the entry about the economy. Political research is mainly about manipulating the public and creating the illusion of democracy without actually letting the public know what the government is doing.


There has also been an enormous amount of research about global warming and other environmental issues including carbon dioxide poisoning and deforestation. Most of this hasn’t been presented to the public in a way they can understand it they spend much more time discussing the issues that are hard to understand and making sure the public can’t figure it out and trying to give them the impression the default position when in doubt should be what’s best for the economy. This has resulted in the unspoken belief that when in doubt we should pollute. They could have done a better job providing an organized chart telling the public what the average temperatures in many parts of the world are and how many storm there have been on any given year so the public can know whether they have been increasing or not but they choose not to. They could also have done a better job telling the public about increased cancer rates in urban areas and parts of the world where pollution is much higher than others. Explaining to the public about the balance between plant life and animal life would make it clear how much pollution is hurting us. Animals need oxygen and plants need carbon dioxide; this is a delicate balance which nature has created and it is being influenced by the industrial revolution. By cutting down forests and burning massive amounts of carbon the human race is making a major change in the ecosystem. Instead of explaining this to the public the upper classes have been protecting the environment in the areas where they live and ignoring the problem every where else. Only those with a good education and political power are entitled to a clean environment.


Class differences have also been studied to a great deal in the academic but little if any of this has been presented to the public. A major part of the reason why there are so many class differences is because the lower classes aren’t receiving a good education that includes research about class differences as well as every other subject. Some academics in the USA are still referring to Marx’s work but unlike the way they refer to it in the Mass Media they often consider it “Marxism theory” which means they look through the details and attempt to confirm which aspects are accurate and valid and which aspects aren’t. This doesn’t happen in the political field. Instead they often equate it with dictatorship or in many cases those that believe in it often refer to it as an absolute solution without trying to sort through the details. This leads to people on both sides of the issue dealing with the subject that is more like a cult belief than a science. In order to deal with it like a science they should encourage the public to understand the different details and find out which aspects are good and which aspects are bad the same way some academics have done. This doesn’t mean that all the academics are trustworthy; in many cases they have also been corrupted by the most powerful institutions. However in the academic community they are much more inclined to show the work so if one academic has been corrupted a close look at his work can show where his mistakes are and he can be discredited. The alternative is to treat the economy as a cult where the leaders dictate the truth to the public as I attempted to indicate in the entry about the economy.


According to research done by Melvin Kohn, Murrey Strauss and other academics class differences have also been maintained by the use of corporal punishment for children and the way the truth is often dictated to them instead of teaching them how to figure out things for themselves and find confirmation to beliefs they are taught. Kohn has found that the lower classes are much less likely to develop self direction skills which are necessary to do many better paying jobs. They are also less able to teach these skills to their children. This enables people born into the upper classes to maintain power over those born into the lower classes. This is made even worse by the fact that current schools are mostly supported by property taxes ensuring that poor people will never have as much funding for their schools as rich people. Under the current circumstances when we run into economic problems the first thing to be cut may be the education for the poor that need it most and in some cases like recent political events the rich corporations may be bailed out with tax payer dollars. This is creating a form of socialism that is designed to protect the rich at the expense of the poor.


There has also been a lot of research done on the behavior of crowds or “mob rule” as it has often been referred to. One thing they often fail to mention is the fact that the mob or crowd is often manipulated by demagogues and they are much more likely to react when there is a legitimate problem although they may not always understand it. It would be helpful to understand the different way some mobs have behaved in the past. They haven’t always been violent irrational mobs; in some cases especially more recent ones they have been well organized and peaceful including speakers at their protest that attempt to educate the public about issues and express legitimate grievances although you might not know this based on what the media presents. The media is much more likely to present protests as peaceful if it is against a government they are opposed to like Iran. In most cases when they are against the governments or economic institutions supported by the media they put much more emphasis on the violence and vandalism even if there isn’t much of it. The Mass media has rarely if ever done a good job giving these protesters a chance to address the majority of the public; but they are much more inclined to give business leaders a chance to speak. A close look at the difference between the behavior of modern protests and the behavior of mob activity when the American Protection League was operating and when lynch mobs were common may help determine how people behave in crowds. In the past mobs have often been manipulated by demagogues some of whom have learned how to manipulate the mobs by experimentation and either did so to feed their own ego and seek power or turn them against each other and help preserve the power of the status quo by using divide and rule tactics. Many of these demagogues who have manipulated the crowds have turned around and criticized the mobs for their irrational behavior and cited this as an excuse to maintain authority over them. They of course fail to mention their participation when issuing this criticism. Some research has indicated that a big part the difference may be how the people from the crowd were raised as little children. In the beginning of the twentieth century there was much more emphasis on corporal punishment and teaching children to accept what they’re told without question. This may have led to mobs that were much more inclined to act out of anger and follow the leader without question. Many modern crowds may be much more educated and rational offering opportunities to reform democracy. The public can turn the tables by studying the government and corporations the same way they are studying us and create real democracy. The most important activities by these “mobs” to reform government wont be massive protests but efforts to learn before and after the protests. These can be done in small groups or individually at classes, discussion groups, library’s or even at the beach if you bring the right book with you. However the governments, corporations and Mass Media has indicated they won’t pay attention to this if they have a choice so even though protests may not be very efficient they may be necessary to get the attention of these pseudo-democratic institutions. Once these institutions are reformed and they are truly democratic people can use other more efficient means to reform government.


The government and the CIA have done many research projects including studying the effects of radiation exposure, agent orange exposure, manipulation efforts using LSD, torture, propaganda and many other things. Unfortunately they have done a lot of this in secret so it is difficult to know exactly what happened in many cases or to know how many more of these types of experiments they have done. One of the more notable research projects that have been done in the past is the Milgram project which was funded from the National Science Foundation with the support of the Office of Naval Research. As indicated in the entry about torture Alfred McCoy has stated that he believes the CIA may have supported this project as well. Even if they didn’t they surely would have taken notice of it. Philip Greven has indicated that he believes that Stanley Milgram should have looked closer into the childhood of his subjects. This is certainly a good idea and according to Peter Singer’s book review cited below Lauren Slater or someone else may have done this since Greven published his book “Spare the Child” in 1991. A close look at Milgram’s book may also shed some light on this. In the justification given to the subjects he includes a claim that spanking is used to educate in a manner similar to the experiment. The fact that they raised no question about this indicates that they might have accepted it without question. Another thing to look into could be Stanley Milgram’s own childhood. He could be the research subject as well as the researcher. By understanding if he was raised in a disciplinarian manner and looking at the culture during the cold war in the sixties it may help understand why this was done at all. If as McCoy believes then the CIA was involved then they may be the authority that Milgram was obeying when he conducted this experiment. Another similar project was done by Philip Zimbardo called “The Stanford prison Experiment” where students were instructed to play the roles of prisoners and guards.  It became necessary to end this project early because the guard became too cruel. These particular projects weren’t kept secret from the public; they were published in the seventies but many members of the public almost certainly didn’t take much if any notice of it. Military institutions and the CIA surely must have paid more attention to it which would enable them to understand how to obtain obedience from the recruits; however members of the public who didn’t pay attention would be less likely to understand how they were being used by authority. The CIA has almost certainly taught this to many of their foreign students that studied at the School of the Americas or other similar institutions. This is an example of using research to manipulate people and only providing it to those with the appropriate educational opportunities. Enough information has come out to know that these research projects and more have been done but it has also indicated that a lot of the information presented to the public continues to be suspect. There may be much more information available from these research projects and unless it is exposed the public will have no way of knowing whether it is being used to manipulate them. Secret research being done by the government with tax payer money is one of the greatest threats to democracy there could be perhaps far greater than any foreign or terrorist threat. Many of these research projects have been exaggerated and ridiculed but this only confuses the issue more and turns it into a joke. In order to address this it will be necessary to sort out the exaggerations and get to the truth by carefully checking the facts.


Copyrights have been a major obstacle to sharing the results of research. In many cases even when the government has financed research they have often allowed corporations or other private institutions to have copyrights and control the way the information is distributed. In the computer age this has prevented many people from obtaining an enormous amount of information which could be cut and pasted for free without any publishing costs. Instead of revising the way we finance research they have searched for ways to put this information online without allowing the cut and paste option. This means if anyone wants to distribute this information they must either obtain permission or type it up and risk prosecution. Studies funded with the support of taxpayer dollars should be the property of the people and they should be made available to everyone for free if possible. The internet makes this possible although if the public wants a printed copy it may be reasonable to charge for it. Some projects like the Milgram project shouldn’t have copyrights and others like Melvin Kohn book “Class and Conformity” which was also produced withy government funding should be made available free on line. “Class and Conformity” may not be copy written but it still isn’t available on line for free in a way that is easy to find. The print copy of it doesn’t make the usual all rights reserved claim however there is a partial copy available from Google which claims it is copy written. Revising the way research is funded could enable us to avoid copy rights entirely bet even if we do continue to rely on them to provide funds for research there is no need for them to be so long or to charge so much for on line E-books. The cost of these could be cut dramatically and by making much more information available on line people can check sources to find out if they are being taken out of context much easier. For example the new release of Milgram’s book includes the following statement from peter Singer as a review: “Milgram’s experiments on obedience have made us more aware of the Dangers of uncritically accepting authority,” this statement doesn’t sound like what Singer would say without adding more criticism which he did. This wasn’t included in the review cited but if it was available on line people could check quickly and easily to find if they are being taken out of context. The full review by Singer is provided in a link below. Alfred McCoy appears to be far more credible than Milgram but it would still be helpful to be able to check his sources quickly by clicking on a link that leads directly to the sources. The internet has already provided many improvements to research opportunities but it could still do much better if organization and copyright laws are reformed. Many of the best academics are trying to advance education but they are still doing so with unethical copyright laws that prevent many people from having easy access to information. Even Robert McChesney who has done the best job that I know of criticizing copyright laws is trying to work within them to get his point across. It may be necessary to conduct this criticism at the grass roots level since the publishing companies may not want to challenge these laws and therefore won’t publish serious criticism.


The data should be organized and preserved in the most efficient way possible and presented to the public and this should be financed one way or another. A strong democracy requires an educated public with access to the information they need to make decisions. If this information is controlled by the upper classes and only distributed in a manner that enables them to maintain power over the rest of the world this would create a sophisticated state of virtual slavery. The upper classes currently have all the control over the most powerful institutions and use this power to manipulate everyone else and most people don’t have the education and the rational thinking skills to understand this.


Peter Singer and others have done some ethical research and discussion to develop what they consider good ethics to be abided by the research institutions. They have made a good case in many instances and those that disagree could review their work but once again their books are not available to the public as easily as they could and should be. One of the biggest ethical problems should be that all this research is being done but the educations system is antiquated. We need a much better educational system to get these points of view across to the public in the early school years and for those that are already inclined to look things up on their own and do their own research with out help from colleges. Most discussion that I’m aware of in the past, including Peter Singers books “Practical Ethics” and “Animal Liberation” are about the ethics of using people or animals as research subjects in controlled projects where they are intentionally being used for this purpose. They discuss the ethics of inflicting emotional and physical distress on these people as they should. In many cases once the experiments have been done many people may raise ethical questions about how this research is used. Should researcher be allowed to profit from it? In some cases people may consider rejecting the research. Nazi experiments have often been demonized and discredited on moral grounds but does that make them flawed on a scientific basis? In some cases when they allow their prejudices to impair their judgment it does but in some cases if the data has been recorded properly it can be reviewed and from a scientific point of view it may be sound. We may still be able top learn from this data no matter how distasteful it is. The most important thing is to learn how to make sure the holocaust never happens again in the most effective way possible. In some cases if the damage has already been done then passing up the benefit of learning will only result in the damage happening for no good reason and the past may repeat itself again.


There is much less specific discussion about field research and learning from history. People like Howard Zinn, Alfred McCoy, Carl Sagan and others have all casually referred to experiments in global warming, war, the development of a surveillance state and other subjects. These people have done a lot to attempt to teach the public about these subjects and prevent further disasters but they haven’t done as good a job as they could and perhaps should have at describing the basic principles as I attempted to in the opening of this entry. Not that they should be expected to cover every thing; no one person including me could catch all these issues which is why there should be more peer review and the public should be more involved with this. In most cases they seem to be referring to what I called field research or unconscious research. By understanding these basics better many members of the public may find it easier to recognize that most of what we do could be part of a research project and we could find much more effective ways to improve our society.


The biggest ethical problem about Milgram’s experiment may not be that it was done but that instead of presenting it to the public on a large scale and using it to educate them and avoid wars they gave the public a token amount of education and allowed the military, CIA and other powerful institutions to look it over much closer and use their knowledge to obtain obedience. By not educating the public after each war we pass up an opportunity to prevent the next war. In many cases those in power don’t pass up the opportunity but they study how to benefit from the next wart not to avoid it. Hitler studied war propaganda after WW 1. Various espionage institutions starting with ones run by Ralf Van Deman studied ways to conduct espionage, this was escalated when the CIA was created. Many other efforts have been done to preserve power even when it involves using war and divide and rule tactics. Until the public learns to study how to avoid being manipulated they will never have a sincere democracy. One thing that could be learned from Milgram’s experiment is that they were less likely to go along with the program if they were in closer proximity to the victim. Imagine if instead of shocking the victim nearby all the subject had to do was buy stuff at the store and fill up their gas tank and this resulted in the torture and murder of people thousands of miles away. Imagine if they subject wasn’t told about the damage they were doing by filling up their gas tank. This hypothesis isn’t far from the truth. By going along with the program people support the current economic system and in very complex ways it has a global impact. If the media would educate the public about all the damage being done by the multi-national corporations around the world they would be much less likely to support the capitalist overdrive system. The biggest ethical problem with research is the lack of an educational system to follow up and pass the results on to the public.


If the public were more educated about the benefits and costs of research they could and should be part of the decision making process about the ethics of research. Ideally no one would be used as a research subject without their permission. The problem is that many people would never accept being used for the most damaging research project therefore they would never be done. This has resulted in a situation where people and animals without political power have been used for research primarily for the benefit of those with political power and those involved in the research. The most effective way to address this is to bring it out in the open in the most effective way possible. Current laws don’t allow that so some of the more zealous advocates for those without political power have done what they could to expose this. This includes organizations like PETA that have obtained confidential information about research and made it available to the public. Some of them have been charged with crimes at times but it often appears as if the people doing the research may have been the ones behaving in the less ethical manner. Whether this is true may depend on the purpose of the research and the potential for benefit and whether or not it is presented to the public or not. Some of the things that Peter Singer has criticized the most are research projects that are done for the development of cosmetics at the expense of animals. This would not be considered ethical if it was done to a human for such a shallow purpose. Perhaps it would be better to research our own cultural values. PETA has often been criticized for using unethical tactics. This often appears to be justified but it may also be true that they resorted to these tactics only after they found that other tactics didn’t work. The Mass Media often uses sex appeal and other deceptive tactics similar to the ones PETA uses as well but they present it in a way that should be considered ethical when they do it. If the Mass Media and other organizations allowed scrutiny and brought these issues to the attention of the public then PETA might not be in a position where they feel they have to use these tactics or give up.


If the public can be educated about how this research is being done and they understand how major institutions are being run they could vote in people that are much more concerned with looking out for the best interest of the public instead of the corporations. By learning from all these research projects the public can turn the world into something similar to the mythical heaven instead of the real life hell on earth that many people are currently living in now.



For a review of Milgram’s book “Obedience to Authority” by Peter Singer see the following:


To read Peter Singers web site see the following:   


For the full HTML version of this blog with table of context see: 


Posted by zakherys at 11:37 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 26 March 2010 12:41 PM EDT
Monday, 8 March 2010


If, as many people believe torture should be used only as a last resort, why is there so little discussion on the first resorts??


The most common justifications for torture often seem to start with a hypothesis phrased by Alan Dershowitz and many others. They site an example where there is a ticking time bomb in a place like New York city and they have a “terrorist” who knows where it is they have no way of finding out where the bomb is unless they torture him. This is a carefully crafted scenario that seems to be designed to create the justification for torture not to figure out how it generally happens in the real world. There is little or no effort to understand the circumstances that led up to this scenario or what the root causes of this conflict are. This appears as if it may be similar to when someone decides what the conclusion they want to find then looks for a justification to back it up instead of trying to figure out what is true or if it is justified.


In the current war on terror there is a long history of events that led up to the current situation which a large percentage of the public isn’t aware of. The Mass Media and the government is giving the public a carefully selected set of facts that amounts to war propaganda designed to justify the actions the government wants to take and they don’t include telling the public about many of the facts that led up to the current situation including a long history of escalating violence and torture. Just like other forms of violence one case of torture often leads to another in retaliation. Some academics including Alfred McCoy author of “A Question of Torture” have done a much better job of looking into the root causes that led up to this situation and to find out if torture is justified and effective at accomplishing the goal they claim they are trying to accomplish.


General Richard Myers justified their activities by saying “We certainly don’t think it’s torture” and he adds “Let’s not forget the kind of people we have down there (Guantanamo Bay, Iraq and Afghanistan). These are people that don’t know any moral values.” Professor John Yoo has made a similar argument saying “Why is it so hard for people to understand that there is a category of behavior not covered by the legal system? Historically, there were people so bad they were not given protection of the laws.” Their justification seems to be these are evil people without morals therefore they shouldn’t have any rights. Few people doubt that many or perhaps all of these people may have acted in an immoral way but the way to deal with this in the modern world is supposed to involve figuring out whether or not they are guilty of something, what and why. Even if they are guilty of something this doesn’t mean that torturing them should be justified. There should be some attempt to figure out why they came to hate us and how they came to be so violent. Whenever there is a serious problem the most effective way to solve it involves finding the cause and preventing it. Part of the problem is that they learned some of their activities from organizations working for the US government. This conflict goes back dozens of years if not centuries. Many of the organizations we are fighting against were once the allies of the USA or they were pout in power because there was a rebellion against tyrants that the USA once supported. This includes Osama Bin Laden, the governments of Iraq, Iran the Philippines and many others. All three of these governments were once supported by the USA and the governments the USA supported all used torture to maintain order and they all led to more violence. In the case of Iran the USA put the Shah in power in 1953 and helped train his troops, the Savak, to maintain order through torture. During a interview with Le Monde, a French media outlet, he said “Why should we not use the same methods as you Europeans? We have learned sophisticated methods of torture from you. You use psychological methods to extract the truth we do the same.” Alfred McCoy and Howard Zinn have both cited evidence that the CIA has taught the Savak to use torture, some of this has come from congressional testimony or other official sources. The use of torture in both Iran and the Philippines and many other countries has only led to more resistance. This has also happened in Iraq under the USA occupation. Part of the ongoing resistance has been inspired by the use of torture by the USA. Some have argued that this may not have happened if the newspapers didn’t report it. They fail to understand that even before the newspapers reported it the Iraqis already knew about it. In many cases they were released and they told other people and the alternative is that they don’t release them. This would be similar to the stories that were told about the Soviet Union to justify our opposition to them only now it is our government that is doing it. There is one difference though they aren’t doing it to are own people, or at least not to those with enough political clout. The claim that these people don’t deserve rights because they don’t have moral values could just as easily be applied to the people advocating torture. These people have supported the governments that tortured people in the past and led to the current circumstances and they are as responsible for this war if not more so than the enemy. They have more political power and access to more experts that could help them understand what is causing the problem but they use them only when it supports their cause which seems to involve protecting the capitalist ideology and the oil supply for the USA.


When trying to prevent future acts of violence or obtain sincere justice for past acts of violence it is important to understand what led up to the violence and take into consideration any mitigating or aggravating circumstances. In American courts they claim this is what they try to do, unfortunately in practice they may not always do it especially when emotions and biases are allowed to take over. Mitigating circumstances for some of these so called terrorist may include the fact that they were raised in violent societies where they were abused as a child and taught violence from birth. They may also include the fact that they lived in societies that were suppressed by governments that received support from multi-national corporations and the most powerful western governments. They may have been told by demagogues that the USA is to blame and they may have seen evidence in their own countries to indicate that this was at least partially true. This may have included exaggerations that led them to act in a violent manner. The aggravating circumstances may have included the viciousness of the crimes and in some cases the fact that they may have struck out at innocent civilians. They could argue that this may have been part of the war to fight against repression though.


Similar arguments could be made for the supporters of the capitalist system that helped to support the authority of many of the tyrants like the Shah, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and others. They could argue that they did it to support the cold war against the USSR and that they were trying to defend the USA against terrorist. However if this is put up to thorough accurate scrutiny many of the facts may not hold up. This is an enormous amount of evidence to indicate that the USA has often stood up primarily for corporate interests first the best interest of the rest of the country second if at all. If this information is taken into consideration then they will have a much more difficult time arguing for mitigating circumstances. They could argue that these are the beliefs they were raised on and they were taught to accept them without question but they may not seem like as sympathetic a set of mitigating circumstances. This may sound like they were taught to behave this way and they weren’t accustomed to being held accountable. This would also depend on whether these circumstances were even allowed to be presented to the public. Under the current circumstances the Mass Media and the government of the western countries control the most powerful institutions that can get messages across to the masses and they have a strong interest in presenting it in a manner that will enable them to preserve their power. The Mass Media has gone through consolidation over the past couple of decades putting the control of speech that reaches the masses into a very small percentage of the public and they have a very narrow set of interests that mainly involve maximum profit for the corporations. Addressing this issue may require media reform or new media institutions that can reach a much larger percentage of the public and allow more people with different points of view to get their message across including academics who have sorted through many different sources and members of the public around the world that have previously been ignored.


When listening to academics it is also important to listen to the right academics with expertise ion the right scientific fields. After the scandal at Abu Ghraib made the news there was a petition circulated signed by 481 prominent professors of law and political science including Dershowitz condemning the abuses of torture however this letter also recommended consideration of some coercive interrogation. One possible problem with this may be that these aren’t the right academics from the right scientific field to address this situation. To understand why this may be true it may help to understand two of the basic principles these fields of study operate on. One of these principles is that they seek the truth. Another one is that they advocate for the best interest of their clients. In the study of law the fact that they advocate for the defense of their client is quite clear although they may be obligated to abide by some ethical standards. Even if it isn’t quite as clear in the field of political science it is still true. They usually associate with one political party or another and take positions that tend to agree with that party. The problem is that these two principles may at times contradict each other. In many cases looking out for the best interest of their client may not involve acknowledging certain inconvenient facts. Political science may often involve studying how people used political methods to accomplish their goals. These may not always be honest political methods. The way they address this conflict almost certainly will not involve coming out and saying “The truth does not support the beliefs of my client.” It may be more likely that they become more concerned with the perception of truth. Under these circumstances they may be more inclined to rely on perceptions and prejudices than accurate scientific principles. The history of many activities by lawyers and political scientist also seems to support the possibility that many of them may be more concerned with the best interest of their clients which usually consist of the upper classes. When the country was founded they provided a constitution primarily to protect the rights of those with political power at that time, which didn’t include blacks woman or native American. These groups later obtained power only when they stood up for their rights and the greatest obstacles often included the legal community. This is indicated by the fact that the constitution provided more representation for the slave states initially by counting 3/5’s of the non free population to decide representation then giving the control of these votes to the slave holder not the slave, the Dred Scott decision, the approval of separate but equal for almost a hundred years, the Ingraham v. Wright decision that declines to protect children from cruel and unusual punishment and many others. In the case of separate but equal the Supreme Court was given credit for overturning it unanimously but this was only after there was a major protest and it was clear that the people wouldn’t stand for it much longer. It is possible they did this to maintain the appearance of just authority. If they really were more concerned with the truth than looking out for the best interest of their clients as some sincere lawyers and political scientist may be they may recommend that we consider the research done by other academic fields. Some lawyers and political scientists have done this in the past especially when it suites their cause. They are less likely to do so if it doesn’t suite their cause and at times they have shopped around for academics to make the argument they want to hear. This isn’t the way it is done in the academic community; instead they usually cite their own work as well as the work of many other academics that support their beliefs. The academic community is educated enough to know not to accept this type of behavior but the public isn’t and the politicians and Mass Media routinely present selective and biased studies to them. If that is the case we should go directly to the academics from those fields instead of allowing the lawyers to screen the perception of the research.


Academics that have input on this subject should include psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, historians etc. Some of these may also be corrupted but they generally do a much better job showing the work for those that are willing to look through the details and they go through peer review so it will be much less likely for corruption to go unnoticed assuming people are allowed their chance to provide input. Many of the psychologists, sociologists or other academics I have cited have not directly addressed the torture issue in their books but they have provided an enormous amount of research repeating that fact that violence routinely leads to more violence and that when ever this goes unchecked that it can escalate. They have made it clear that the most effective way to minimize violence should involve minimizing or eliminating child abuse or even spanking if possible. Alfred McCoy has done research that directly addresses the use of torture and he has found that it leads to more problems in the long run and it doesn’t even accomplish the short term goal which is to obtain accurate information from the suspect. Some of the cases he cites involve interrogations that were initially conducted by the FBI and later taken over by the CIA. The FBI, who may have the assistance of their behavioral science unit, has often had more success obtaining information by using non-coercive methods, then when the CIA took over and used coercive methods the success has often come to a halt. Their have been many cases where these methods have led the suspect to tell the interrogator what ever they want to hear even if it isn’t true. These examples may include interrogations by the CIA, police grilling suspects that obtain false confessions and Inquisitors working for the Catholic Church at the height of the inquisition.


None of the Psychologists that I have taken a close look at have indicated that they would support torture; however there have apparently been many that have worked with the CIA to research torture and manipulation tactics in the fifties and sixties. One of the most notorious ones may have been Stanley Milgram who conducted a study in the sixties to determine whether people who were told that they were part of an effort to use electric shocks to “educate” a student. These students were given shocks when they provided the wrong answer to questions. The shocks weren’t real but the “students” behaved as if they were and the person administering the shocks didn’t know they were in on the research project and that they were the ones that were actually being studied. This research project was designed to study peoples willingness to follow orders given from authority. Milgram obtained funding from the National Science Foundation with the support of the Office of Naval Research. McCoy believes that they may have been acting as a front for the CIA since this wasn’t typical of the research supported by either of these two organizations and it was typical of research supported by the CIA who also have a history of working through other organizations as fronts. Many researchers have criticized Milgram for doing the research at all on ethical grounds. Philip Greven has also cited this project and he has criticized Milgram for not looking into the childhood upbringing of the participants. He believes that if they did the research they should have looked into whether early abuse influenced the willingness of these people to follow orders even when it involved torturing people. This research project may have been very similar to what happened at Abu Ghraib. McCoy doesn’t believe that the “hillbillies” blamed for this torture came up with it on their own. He claims it is similar to methods taught by the CIA in brochures exposed in the seventies that were distributed among Central American countries to teach soldiers of governments supported by the USA to use these tactics against the rebels opposing the local governments. He believes that the CIA almost certainly was responsible for the torture at Abu Ghraib and other locations around the world. If this is true and it is exposed then Philip Greven may have his chance to look into the background of the people involved to find out if they were raised in authoritarian manners. It appears as if the torture in Abu Ghraib may have relied on the willingness of the “hillbillies” to obey orders from their superiors and they may have been chosen because someone thought they would be more inclined to blindly obey orders. This may, as Philip Greven suspects, be because they were raised in an authoritarian manner. In fact this indicates the possibility that these research projects may have already been carried out by the CIA and there may be records of it somewhere in their files. McCoy has cited more research that the CIA has done in the fifties and sixties while we were at the height of the cold war and many people were in fear of another world war. McCoy has done further research in the development of covert activities in his book “Policing America's Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State (New Perspectives in Se Asian Studies)” where he investigated the research and development of espionage activities and how they were carried out starting almost fifty years before the CIA was created. The CIA may have done much more research into how to manipulate people than most people are aware of. Many of the claims about the CIA are often hard to believe and without confirmation there is no way of being certain of it but some of it has been confirmed by other sources. This includes some of the psychological work they have done. Most of the sources I have cited are far more credible since their work has been done in the open and it has been subject to peer review. Research by academics including Philip Greven, Alice Miller, Murray Strauss, James Garbarino, Ellen deLara and many others have all supported the fact that child abuse makes people more violent later in life and desensitizes them to violence. These surely must include torture. In fact the abuse many children go through as a child should fit the definition of torture.


Not only are most abused children more inclined to be violent and support the use of torture for the purposes of obtaining information even though it almost certainly doesn’t work but they are more likely to support it for revenge or even entertainment. It has become clear that many of the biggest mass murderers have also had a history of bullying people and torturing animals. There is also a much bigger tendency for people who have been raised in a hostile environment to find dog fighting, cock fighting and bull fighting amusing and adopt it as part of their life style betting on the fights in many cases. Gambling and torture have one thing in common when it comes to entertainment value. When people are losing money they are much less likely to find it amusing and torture is much less likely to be considered amusing if you are the one who is being tortured. Both these activities are much more common among insecure people who make many of their decisions on emotional grounds instead of reacting logically. People who are educated properly about both these subjects are much less likely to participate in either one of them.


By trying to justifying torture for the war on terror the supporters of torture are relying on the emotional beliefs of the public. This will not help protect democracy; quite the opposite since it only incites more hatred it only leads to more violence. Espionage is similar it doesn’t help protect democracy since the public needs accurate information to make important decisions and espionage involves making sure they don’t have it. Protecting democracy can never be accomplished by supporting either espionage or torture but by minimizing or eliminating both. The current efforts to support torture are designed to roll back many of the civil rights that more educated people have been trying to improve for decades if not centuries. If the leaders who are supporting this understand what they are doing they should know this which would indicate they may be using divide and rule tactics. By maintaining a constant state of war they maintain the excuse they need to keep the public in the dark about how the government is being run. If on the other hand they don’t fully understand the consequences of advocating torture then they aren’t qualified to make the decisions on this subject and they should be removed from power. Either way we should give much more attention to the academics who actually understand the subject and show the work behind their arguments and allow peer review.


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Posted by zakherys at 12:07 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 11 March 2010 10:58 AM EST
Friday, 5 March 2010
Cause and Effect of Hatred


Starting at the kindergarten level because that is where a surprising
number of people make their mistakes

Why are so many people making so many mistakes about the
basics of inciting hatred?

If a bully beats up a little kid every day and the little kid gets angry and hates the bully many people may not dispute the possibility that the reason that the kid hates the bully is because he is beating him up. This seems very simple and few people would argue about whether the bullying caused the hatred and perhaps contributed if the kid eventual strikes back. This is quite routine with little children. However when people become adults and they start dealing with much more complicated institutions there is often much more doubt about whether there is any cause for hatred. This has been clearly indicated when GW Bush declared that the terrorist hate us because they hate our freedom. This is accompanied by an enormous amount of propaganda and ideological beliefs that confuse the issue and make it very difficult for many people to understand why they hate us. In many cases some of these people have said they don’t hate us they hate our government but our government and the Mass Media rarely mention this so many people overlook it. Our current society is controlled by a lot of big institutions that many people don’t understand but they influences a major part of everyone’s lives. If the institutions put a lot of people in a situation where they have little or no opportunities and they see that others who control the institutions and ignore their concerns is it any wonder that this would make them angry at someone even if they don’t know who to blame? Joe Stack is a clear example of this, he was angry about his business which failed and he took it out on the IRS building which could potentially have killed or injured many low level IRS workers but had little ort no chance of hurting the most powerful people who control the major institutions that set up the tax system. Even if he was striking out at the right people this clearly isn’t an effective way to accomplish his goals. There may be a lot of people that sympathize with him and it is conceivable that some of them may strike out violently but this will only escalate the violence. There is no easy answer to why these angry people hate the US government or any other organization but like any other field of knowledge it is necessary to start at the basics to understand it; however unlike hard sciences like math social sciences are much more confusing and in some cases it may not be quite so easy to know exactly what the basics are although many people think they do.


It may be easier to understand this if you start with a few simple principles that can be subject to scrutiny and possibly confirmed. As a matter of principle if someone feels that another person has infringed on their rights and it is in a simple manner that they understand this may cause them to hate that person or if it is accompanied by a lot of other infringements it may be a contributing cause. However if their rights have been infringed on in a more confusing manner they may become angry but if they don’t understand the system they may not know where to direct their anger. In this case it is conceivable in some cases that there could be deception involved on the part of the people that set up the system one way or another. This is more likely if the people in power set up policy behind closed doors and then come up with a system that clearly benefits the powerful at the expense of the poor. In this case those in power will almost certainly present an explanation to the public and attempt to convince them that this system is justified one way or another. In the current system it appears that one way or another a complex system has been set up to deliver many ideas to convince the public to support the status quo complacently; however few if any of these ideas address many of the simplest basics instead they present a series of complex ideologies that the public have a hard time understanding and few of if any of them help the public understand cause and effect. In some cases some people will figure some of this out on their own and try to convince others but they may encounter people who respect authority so mush they believe the version given by the leaders with a passion and are very reluctant to listen. The reason why these people and those with other prejudices adopt their beliefs begins very early in child hood. In fact if people want to address hatred and violence in the most effective way possible it should be done before it escalates which means starting at childhood or tracing problems back through history to understand how many of these institutions including education institutions were developed. When sorting through history it will be necessary to keep in mind who wrote the history and what their biases may be if you want to sort them out.


People become angry because they believe that someone infringed on their rights; however in many cases they don’t seem to understand who did so and they often place the blame based on emotional grounds or prejudicial beliefs. The greatest cause of anger often starts early in life perhaps before many children even learn ho to talk or understand what is going on. This has been confirmed by many psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists and other related academics. They have found that abused children are much more likely to become angry and violent adults. They have also found that patterns of behavior developed early in life whether they are violent patterns of behavior or not often remain with them throughout life unless something is done to change this. Since anger often starts before they understand much about the world and that pattern of behavior may remain with them for life it isn’t surprising that they may not know how to handle it very well. In many cases the person who abuses them is the parent which means it is the same person they are dependent of for the necessities of life. They are often looking for positive feedback from them and if their parents dictate the truth without accepting much if any rebuttal then the child may learn to respect authority without question but this doesn’t make the anger go away. If this happens and they need an out let they may search for a scapegoat. If the parent tells them stories which they may not fully understand that blames a certain scapegoat they may accept this then if it is repeated over and over again they may consider it sacrosanct. For example blaming the Jews or blacks in many white supremacist cultures may often bring positive feedback from their peers which are accompanied by an explanation why they are to blame. This explanation may not be rational but it brings positive feedback and since this eases their anger it becomes more import than sorting out the truth. One of the clearest examples of this may have been demonstrated in a photo that was taken during the early 20th century of a lynching of a black man. This photo showed many white southerners celebrating with the black person that was lynched in the middle and in the front of smiling crowd was a young child who was also smiling. There is a strong possibility that this child was raised in a strict disciplinarian manner and he may have found that if he went along with what his parents told him he would receive positive feed back. He may have been accustomed to hearing them talk about how bad the blacks are and how they should be punished and even executed when they get out of line. This child may have lived ion fear of punishment from his parents but looked forward to the times where he received positive feedback. The way he may have learned to do this may have involved joining in the cheering when the white mob lynched the black person. If this is the case then it wouldn’t have involved any attempt to figure out whether the black infringed on anyone’s rights although there would almost be an accusation that would have been accepted without question. This is conceivable the way many prejudicial beliefs develop. If you look at Germany and many other parts of the western world and how the Jews were demonized by those in power you may see similar examples. The hatred from Irish Catholics, Muslims, Palestinians or any other group of people may be established in a similar manner although if they are the underclass it is more likely that they will also be the victim of legitimate infringements on their rights which also contribute to their hatred. If they challenge these beliefs it brings negative often violent feedback so if this happens when a child is young and insecure they are very susceptible to adopting irrational beliefs. When this happens early in life the child may grow up making most of their decisions based on emotional reasons or beliefs they feel comfortable with even if they aren’t rational.


Philip Greven reviewed the methods used to discipline many fundamentalist protestants and found that they relied heavily on corporal punishment. In the most extreme cases some of the methods recommended to many of the people involved using punishment to obtain obedience starting before the child even learns how to talk. Some of these religious leaders look at this as a battle of will where they have to decide who is going to be boss the parent of the child and they use fear to enforce their beliefs. If a child doesn’t accept the appropriate beliefs as they are dictated by the parent they are punished. This method stifles free will and encourages the child to accept what they’re told without question. This includes beliefs about who the enemy is. In many cases the enemy of a child may be chosen at birth and dictated to the child ensuring that hatred is passed from one generation to the next. This type of child rearing isn’t limited to fundamentalist protestants it has also been used by Catholics and Muslims for thousands of years. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has stated that she has observed this type of treatment routinely in Ethiopia, Kenya and Saudi Arabia although there were some variations in many countries and many children including Francesco Forgione were raised and educated with similar disciplinarian methods. It was much more common to use these tactics to control the population including the adults when the Inquisition was still at it’s peak. When children are raised in this manner they are much more likely to accept what they are told from authority without question but not necessarily from just any authority. They expect authority to use might to enforce beliefs if the ruling authority doesn’t use this method but the authority in their local community does they may accept the authority that is backed up by force or coercion. An example of this may be the Neo Nazis who may not respect the governments’ authority but they do respect the authority from their own leaders who may use force and peer pressure to encourage conformity. Other examples may include people who were taught to accept only one form of beliefs or religion. If they are forced into another belief system they may be reluctant to adopt the new beliefs especially if they are kept together as a group. If they are separated some of them may be more likely to adopt the new belief system or at least they may appear to while others may resist and this may lead to escalating violence until the minority is forced to submit or they are killed. It may seem easier at times to control people like this with authoritarian methods but this will only lead to escalating violence in the long run which will do more harm than good. In order to break this cycle it will be necessary to reduce or eliminate child abuse and teach the children to think things through.


This could help polarize people’s beliefs and prevent them from looking at things from the point of view of opposing factions. Programs that address early childhood are much more likely to prevent hatred than those that wait until it escalates and they have to deal with adults with a lot of political power. Preventing child abuse at very young ages and participating in programs like Seeds of Peace when children are old enough may help to reduce hatred. However it will also be important to make sure that these peace efforts aren’t disrupted by more extreme people like when Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount complex and other holy sites for both the Jews and the Muslims and declared it would remain under control of the Jews. He did this with an escort of a thousand Israeli police officers because he knew it would enrage the Muslims which it did and conflict escalated. Instead of trying to encourage peace discussions with organizations like Seeds of Peace the conflict escalated and people on both sides became more polarized. The Seeds of Peace organization found that they had little or no support from their own people on both sides, and it took years before they could try again. To make matters worse they elected Ariel Sharon to prime minister and refused to acknowledge that he may have been partially responsible for antagonizing the Muslims. The check points that have been hailed by some as preventing terrorists from carrying out their attacks have also deprived the public of many of the necessities of a reasonably decent life. This has done as much if not more to increase the anger of the Palestinians and encourage support for the more radical factions of the opposition than it has to prevent attacks. If they want to stop the tension in the long run they have to stop inciting hatred and driving the moderates away. Until both sides learn how to consider the point of view of the others and understand that when they deprive the children of basic needs including education they are only creating another generation that is raised on hatred. Reducing violent child rearing methods if and when they are being applied and preventing the hardliners from polarizing both sides is one of the most effective ways to reduce the hatred and resolve differences in the long run whether it is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict or any of the other conflicts around the world.   


While some of these causes for hatred are emotional with little or no real grounds like when the whites hate the blacks or when anti-Semites hate Jews there are also many contributing causes of hatred that are based in accurate fact and these are often mixed in with the prejudicial causes of hatred which appears to make these prejudices legitimate. In order to address this in the most effective way possible both the legitimate causes and the prejudicial causes will have to be addressed although it may be easier to address them separately at times when possible. This will involve slow examination of many of the details and it will require people to find a way to control their tempers as much as possible for the duration of the process. If only one side is allowed to present points of views then it is guaranteed to fail even if it seems as if that side is by far in the right. The reason it may seem this way may be because the other side can’t present their views. It may also be that when the other side does have a chance to present their views that they are not very good at it. This may be the result of a poor education or being raised in a conflict or war zone. People raised outside of the conflict zone may have a much better ability to control their emotions and sort through the details but if they are involved in the system that influences the conflict they may have biases that interfere.


As I stated before many aspects of our life are controlled by many powerful institutions, these institutions are controlled and influenced by many people including the public. The majority of the controls of the institutions are not in the hands of the public although they often attempt to give the public the impression that it is, even if it was then many members of the public wouldn’t know what to do with the control of these institutions since they may not have an adequate education. Until the public does have an adequate education they may not have any choice but to leave the control in the hands of those that do; however that doesn’t mean that they have to continue leaving them with little or no accountability as the current system does. The people that currently control the Mass Media are only a very small percentage of the public and they are the same people that control many of the other most powerful capitalist institutions. This leads to a situation where the people with the most power have little of no accountability under the current system. In order to hold them accountable they need to rally a lot of support from the majority of the public but they can’t do this without the help of the Mass Media. This means that in order to sort through the real causes of hatred if some of it is caused by the corporations then it will be necessary to either reform the current system or create a new system at the grass roots level or both.


When it comes to the “war on terror” the USA is fighting against an enemy that hates us but many people don’t seem to have any idea what the real reason is. This is because the Mass media isn’t telling them about many of the most important facts but the “terrorists” are fully aware of some of them because they have to live with them. This doesn’t mean that all their reasons for hating us are legitimate as I said before but if the legitimate reasons are addressed then they will have a much harder time recruiting the more moderate people for their cause and the war may eventually come to an end if these moderate people recognize the extremists are not looking out for their best interests. If on the other hand the legitimate causes for hatred continue to be ignored then the moderates may continue joining the extremists if they’re the only ones that seem to be addressing these issues. This isn’t limited to the war against angry Muslims. It could include anyone that has a grudge with the capitalist system.


The capitalist system worldwide is supporting many regimes that provide little or no democracy to their own people and they often help increase profits by using slave labor, virtual slave labor where they consider the people free but deprive them of opportunities, destroying the environment, encouraging divide and rule tactics or many other tactics that lead to conflict around the world. If an American child from a rich family was kidnapped and forced to work in a sweat shop it would be considered an outrage but if the child come from a poor country it is ro99utine and this is often done to increase profits for many corporations although due to the complexity of the system and the fact that the Mass Media pays little or no attention to this many people don’t recognize it as a potential cause for hatred. This is just a tiny example there are also many examples where people are forced to live in environments that have been devastated by war and or industry that also lead to hatred. The majority of the public wouldn’t approve of these types of activity however since addressing them would infringe on the profits of the capitalist and they control the press they simply don’t tell the public about many of these facts. Instead they give them an enormous amount of propaganda and manipulate their emotions.


If the people of the developed world convince themselves that these legitimate causes they may believe that everything they do is justified but that won’t change the fact that the anger and hatred is still there and unnecessary wars will continue indefinably until either people address the facts or society self destructs. They can’t change these facts they can only prevent themselves from recognizing them and ensure that important decisions will continue to be based on lies. To put it in an overly simplified manner if someone threw a rock through a window and refused to acknowledge that by throwing the rock at the window they caused the window to break he would be considered absurd yet when it comes to inciting hatred many people including those with power do this on a regular basis however they always have a more complicated story to justify their actions and the opposition has another more complicated story as well. In many cases some of those with the most power have to know that there is a problem with the beliefs they present to the public they couldn’t possibly run many institutions if they could use basic reasoning skills. They don’t seem to be willing to change unless they are held accountable and this can only be done by an educated public that can control their tempers. In some cases where the leaders clearly have the discretionary skills to run a complex society they surely must have some understanding that they are infringing on the rights of the lower class. This may imply possible intent to use divide and rule tactics which have at times been clear. Jay Gould once said that he could “hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.” The alternative may be that they repeat their stories to themselves so often they start to believe them.


The major corporations that are impairing democracy are not just doing this abroad but they are doing it in the western world as well. In order to have a true democracy the public needs to have access to the information they need to make rational decisions and they need an education that enables them to process this information. We don’t have that either in the west or anywhere else in the world and until it is reformed there will be no true democracy and few if any people will have the information they need to understand the true causes for hatred and how to prevent it and stop wars.


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Posted by zakherys at 12:36 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 8 March 2010 9:40 AM EST
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
War Propaganda

And the lack of rational nonviolent solutions that work in the long run.

“Of course the people do not want war…But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism.” German Field Marshall Hermann Goering, Nuremberg April 18 1946


This quote from Hermann Goering is very close but not quite right especially after Viet Nam. In order to be successful it will be necessary to repeat it over and over again appealing to emotion. It will also be necessary to prevent the public from being educated enough to recognize these tactics.
War propaganda isn’t just about the hype you do hear it is also about the solutions that are being withheld or drowned out. For thousands of years many of the most powerful governments have been controlled by people that believe that it is glorious to conquer other countries. They have used a lot of hype on their own people to convince them that it is in their best interest to fight for their leaders. A lot of this involves glorious stories about past conquests.
Adolph Hitler understood war propaganda better than most if not all other leaders; although one thing he seems to have overlooked is that it isn’t in the best interest of the propagandist to explain it to the public. He provided one of the most effective descriptions of war propaganda in his book Mien Kampf. This enabled him to initiate the one most unified efforts to fight a war in history. Hitler not only explained how to use propaganda so that it could be used to manipulate people but he also provided an explanation so that it can be used as a warning. If this is taught to the public in a rational manner it can help to avoid falling for the same propaganda again. In order to succeed it must done with care and the results must be open to scrutiny. If this is done then it could drastically reduce future wars or perhaps even eliminate them, assuming other contributing causes to war are also addressed.
War propaganda must always be addressed to the masses and it must appeal to emotion not to reason if it is going to be effective in encouraging the masses to support the war. If you’re trying to avoid war on the other hand it is necessary to appeal to reason and avoid getting to angry and allowing hatred to influence decisions. War propaganda works much better if the public is receptive to it. More educated people are much less likely to be receptive to war propaganda assuming the education process they went through allows the student to sort through the details and figure things out for him or herself. If the education process the student goes through is based more on the trust of authority and believing what your told then the student will be much more receptive to war propaganda. These circumstances would be more like indoctrination than education. If the education process is enforced by using coercion then it will be more likely to encourage the student to accept the truth as it is dictated from the teacher without actually understanding it. Under these circumstances the student will have fewer critical thinking skills and they will be less inclined to challenge authority when the authority makes a mistake. Successful war propaganda should be used in a large volume and it shouldn’t allow any dissent if possible. Successful war propaganda is not democratic it is used to accomplish the goal of the ones promoting it. The enemy should be demonized if it is going to have its greatest effect and the masses should be discouraged from looking at it from the other side. If the Masses come to the conclusion that the enemy is guilty based on their emotions it will be very hard to convince them otherwise. This is especially true if the masses are angry and paranoid.
The public are much more likely to be receptive to propaganda if they are raised in a certain way. This usually involves raising them in a strict disciplinarian manner. Hitler also wrote about the criteria for citizenship in his book. He recommends that people be eligible for citizenship only after they are educated in what he considers the correct manner. This involves teaching them to adopt a certain set of patriotic beliefs without question or scrutiny. Men are required to do military service and go through boot camp or military indoctrination. Only after they have proven their worth and indicated that they won’t challenge the status quo should they qualify for citizenship according to Hitler. The method history is taught is also very important. Many countries have controlled the way schools teach history by dictating facts that make their country seem much better than any other. They rarely allow much if any dissent and often demonize anyone who dares to challenge the dominant version of history.

Many countries including the USA have criticized this type of activity but they often do the same thing themselves. They often indicate that part of the problem with the other people is that they don’t present history accurately. In the USA their have been many examples where there has been criticism of the government and this has led to improvements but these rarely make it into the history books. When they do they are often presented in a manner that gives most of the credit to the leaders without telling the students about the degree of public pressure that preceded the actions by the government. The government of the USA has rarely if ever represented the best interests of the majority unless they received pressure from the public. The ballot has rarely been enough. Some people including James Loewen author of “Lies My Teacher Told Me” and Howard Zinn author of “The Peoples History of the United States” have done a much better job educating the public about many of the most important historical facts but they aren’t addressed to the majority of the public. Their books have been for the most part addressed to those that look for the information. Sources like these are much more likely to provide the public with the information they need to make decisions and avoid war but they aren’t presented to the masses. They do a much better job explaining about many of the lies that have been told to the public in the past that led to war. The image presented to the public by the text books given to children the government and the Mass Media all indicate that more often than not the USA has always been fighting for freedom and democracy. A closer look clearly indicates this isn’t always true. In many cases the USA has fought against the popular movements with the support of the people. The CIA and other covert organization have often led the way in these activities but the truth about many of these activities has come out especially the older ones. The version of the truth presented to the other side has usually been very different. In order to prevent war propaganda controlled by a few on each side it is important to develop new sources of information controlled by a variety of sources including historians and activists that are sincerely interested in peace and fairness. Howard Zinn has done a much better job explaining history from the point of view of the poor people and the disenfranchised since Columbus first arrived in America. James Loewen hasn’t covered as much ground in his book but he spends more time explaining the process to record history and encouraging the public to look for the causes of many historical events. Neither of these books could possibly cover everything but they do take major steps in the right directions and indicate a good example for those that follow so they can continue the process.

The omissions by text books leave the students without the critical thinking skills they need to hold their government accountable. Ironically when war critics attempt to provide accurate information about many of the government activities they have at times been accused of attempting to insert propaganda into text books and this excuse has been used to keep controversial information out. What winds up happening is only one side gets presented that glorifies the USA government in a version that is dictated as a series of facts without much if any explanation of the causes. Most text books provide little or no information about many military actions by the USA that haven’t been based on moral grounds. These include many attempts, successful or not, to overthrow governments that had more popular support from the people than the ones the USA attempted to install including activities to reinstall the Shah of Iran, the overthrow of Allende in Chile, the support for Saddam Hussein before the nineties and many more. The most controversial government they attempted to overthrow was in Viet-Nam. The USA helped put Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother into power without much if any support from the people and when it became clear that there was little or no chance of gaining support from the public they helped support a coup that replaced him with a Junta controlled by generals sympathetic to US goals, but this Junta didn’t have much if any more support form the public. Ho Chi Minh may not have been perfect but he had much more support from the public and even if he was flawed the way to address that surely shouldn’t involve massive bombing of the entire country. The reason the military had a hard time telling who were their enemies and who were their allies is because few people supported them unless they were coerced. The USA has convinced many people that they were fighting to defend democracy when they were actually doing the opposite. Viet Nam had no intention or desire to attack the USA they only wanted to rule their own country. Part of the problem was an ideological one about communism versus capitalism. An enormous amount of propaganda has been used to equate capitalism with democracy and communism with tyranny. This hasn’t been accurate. There are benefits of both systems and examples where both were implemented in a manner that was clearly not democratic. If the USA stood back and allowed many of these countries to attempt their version of communism, socialism or capitalism they may have done a better job sorting out the difference. Under these circumstances they could still have provided advice in an honest manner instead they used coercion and covert activities to support tyrants not just in Viet Nam but many other countries. The omission of these details combined with the glorification of USA leaders has made schools one of the most effective propaganda machines the USA has.

The creation of these text books has been influenced by many sources some of which may not have been clear.  This includes the patriotic desire that many people have although they may not realize it. Most people don’t want to think of their own government as being cruel and tyrannical they would much rather believe they are part of the greatest country in the world. It is much easier to declare we are the greatest country in the world than it is to become great. In 1925 according to Loewen (“Lies My Teacher Told Me” p.302) the American Legion declaimed that the ideal text book must inspire people with patriotism. Views about patriotism for many people may have changed a lot since then; however there are almost certainly a lot of people that adopt the “our country write or wrong” attitude. This would effectively mean that we shouldn’t admit our mistakes or base decisions on accurate facts if they don’t glorify our country. This is what many text books seem to be doing and it is making many students more susceptible to propaganda by leaving them ignorant. If we are going to do what is best for our country we need to acknowledge the most accurate facts whether we like them or not than correct the flaws then their would be an honest and sincere to be patriotic. This version of patriotism would involve doing what is best for our country by providing the best education possible to everyone and looking out for everyone’s best interest without constant war.

Another major influence on text books has apparently been corporations. In most cases they have probably acted in subtle ways but the results are the same even if we don’t know how the became this way the fact that they rarely if ever address the flaws with the corporate system is circumstantial evidence that the corporations may have influenced them one way or another. In some cases they have done it in a way that has been recorded by history. During the early nineteenth century there were laws outlawing education to blacks in the most extreme cases they may have even been punishable by death. They understood that education could empower people back then. In the early 1920’s according to Frances Fitzgerald (source “Lies My Teacher Told Me” p. 215) the National Association of Manufacturers attacked a text book for being critical of the class system and this brought an end to social and economic analysis in American text books. Since then in most cases any additional activities have almost certainly been more subtle perhaps working through other organizations. One exception according to Loewen (“Lies My Teacher Told Me”  p. 305) may be when Exxon Mobil pressured the National Teachers Association to refuse to accept free copies of Al Gore’s video about global warming. The NTSA does distribute a video by the American Petroleum Institute that supports use of fossil fuels. The NTSA has accepted 6 million dollars over the last decade from Exxon Mobil. If school become dependent on corporations for money they can’t be relied on to teach the children impartially about economic issues. This may not initially seem to influence wars but when you consider the fact that most wars have corporate interests influencing them this becomes very important. Even if corporations weren’t directly influencing wars they would do so indirectly in this case since the deterioration of the environment is clearly a potential cause for many future wars if it isn’t addressed soon.

The current war on terror is also being influenced by the lack of education from text books. Many of the contributing causes to the war on terror go back fifty years or more including influence on governments like Iran and Iraq. Without accurate information about this many people can’t understand why the “terrorists” hate us. It is because the USA has influenced their governments and supported tyrants. Of course there are other reasons including religious reasons and the fact that they have demagogues using propaganda on their side as well but by supporting tyrants the USA has legitimized some of their propaganda. Another problem with the war on Terror is the use of the term “terrorist”. This term is clear propaganda. A reasonable definition for a terrorist might be someone who uses terror to accomplish their goals. This could clearly apply to our enemies in many cases but it could also apply to our allies as well. The way it is used in practice is that if people use terror to accomplish their goals and they don’t have political power or control of the media they are labeled a terrorist. If they do have political power it may be referred to as collateral damage when the innocent are terrorized or killed if it is mentioned at all. Terrorism used to be applied only when it was used against civilians now if they attack US soldiers in any manner it is cause to label them a terrorist. The same thing was done during the revolutionary war with King George III only the term he used at that time was rabble. Either way it is a propaganda term to manipulate people emotions and convince the public that the enemy is guilty on emotional ground therefore they don’t deserve a fair trial or protection from torture. This propaganda is used to justify a certain activity when “our side” does it and demonize the same activity when “their side” does it.

Clearly if the propaganda in text books is going to be put to an end there has to be more input from people with different points of views. If only one point of view is allowed and it doesn’t involve sorting through the details to figure out what is true and finding out how to confirm information whenever possible the propaganda will continue. The internet could be a very effective way of addressing this as well as other computer technology. This could include using computer programming to improve organizational issues. For example a computer can be used to provide a much more complete index. By alphabetizing all words within any given book even if it is a traditional print book a computer could help create a complete index, there will still be some work to weed out common word that you wouldn’t want in an index like “the” or “people” etc. but this could also be worked into the program. Even Loewen’s book doesn’t have an index that is complete, if you look up 2 out of the three page numbers cited above to confirm my information in the index you wont find the page number, and a surprising number of books don’t have any index at all. Two hundred years ago when Edward Gibbon wrote “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” an inferior index was understandable in some cases perhaps even a lack of index but in the computer age it should be inexcusable. In the computer age if publishers created and provided a program to their writers this could be addressed very easily and it would make it much easier to look up a lot of information.

The way children are raised also has a major impact on how receptive they will be to war propaganda. Many psychologists, sociologists and other academics have studied early childhood and they have found that patterns of behavior developed in the earliest stages of childhood often stay with them through their whole life. If children are abused during childhood or disciplined with violent methods they are much more likely to grow up paranoid and angry, and they are much more likely to make many of the most important decisions based on their emotions instead of reason. If the truth is dictated to them without much if any discussion and punishment is used to enforce these beliefs they are much more likely to respect authority only as long as it is enforced by strong-arm tactics or force. If on the other hand they are taught through discussion and they are allowed to sort through their mistakes on their own when possible they are much more likely learn how to think for themselves, develop sincere empathy and respect the rights of others.

War propaganda often presents war as the one and only solution for everything. Throughout history whenever there have been serious problems the public has often been given the impression that the only way they can deal with them are all out war. Whenever there is a problem the public has been told they have to “fight” the enemy. They have rarely been told that they should figure out the cause of the problem and address it the most effectively way possible. Many of the slogans “freedom isn’t free” or “fighting for democracy” have always indicated that the best way to protect freedom and democracy involves fighting. There is much less emphasis on obtaining a good education so they know how to make their decisions based on accurate facts. Some of the most effective war propaganda portrays the military as the greatest and most glorious heroes ever. This is rarely based on a close look at the activities of the military. The most effective military forces act together in a unified manner. In order to prepare the recruits for this they are taught to obey orders without question. This involves as much indoctrination if not more than it does education. The plus side is if their leaders are competent and sincere they will give good orders and they will be carried out efficiently. However, Soldiers are taught to obey whether the orders are good or not. Without fact checking there is no guarantee that the military will do a good job. Furthermore, the military is taught that the way to accomplish their job involves using force. This makes it much less likely that they will always accomplish the job in the most effective way possible since the most effective way to defend democracy and freedom isn’t war but avoiding war. War should be the last resort at best much more effort should be made to figure out how to avoid war using educational means.

War propaganda has a long history of portraying the soldiers as heroes in dramatic stories that provide great entertainment. They are often portrayed as knights in shining armor coming to save the day but this is rarely the way it works in real life. The most effective way to win a war involves having the best fighting skills. This is often learned early at life by rough play and fist fights as a child and escalates to more violence. By the time they reach their late teens they often learn how to behave better in most circumstances but they are still violent under the right circumstances. This is what makes them good soldiers. It is very difficult to teach people to kill when they are told and not to when they are told not to. The most effective killers are often the most angry and they are the most likely to become violent when they return to civilian life. War propaganda doesn’t take a close look at this. They present soldiers as heroes all the time without making much if any attempt to figure out whether it is true or not. This doesn’t mean that all soldiers are violent and out of control that isn’t true but nor is it true that all soldiers are always well behaved and above reproach. If people are trained to kill they just might do it and some of them may do it even when they’re not supposed to. Many of the biggest serial killers or mass murderers have been in the military including John Allen Muhammad, Jeffrey McDonald and Timothy McVeigh. Many of the other biggest mass serial killers were also rejected for the military. Of course the vast majority of  people involved with the military just like most other fields don’t turn into murderers but this is one of the few fields of work that train people to kill. It is also true that there are many cases where there really are legitimate activities for the armed forces so it would be wrong to go to the other extreme and assume that the armed forces are always wrong. When there are legitimate battles to fight it has to be done by those that are capable of doing the job and when they are brought under control if educational organizations want to do their work they may need protection in many parts of the world that still have a large faction of violent people out of control. When this happens the soldiers may be most effective if they learn to act as defenders part of the time and work with the natives and educators the other part. In circumstances like this there should be no fear of scrutiny since they are doing their job any way.

Effective war propaganda is often mixed in with entertainment and presented in a manner where people are often not encouraged to think things through and sort out the details. In many cases it is designed to keep people busy and distract them from any activity that might go against the war efforts. It often involves music that is often very well done and appeals to the public. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as there is also an effort to sort through the details and make the most rational decisions based on the best facts available. The problem come when there is an overwhelming amount of propaganda of this type and other points of view are censored or demonized. If the war advocates have to use intimidation or censorship to obtain their goals there is something wrong.

For complete online copy of Mien Kampf:

For examples of war propaganda songs and the war propaganda chapter from Mien Kampf see:

For the full HTML version of this blog with table of context see:  


Posted by zakherys at 11:55 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 July 2010 9:42 AM EDT
Friday, 19 February 2010
It's the Economy Stupid

Duh What’s the economy?
Is it a democratic economy to pool our resources and labors to benefit the majority in the fairest way possible?
Or is it a corporate economy designed to benefit the rich in the most effective way possible at the expense of the majority, unless the majority unites for a token amount of benefit which will be lost the moment they stop paying attention?
Have the corporations created a capitalist cult?
In order to have a democratic economy the public has to have an education good enough to understand what is going on and they have to have access to the information they need to make rational decisions. This means that they need to understand the basics of how the economy works. The economy is supposed to help us work together so that the quality of life can be improved in the most effective way possible. This shouldn’t mean creating just any jobs or buying and selling just anything. Jobs or trade that do little or nothing to benefit the consumer aren’t helping the majority improve their quality of life they are just enabling the corporations to profit by conducting business at the expense of the majority. For the last fifty years if not much longer the economy has been presented to the public as either a capitalist system or a communist system both of which pretended to look out for the best interest of the public neither of which actually did when they were put into practice; nor did either make much of an effort to teach the public how to understand either system in a way the public could understand it. In both cases they presented their system by using hype and propaganda and many conflicting versions of each system. A democratic economy would explain the basics of any given business to the public so that they can understand which system is most effective at accomplishing the goal of each business. In some cases a totally different system might be the most effective way to accomplish any given goal but in order to figure that out it will be necessary to sort through the details first in a way the public can understand it.
If any given business provides little or no benefit to the public like smoking gambling and insurance then a democratic economic system would teach the public what if any value these industries have and only the worthwhile ones would survive. This wouldn’t necessarily be because the government outlawed them but because once the public understood that something like smoking provides no benefit they would stop buying cigarettes and the tobacco industry would go out of business. In the case of tobacco it is easy to see that there is no benefit to the majority for this product, if used as directed instead of improving the quality of life for the consumer it makes it worse. This also leads to much higher health care costs. The only reason some members of the public thinks it is pleasant is because the tobacco companies have become experts at advertising and they found out how to take advantage of its addictive characteristics and hook children when they are too young to understand. Gambling isn’t much if any better for the public. It is often billed as entertainment but if you don’t enjoy losing it isn’t entertaining. Even though it is billed as entertainment most heavy gamblers don’t gamble for that reason, they gamble because they want to get rich quick. Gambling isn’t the way to do this except in a few extremely rare cases where someone wins big at the expense of many more people. If the odds weren’t fixed heavily in the favor of the controlling institutions they would go bankrupt. If the lottery advertisers were required to inform the public on a regular basis that the average consumer receives no more than about seventy-five cents on the dollar few people if any would play but instead they repeat over and over again phrases like “you can win” and play on the wishful thinking of the public. Even the few people who do win often don’t improve their quality of life for long. This is a result of what has been called “The Curse of the Lottery”. It basically means that the few people who actually do win are usually those that play on a regular basis which means they aren’t very good with their money. Just because they win this doesn’t change the fact that they aren’t good with their money and they often waste it at an amazing pace and wind up as poor as they were before sometimes even going into bankruptcy or even getting into legal trouble for related crimes often involving drugs or violence. Insurance is similar to gambling in some ways but it does serve some purpose. Insurance is supposed to provide a safety net if something bad happens but administrative costs don’t help that therefore when this is used they should be kept to a minimum. It isn’t in the best interest of the consumer to buy any more insurance than they need despite all the hype and advertising that comes from the insurance companies. This is explained more in other blog entries found in the table of contents.
When it comes to groceries and other necessities a democratic economy would help the consumers obtain what they need in the most effective way possible for them not the most profitable way for the corporations. Corporations have been packaging things, which used to be made in the kitchen from scratch, in a way that is supposed to be easier for the consumer. In many cases this may be partially true but what has happened is that many people have forgotten that they can make many of these products cheaper and better by doing it themselves, and in a few rare cases they can even do it with less work, although it usually takes some additional time to cook from scratch but not necessarily much. If the public was more familiar with a simple cookbook they could often obtain their meals in a better quality manner and at a lower price. The only reason this isn’t happening is because of the nonstop indoctrination from the commercial media that has kept the public busy and changed their way of life without the input or understanding of the public. Corporations are constantly increasing their profits buy manipulating the way these things are packaged so that the public doesn’t realize they are getting less for their money. One of the most common ways of doing this is downsizing where they gradually make the content of packages less, then after it gets to small they introduce new bigger sizes. In other cases it is more insidious like when they gradually increase the volume of water in a battle of shampoo then eventually come up with new and improved shampoo by putting it back. In many cases the secrecy they use to hide their new inventions is actually designed to hide the way they manipulate old technology to make it seem like something new. They get away with this because the public has little or no knowledge of how business operates and the public would need to be very vigilant to keep track of the many things that have a trivial impact on their life independently but the cumulative impact is much bigger. Since the any given corporations focus a lot of attention one product they can profit by skimping a little off of millions of people.
Diet information is something that is rarely if ever presented in a rational manner to the public any more. It used to be that everyone understood that if you wanted to lose weight the way to do it was simple just eat less and exercise more. Implementation may have been a little more complicated but the basics never changed. That is no longer the case. If the public eats less and exercises more this does little or nothing to improve the profits for corporations in fact it will actually make it worse. If people eat less they spend less money on food and that reduces the profits for food distributors. If they exercise more without buying equipment then it may take time away from other activities that the corporations charge for one way or another. This is one example where the best interest of the consumer doesn’t help the corporations make a profit so they have created a massive advertising campaign used in many different ways to confuse the issue and convince many of the most naïve that they can eat as much as the want without gaining weight or if they want to exercise they have to buy equipment which often makes it seem easy. These methods of losing weight rarely if ever work as well as the advertisements imply which actually works to the advantage of the corporations since many consumers will just try another method that costs money and doesn’t work. One option which is never advocated by the corporate media is the possibility that people can get together at their local school and use the gym for a private exercise club. If this is coordinated with the school board people can lose weight as a community at little or no cost. They could do this when there are no other school activities scheduled and perhaps collect modest donations for the school. They shouldn’t have to pay much if anything since the school is already financed by their tax dollars, they might as well get their moneys worth. They could pick a different volunteer to head the exercise group each session some of which will work the group harder than others and they will also develop stronger community ties that aren’t under the control of the corporations. This would be frowned on by the most powerful corporations since they seem to want to use all activity to make a profit and whenever they pass up an opportunity to take a cut they consider it a loss of potential profits. Furthermore once the public does something like this for one activity they may realize they can do it for another without giving the stockholders a cut of everything.
Appliances are another product that is rarely produced in a way that is in the best interest of the consumer. In many cases these can be made to be much more efficient and last a much longer time but this doesn’t happen. In many cases these items are almost certainly made so that they won’t last to long in a process called planned obsolescence. If they break down after a period of time long enough that they won’t try to return it under warranty then they have to buy more. Something as simple as a coffee machine can be made to last a long time but many of the cheapest ones last no longer than a year. Slightly more expensive ones may last two or thee years but except for commercial coffee machines which aren’t marketed to the public they rarely last longer than that. They get away with this because it seems so trivial and the public doesn’t understand how they work. A democratic economic system would benefit from a consumer protection agency that benefits from the help of someone who understands any given industry.

Consumer safety has also taken a back seat to corporate profits in many cases in the past. The recent recall due to a sticky accelerator pedal is just one of many examples where a safety problem was ignored until there was a case so big they couldn’t ignore it and it led to many more people coming forward and saying they had the same problem. There was a similar problem with firestone tires ten years ago. This type of problem isn’t limited to the auto industry; it has been very common in the past. When the media has covered them they have often waited until it was too big to ignore then treated them as somewhat isolated incidents. They have never done a review of all the past incidents and created a complete list or even close that I know of. Some low profile consumer groups almost certainly have to the best of their ability, but they have few resources to get their message across to the public without the help of the Mass Media. Without a Media that does more than pay a token amount to the best interest of the public few problems like this can be addressed in a reasonable manner.
Electric utilities are also another industry where little or no effort has been made to explain the basics of how it works and how to make it the most efficient for the consumer. The free market promoters have attempted to convince the public that unregulated industry that is held accountable by competition can work just as well with utility companies as it does with goods and services. A closer look at how it works clearly indicates that this isn’t true nor can it ever be made to work. Utilities are generally broken up into two different sectors, power plants to generate electricity and a distribution infrastructure to deliver it to the public. The delivery infrastructure involves running wires all over the country. In order for two or more companies to compete at this they would each have to run their own wires to areas they cover. This would involve much more work to enable more than one company in the market and therefore it makes in impractical
and prevents competition from keeping costs down. There has been some attempt to convince the public that at least the production can be competitive but no system has been set up to enable the public to receive the information they need to make these choices and they have no way of confirming much if anything the generation companies do. They have attempted to convince the public they could choose the company that produces cleaner energy at a higher cost. In some cases this could be wind or solar for part of it. However if the corporations want to keep the supply of these down the costs will remain high even if it becomes more economical. They can use the good intentions of some consumers to justify higher costs without actually providing cleaner energy. This has made competition meaningless.
This also comes at a great cost to the environment which is often ignored. This isn’t just the utility industry but many other industry damage the environment without paying as they go to eliminate or repair the damage before it accumulates. In the long run the human race will not survive if the environment is destroyed and this is being done gradually by many industries of which the utility industries are the greatest. There has always been a law protecting property owners from having their property taken away from them without due process. This has rarely if ever been used to protect the poor from having the environment they depend on being taken away. For someone to interfere with industry has often been considered depriving property owners of their rights; however when they deprive others of the necessities of life the same doesn’t go especially if the victims have little or no political power or access to lawyers. In a democratic economy there
could be some attempt to respect the environment. This may not always involve never doing any damage although that would be preferable but it could involve setting up a system to repair the damage as it goes along. If it was necessary to damage the back yard of corporate board holders to accomplish their goal this would never be considered acceptable; therefore in a democratic economy it wouldn’t be acceptable to damage the environment in the neighborhoods of poor people whether it is in urban slums or rural part of the USA or countries like Nigeria, Columbia, Indonesia or many others. The assumption that US corporations should be allowed to do anything they can get away with in countries with weak enforcement is highly undemocratic. This is especially true when these corporations help keep tyrannical regimes in power.
War profiteering is a major obstacle for any form of a democratic economy. The most effective way to address this is to figure out how to minimize or eliminate war by setting up systems of government that give the public control over their own governments in any part of the world. Any efforts to accomplish this has been hampered by profiteers that benefit by selling arms to both sides of any given conflict or benefit in many other ways like mining diamonds with slave labor provided by a tyrant who maintains power by using diamond money to buy arms. The
US government has often been one of the worst profiteers inciting or participating in many wars to protect the best interest of many US companies. One of the clearest instances was when the US provided arms at various times to both sides of the Iran Iraq war. This enabled both sides to maintain power and keep fighting at the expense of the public which was caught in the middle. A democratic economy would have to expose this in the most effective way possible. The majority of the public receives no benefit from this constant fighting quite the opposite. This is being used as an excuse to keep many things about security secret but over the years an enormous amount of this has already leaked out. The most effective way to reduce or eliminate this practice will involve collecting this data and organizing it in the most effective way possible, then presenting it to the public. If the public has the education and information they need they can do much more to reduce war. This can’t be left in the hands of the politicians if there is going to be a democracy.
Crime profiteering has often created many of the same problems as war profiteering but it receives much less attention. Any company that makes a profit from crime indirectly and benefits as long as the rate of crime remains high could be considered a crime profiteer. Brinks security could be considered one example of this. If it isn’t excessive it may not be a profiteer but if they offer solutions that only protect the public from the symptoms of crime without addressing the root causes of it they will profit from crime without actually doing anything to reduce it in the long run. This is what their home security systems do. They offer those that can afford it protection as long as they continue paying for it but do nothing to address the social causes that lead crime. The richest and most powerful people get the most effective security systems. This enables them to pursue economic policies of their choice without worrying about those that are put at a
disadvantage getting angry and striking out at them. There have been many examples, including the most recent case of Joe Stack flying a plane into a building, where some people angry about a system that appears stacked against them strike out in anger and if they can’t get to the ones responsible for their predicament or they can’t even tell who it is they may strike out any way they can. Security systems and access to politicians and media help the most powerful avoid accountability. The gun industry has also been accused of crime profiteering with some good reasons since they have fought to keep the loopholes that make it easier for criminal to get crime and when criminals get these guns and use them they often lead to scares among the public who buy more guns for protection. In "Outgunned: up against the NRA: the first complete insider account of the battle over gun control" (2003) by Peter Harry Brown and Daniel G. Abel they describe how the NRA and the gun manufacturers have manipulated the public and the government withy distorted information and by appealing to the emotions of people to make it easier for criminals to get guns and enable the gun manufacturers to profit from high crime rates. Investigating services can also be a form of crime profiteering. This is generally available only to those who can afford it so it helps keep the lower classes poor for the benefit of the rich. These investigative services can be used to investigate people whoa are mostly poor but they are much less likely to investigate the crimes of the rich. In the few exceptions it cost much more to investigate the rich. The biggest crime profiteer may be the Mass Media. They make an enormous amount of money selling advertisements to many shows that address crimes in a manner that is designed to scare the public and keep them obsessed with it without actually educating them about the most effective ways to minimize and prevent crime. They have been entrusted to provide community services when they received free access to the public airways and they attempt to convince the public that they do this but they do very little to present information from the most credible academics to prevent crime. A democratic economy would have to have a media system that helps educate the public about long term crime prevention in the most effective way possible. This would involve teaching them about the small things like child abuse and how it escalates to much more serious crime.
In a capitalist overdrive system like what we have wound up with it becomes clear that some people are more concerned about making money at the expense of anyone they can no matter how much damage they do to the majority. This is like the game of monopoly only they do it for real with real monopolies. In the game of monopoly the person who winds up with everything and drives everyone else into bankruptcy wins; that is essentially what the most powerful are trying to do to the majority of the word. They don’t want to totally destroy their opponents; but they do want to come close. They want to make sure that the poor have just enough to survive and stay complacent. They have done this by consolidating the biggest corporations and taking advantage of the control over the Mass Media to prevent the majority of the public from knowing what is going on with business deals to complex for them to understand. The competition that is supposed to make the capitalist system so much better than the Russian version of the communist system no longer has any way to hold the industries accountable. We are now seeing a steady decline in the quality of consumer products as well as variety. This hasn’t been accompanied by much if any effort to allow any other accountability system to take place. This enables the riches to ensure that they can obtain high profits indefinitely; however if they continue to try to increase them beyond the capacity of the economy to sustain them something has to give and this may collapse one way of another. In fact to some degree it already is. If they only provide a token amount of effort to fix it they will only set society up for another collapse a few years down the road which could be worse.


The systems of monopoly aren’t limited to any one industry in fact the majority of the industries and other powerful institutions, including government and even schools, are primarily controlled by a small percentage of the public. Most of the activities they conduct are done with little or no input from the public. In the game of monopoly both the winners and losers can go to the refrigerator and get something to eat after the game is done and play other games after all it’s only a game. In the real life version of monopoly the losers often go without much if any food, clothes or shelter etc. They often can’t get clean water or breathe clean air. In many cases they live in constant fear of their lives if they live under the control of any of the worst tyrants in the world. Even some of the people in the USA live like this if they happen to be raised in one of the roughest gang infested parts of the country. The winners are under no obligation to pay any attention to this unless perhaps they want to downplay the problems because it may interfere with their profits which many of them do. The most powerful people once used company towns to control the entire economy when people didn’t travel as much. At that time they often gave the workers credit to buy at the company store which charged higher prices than most other stores. This ensured that when someone came in poor and needed food they would have to get an advance on their pay after their first day and they would often never be able to work their way out of debt. These aren’t as common as they used to be but they now have more complicated systems to accomplish the same job.
Advertising is another industry with simple basics that are being ignored by the naïve. The goal of the advertiser is always to make a profit the most effective way possible for the customer which is the company trying to sell the public something. They don’t accomplish this by focusing on the flaws of the product quite the opposite they focus on the best aspects of the product they are selling and try to make it seem better than it is. The best way to keep profits up for both the advertiser and the vendor is to convince the public they are getting a good deal without actually giving them a good deal. The advertising industry is much more concerned with good images than providing good products or services. If the public has only advertisements to base their decisions they will never be able to do a good job finding good deals. The industry often uses many methods like marking up to mark down and other tactics that often make things seem more complicated than they are. A quote from Charles Manson indicates the way advertisers work very clearly. He once told Vincent Bugliosi "You can convince anybody of anything if you just push it at them all of the time. They may not believe it 100%, but they will still draw opinions from it, especially if they have no other information to draw their opinions from." This is a very effective indoctrination method which he understood. Hitler also made similar quotes; they both used their indoctrination methods to take out their anger on the world. The advertiser use similar methods for a different reason, profit; however the price the public pays is high in both cases but much more insidious in the case of adverting since the damage remains hidden for much longer. From the point of view of the consumer they shouldn’t buy anything unless they truly understand what the benefit is and that it is worthwhile. Advertisers have learned to prey on the least educated, most insecure and most compulsive members of the public that respond to hype much more than they respond to logical deduction. They have successfully marketed many items that have little or no value to the public or some items like collectible silver dollars that they can charge more than the face value of the item. They have advertised many collections of perhaps a dozen silver dollars for a low price of 29.95 marked down from 39.95 or something like that in many cases. Any rational person will realize that the value of a dollar whether it is silver or not is a dollar. The same thing is done for commemorative plates and many other things that seem great when you buy them but have no practical purpose and do nothing to improve the quality of life. The right to free speech for advertiser has effectively given them the right to defraud the most naïve members of society. There is little or no money available to explain to the public how ineffective these things are and with the capitalist economic system money is a necessity when it comes to getting a message across to the public. Most people have forgotten that in the sixties when there was an uproar over tobacco advertisement the solution they initially came up with involved including health warnings to give the consumer a fair amount of information about what they were buying when they bought cigarettes. The tobacco companies knew this would devastate their business so rather than give the public information from both sides of the issue including the truth about the damage cigarettes do they agreed to give up their rights to advertise on TV. They have often tried to imply that this was a generous act on their part without reminding the public that they only did this to avoid something they considered worse. In 1976 the Supreme Court interpreted the constitution in a way that indicates money equals fee speech in Buckley etal v. Valeo. This effectively means that if you have enough money your right to lie to the public as long as it is in a confusing way is more important than the right of the poor to tell the truth. This may not have been intended to apply to advertisements but it has anyway. This also applies to many academics who have some very good work to contradict many of the propaganda put out by corporations but they don’t have the money to get their message to the masses. In some cases even when there is enough money to pay for ads the biggest media outlets reject them with a claim that they don’t do issue ads or things that offend some people; which sounds better than they don’t want to accept ads that challenge their authority. In a democratic economy there should be some kind of institution set up to help consumers obtain rational accurate information that isn’t controlled by the corporations. The corporations now have a growing amount of control over the Mass Media so that the public can no longer rely on them for much if any help to expose misleading advertisements.
The biggest corporations are even trying to target their ads to children as young as possible with or without the permission of the parents. This could essentially result in partial indoctrination of these children. Media ads alone can’t apply for complete indoctrination but it can be an important part of a bigger effort to manipulate the public. They try to reach these children as young as possible because they know that they often develop their tastes early and if they can get them to become loyal to a product young enough they can have a customer for life. They are even flooding schools with advertisements now. In one absurd case in
Georgia when a school was having a promotional campaign for coke they suspended one student for wearing a Pepsi shirt. They have preyed on the desperation of many schools for funds to make them dependable on things like advertisements or funds from the lottery both of which give schools incentive not to challenge the corporate system. When corporations have too much control over schools they can preempt what could and should be the most effective way of educating the young about the flaws of unchecked capitalism.


They also try to ensure that children are accustomed to buying what they need by making credit cards available to them at an early age especially if they are college bound. This practice has encouraged college kids with little or no income to spend a lot of money ensuring that they will start out in debt from the beginning and constantly be trying to catch up. The lenders are often relying on the assumption that these children will be earning more money than those without a college education and that if necessary their parents may help them out if they wind up in trouble to protect their credit scores. They are currently coming out with more rules to limit this practice but this is probably only because they know they have gone too far and it is in their own best interest not to lend too much to higher risk people. They may present this as a way to stand up for the best interest of consumers but it is probably the best interest of the stockholders that they are concerned about as usual.


This can be even more damaging when they have trouble with children that are overactive. Instead of encouraging parents and teachers to spend more time with these children they diagnose many of them with attention deficit disorder or ADD. Some of these diagnoses may be legitimate but there is ample evidence to indicate that in many cases it is just easier to diagnose them this way than to spend more time with them. This adds one more way for drug companies to make a profit but they are doing it by experimenting with the health of children.


When radio first developed there was an attempt to use it for education. Some people from the academic community recognized that this had a large potential to educate the public and improve the quality of life. There was a debate over this in the 1930’s. There were two groups, NCER and NACRE, which advocated for more education. NACRE was financed by the Carnegie foundation. This group was more inclined to work with business. NCER was more adamant about giving more time for education and they were portrayed as extremists. NACRE wound up lasting longer and they provided some educational, material controlled primarily by the broadcasters and the corporations. When they no longer needed them for public relations they wound up fazing them out. This is described in “Strong Media Weak Democracy” by Robert McChesney. The excuse they used to let the commercial interests control the radio is that they were the only ones without an ideology they were trying to push on the public. This implies that capitalism wasn’t an ideology which is of course false. What wound up happening is that the ones in power managed to deny their ideology and shut everyone else out. This meant that only one ideology was presented to the public in an overwhelming manner over the radio and later TV for decades without anyone to challenge the mistakes. This included the McCarthy era when there was a virtual witch hunt for Communist collaborators based on emotional grounds. When this came to an end it wasn’t accompanied by an effort to review the Capitalist ideology and fix the mistakes, instead they just swept it under the rug and continued promoting the Capitalist ideology unchallenged in a slightly more subtle way. In order to repair the damage that was done it may help to review this situation and find a way to devote much more Media time to education that ids controlled by academics and members of the public. The corporations have proved that they can’t be trusted to provide educational material on their own; if encouraged to do so for political reasons they may only do so as long as people are keeping them accountable. A system needs to be set up where the people choosing the programming are accountable to the public.

The excessive reliance on the commercial ideology has created something that could be considered a capitalist cult. This may not fit all definitions of a cult, for example if you consider a cult a group that blindly believes a cult leader worshipping a fringe God this wouldn’t apply. However if you consider a cult a system that uses indoctrination tactics to manipulate the public and dictate the truth about a given subject this would fit the definition of the capitalist ideology and the way it is being currently implemented in the USA. The Mass Media and the advertising industry is flooding the public with an enormous amount of propaganda promoting the pro business ideology that does very little to look out for the most effective way of improving the quality of life for the majority. Instead they are getting a message across that all business is good even if the consumer doesn’t get much if anything for their money. This is repeated over and over again and anyone that attempts to provide an opposing voice is either censored or their voice is drowned out so that very few people will remember it. This capitalistic cult is backed up by powerful people that control the most important institutions in the world including many colleges and religions.
The only way to fix this situation involves educating the public in the most effective way possible. This would have to include new laws to make any necessary information the public needs to make decisions available to them in the most effective way possible. The most powerful corporations have all the information they need to make their decisions but they withhold most of it from the public. They justify this with claims that imply protecting privacy should be sacrosanct. What they don’t mention is that one of the things they use their right to privacy for is to keep track of what their customers are doing and what their tastes are. This essentially means that the right for the public to privacy isn’t as important as the right for powerful institutions to privacy. This is the opposite of the way a democracy is supposed to work. The public should have the right to know what their government and the most powerful institutions are doing so that they can know how to make their decisions. A democracy should have a system where the public has control over the interview process for applicants for political office. Instead of treating elections like a campaign controlled by the candidates it should be an interview system controlled by the public. No business owner would ever allow the job applicant to control the interview process yet that is exactly what has been happening with campaigns for public office. The public needs to be educated so they can understand how to participate in this process. Some people could be chosen to arrange for the interviews before a large audience where their would be certain fixed questions on an application that the applicant would fill out ahead of time and the public would ask more during the interview. If an applicant for office refused to participate in this system his name should be dropped from the ballot. No employer would ever hire an applicant who refused to fill out the job application.
In order for a system like this to be truly democratic the public would have to understand it and they would have to have an opportunity to amend it if there are any problems. It wouldn’t be in the best interest of the public for them to make their decisions based on false beliefs so it would be important for the public to keep an open mind and try to recognize their own mistakes when necessary. Once they understood this and fixed all the unaddressed issues and when necessary corrected the flaws then there would be a truly democratic system.



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Posted by zakherys at 12:45 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 29 March 2011 11:43 AM EDT
Friday, 12 February 2010
Daddy's Hands

Hard as steel when I’d done wrong.
Is there a way to educate and discipline children without physical violence?
Does this have an impact on other issues including war and democracy?
The following song by Holly Dunn indicates the romanticized version of discipline and family life. In some ways there are of course good ideals here that should be encouraged but if it also romanticizes physical abuse that could escalate to greater violence it should be looked at a little closer.
"I remember Daddy’s hands, folded silently in prayer.
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare.
You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines.
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind.
I remember Daddy’s hands, how they held my Mama tight,
And patted my back, for something done right.
There are things that I’ve forgotten, that I loved about the man,
But I’ll always remember the love in Daddy’s hands."
"Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy’s hands, were hard as steel when I’d done wrong.
Daddy’s hands, weren’t always gentle
But I’ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy’s hands."
"I remember Daddy’s hands, working 'til they bled.
Sacrificed unselfishly, just to keep us all fed.
If I could do things over, I’d live my life again.
And never take for granted the love in Daddy’s hands."
"Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy’s hands, were hard as steel when I’d done wrong.
Daddy’s hands, weren’t always gentle
But I’ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy’s hands."
Most old fashion methods of teaching and disciplining children seem to start with some form of physical abuse usually spanking. If this doesn’t work it often leads to an escalation of violence that ends when the subject submits to the will of the authority figure. This is not always the case, in some instances the physical discipline is accompanied by discussion to explain why the child needs to learn to abide by the wishes of the parent until he or she learns to make decisions on his own. There are also a growing number of people that have been arguing that there should never be an excuse to hit a child. The three most common arguments have often been divided into either advocacy of spanking and corporal punishment that escalates until the child learns, advocacy of corporal punishment only as a last resort or no spanking or any form of physical punishment to children. In the last case there would have to be an alternative in order to make it
practical. This alternative usually involves spending more time with children and find nonviolent ways of disciplining and educating children. These three general descriptions are not always agreed upon by many people though, in some cases what one person considers moderate another considers extreme.
Many people have argued that since children who have been disciplined properly eventually learn to obey that the discipline worked. This doesn’t always stand up to closer scrutiny though, in many cases these people only learn to respect authority as long as it is backed up by the threat of some form of punishment. In many cases when a child is punished in a harsh manner they may resent it but they may not express these feeling for fear of additional punishment. This could result in a situation where resentments come out much later if they are allowed to build up and they may not always be directed in the right direction. If punishme4nt has to be administered many times before the child learns and it e4scalates as it goes along the child may learn to respect the authority of the person who is stronger not necessarily the authority of the individual who is right which teaches the might makes right mentality. This may result in the appearance of good behavior but this may change when there is no accountability or if the child winds up in an unfamiliar situation. In many cases the child who0 is subject to harsh discipline may learn to settle conflicts with violence or they may learn to take out their anger on those with less power than them. This may initially involve bullying at school and lead to domestic violence later in life including using the same harsh discipline that they endured as a child on their own children.
There is an enormous amount of evidence that children who suffer from child abuse which often starts as corporal punishment and either escalates to more severe physical or mental abuse are more likely to become violent later in life. This should indicate that at least trying to minimize if not eliminate physical punishment works better if there is a more effective alternative. This could involve spending more time with children from an early age, some of which could be spent explaining why misbehaving is wrong and listening to why the child may disagree and addressing these concerns. This may involve using other forms of nonviolent discipline like taking a break or repairing damage that was done for example, cleaning up his own mess. The problem with spending with more time with children under the current circumstances is that some cultures have so many things that are considered more important often involving work. This indicates that in order to address improved child care it may be necessary to take a look at how effective the economy is at accomplishing its job. The economy is supposed to be an institution that improves the quality of life for the people by allowing the public to work together provide necessities in a more efficient manner but it has often turned into something that is more concerned about creating jobs and trade even when these activities don’t actually serve a good purpose. For example a job to create a product that doesn’t benefit the consumer isn’t improving the quality of life for the public. This only serves to benefit the businessman that profits from it. This may not seem like it has an impact on child care but if it is done on a large scale it deprives the parents of the time they need to spend with their children and leads to neglect.
One of the biggest obstacles to reducing corporal punishment has been religious beliefs in some cases from fringe cults that impose strict discipline starting before the child even learns how to talk. This isn’t limited to fringe cults there are also many more mainstream religions that advocate strict punishment and some more moderate religions that use this only as a last resort. In his book “Spare the Child” (1990) Philip Greven PhD. had reviewed many of the methods used to discipline children over the centuries including some that have come from many child rearing books written by religious leaders and in some cases psychologists. He has found that many of them rely solely on punishment and intimidation tactics that do little to educate the child but only teach them to obey out of fear of the authority figure. In some cases when children were disciplined with violence by their own caretakers they have learned to associate violence with love or they have developed paranoid attitudes. The most extreme of these religions focus on breaking the will of the child from birth and teaching them to obey the orders of the authority figure in some cases even when the authority figure is wrong. In one instance Greven cites Larry Christenson who says “The bible… does not say ‘children obey your parents when they are right’ it says ‘obey your parents in the lord, for this is right’- even when they are wrong! (see Ephesians 6;1) the child who obeys a ‘wrong’ command will still bask in the light of Gods approval.” He also cites Roy Lessin who says “A parent’s directive does not have to be reasonable to be obeyed.” Another quote from Sarah Edwards says “that until a child will obey his parents, he can never be brought to obey God.” These methods are all more concerned with teaching blind obedience than teaching morality. This sense of morality is based on accepting what you’re told by an authority figure whether it is right or wrong. This blind respect for authority is often transferred to other authority figures; which in the worst cases could lead to blindly following a leader like Adolf Hitler. Most religious leaders don’t make statements that are quite so clear and in many cases they will almost certainly deny that teaching children to obey even when the parent is wrong is the right way to go but they rarely if ever come up with an alternative and they often demonstrate with their actions that they do the same thing.

Phillip Greven also review the upbringing of many of the most famous televangelists including Billy Graham, Orel Roberts, Tammy Baker and Tim LaHaye and has found that they have learned these disciplinary methods from their parents and used them raising their own children as well. He has found that they usually marry people that are raised in similar manners and few if any of them have taken much effort to find an alternative. He cites one incident from oral Roberts autobiography when Oral and his brother were on a pallet listening to their father preach when another child pulled on the pallet and his brother Vaden responded by telling him that if he did it again he would cut his ear off. The other child said he didn’t have the nerve. Oral wound up holding the boy while Vaden began to cut off the boy’s ear. Their father intervened when he heard the boy scream and told them he would see to them later which meant they would be taught a lesson by beating them with a razor strap until there were stripes on their rears. Oral later learned to teach his children the same way. He didn’t seem to consider the possibility that the reason the attempted to cut the boys ear off in the first place may have been because they were imitating similar methods to discipline the other child. This wouldn’t have been the first beating they received from their father and it is probable that they learned that when they have a problem with others the way to deal with it is to “discipline them” in a manner similar to what their father did. Cutting off a child’s ear would of course not be considered an appropriate way to do this but they were children at the time and they may have used the most effective method they knew how to based on their resources and education at that time.

These methods of dictating the truth without question can also lead to blind belief in many myths and prejudices as well. In many cases cultural differences are often dictated by the leaders of each side of a potential conflict and they often both learn the same methods to settle conflicts which may involve breaking the will of their opponents or disciplining them the same way they discipline their own children. In many cases they are much more sever with their enemies since they are often demonized and anger and blame is often redirected to their enemies whether it is right or wrong. If the leaders of any one group dictates beliefs to their children about an opposing group then it justifies fighting wars against them and bringing them into submission often as inferiors who can never earn the same rights; however if the situation is reversed they feel that they should always fight to overthrow their tyrants. This leads to a situation where there is
constant conflict unless one side can eliminate the other or break their will and force them to submit to the leadership of the other. Neither of these options work in the long run. In order to successfully eliminate the opposition it often requires one side to use ruthless tactics which they come to be accustomed to then when they win they generally find another enemy to turn those tactics against. If they break the will of the opposition they have to maintain this with constant discipline which often goes too far and leads to another rebellion.

A study done by Stanley Milgram in the sixties indicates how extreme blind obedience to authority can be. He conducted an experiment where participants were told they were supposed to help “teach” a subject by administering electric shock to them when they got the answers to a question wrong. These shocks were escalated until they got the answers right even to the point of causing great pain in the subject. The subject wasn’t actually shocked but he acted as if he was and teacher was unaware. In most of these experiments the teachers were willing to obey the authority figure and administer the maximum 450 voltage even though the subject was often screaming or begging for the experiment to stop. No research was done at the time to indicate for certain whether the ones that did administer the full voltage were raised with strictly disciplinarian methods but enough research done since then has been done to indicate that there is a strong possibility that were.

The combination of teaching children to blindly obey their leaders and the paranoia that increases with strict discipline has a major effect on the current situation with the war on terror. In its most extreme escalating violence could lead to major wars like this one where neither side respects the rights of the other. Many members of the public are more paranoid and they are acting on their emotions. Their leaders are offering them a solution which involves constant fighting and more espionage. In the rush to come to a conclusion on how to deal with the situation many people are accepting this without question. There is little effort from most of these people to find out what the true cause of these efforts to terrorize the
USA and even less if it partially implicates those they view as their saviors. The terror of the opposition is used as an excuse to escalate violent tactics from our own side despite the fact that a closer look will almost certainly indicate that is what got us into this situation in the first place.  

A Growing number of academics including sociologist Murray Straus, psychologists Alice Miller and Benjamin Spock and many other more recent psychologists have recommended against much if any physical punishment for children. Murray Straus has reviewed over eighty studies on viole4nce that look into many different aspects of violence and has found that one after another they indicate that violence begets violence. This includes a higher amount of school violence and murder in states that allow corporal punishment in schools as well as a higher rate if violent behavior of adults that were abused as children and a higher chance that these adults will also abuse their children. None of these studies are perfect but the cumulative results of all these studies plus the fact that the conclusions are also supported by different types of research by other academics including Dan Kindlon, James Garbarino and Ellen deLara and many others indicates that abuse of any type including corporal punishment should be minimized if not eliminated. Dr. Spock has always recommending avoiding corporal punishment when ever possible but in 1988 he went one step further and said spanking should never be used at all. He said “The best test of a punishment is whether it accomplishes what you are after, without having other serious effects. If it makes a child furious, defiant, and worse behaved than before, then it certainly is missing fire. If it seems to breaks a child’s heart then it’s probably too strong for him. Every child reacts somewhat differently.” Keep in mind in many cases it may seem to work for a while since in the immediate aftermath the child may be more concerned with receiving more punishment and may suppress his anger. This could mean that although his behavior may improve for a while if his anger builds up it may get worse later and then an even greater degree of violence may be necessary since he may become accustomed to it. Dr. Spock went on to say “There are several reasons to try to avoid corporal punishment, I feel. It teaches children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way, whether or not he is in the right, and they may resent this in a parent- for life. Some spanked children feel quite justified in beating up smaller ones. The American tradition of spanking may be one cause4 of the fact that there is much more violence in our country than in any other comparable nation-murder, armed robbery, wife abuse, child abuse.” Part of the reason children learn to suppress their anger is that in addition to punishing children physically many parents learn to punish them even more if they cry or complain about their punishments. Some of the same leaders who recommend punishment for disobedience also recommend additional punishment if children don’t submit to punishment without complaints or crying.

Teaching children to accept what they’re told without question can be a serious threat to democracy. If there are a large number of people who believe what their told from their leaders they may vote accordingly instead of sorting through the issues and figuring out what is in the best interest of themselves as well as the rest of society. In order for a democracy to be successful the public has to have the access to the education and information they need to make rational decisions. If they are taught to accept certain false facts without question from their leaders they won’t be able to vote in a rational manner and it won’t be a true democracy.

Secular ideas about discipline often have their routes in tradition or religion even though many of the people that adopt them may not realize it. When enacting laws about child abuse many politicians are more concerned with the beliefs of the majority and perhaps the beliefs of the religious le4aders as well as legal precedents influenced by religious leaders in the past than they are about the research done by academics that have learned much more about the subject. Respecting the beliefs of the majority is reasonable but if there is a problem with those beliefs it is important to explore them and rectify them especially when the consequences are as severe as child abuse. Many people still don’t know how much damage child abuse and corporal punishment can lead to. There needs to be a much bigger education effort where the public is encouraged to listen to what the majority of the academic community has to say. One example where the law doesn’t seem to recognize the importance of this issue is Ingraham v. Wright where a school in
Florida was implicated in severe use of corporal punishment against the students who had no right to trial. This resulted in severe damage to many children simply for not leaving the audience fast enough when told to. The Supreme Court ruled that the children had no right to a trial nor was the protection against cruel and unusual punishment applied to students. This was true despite the fact that this case was extreme. Hardened criminals have more rights than children according to this ruling. More details are available about this in the link below.

The song Daddy’s Hands and many other stories and myths about our culture glorify the working man and the way they raise their children but they overlook the flaws in this culture. By making corporal punishment seem worthwhile they encourage indirectly the trust in authority that leads to giving the working man the short end of the stick yet they accept it with pride and even fight to defend the system that often doesn’t look out for their own best interests. The respect for authority that parents teach their children is often used to benefit the most powerful institutions at the expense of the majority. Child abuse has implication much farther than most people realize.


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Posted by zakherys at 1:45 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 July 2010 9:29 AM EDT
Friday, 5 February 2010
Cults of Espionage

“The Cult of Intelligence” has become a common way of referring to the CIA due in part to Victor Marchetti and his book by the same name. The phrase has also been used by William Colby (former director of the CIA) indicating it may have become popular long before Marchetti write his book. In many ways they are close to the truth but the use of the words cult or intelligence may not be quite right although it is close. First of all as I have indicated before espionage isn’t intelligent. No matter how often you repeat the phrase it won’t change the fact that keeping the most important information many people, including the public and the leaders, need to make rational decisions about the most important subjects secret isn’t an intelligent way to advance democracy or the quality of life for many if any people. The very concept of espionage involves manipulating people and depriving many people including the public of the information they need to make rational decisions which contrary to the claim some make does not protect democracy but is one of the greatest threats to it.
The use of the term cult usually refers to religious cults who control the thought process of the followers although it could refer to secular cults too in my opinion. If the CIA doesn’t quite fit the definition of a cult it is because they don’t have total control and the followers know it is largely based on deception; however it does have many of the same characteristics of a cult and they take advantage of several other ideologies and religions that attempt to dictate the truth to the public without fully explaining them so that the public truly understands them. Instead many members of the public adopt certain beliefs because it is what they are told to believe and it is repeated over and over again without much if any rational scrutiny.  Two of the most common secular ideologies these espionage agencies have used include Capitalism and Communism. These ideologies have been drilled into the minds of many members of the public without explaining them in a rational way and they have been used to justify the clod war. Instead of fighting against totalitarianism the USA fought against Communism which they equated with totalitarianism. Part of the reason for this may be because Communism is supposed to stand up for the rights of the workers and fighting against that wouldn’t sound like a good cause. This doesn’t mean the USSR or China actually stood up for the rights of workers but they claimed to and it served the best interest of the Capitalist to let this go unchallenged since it would help them equate Communism with totalitarianism. Information about these two ideologies isn’t kept completely secret from the public. Those that take the time to learn about them can sort through the details of both beliefs and try to find the best aspects of each but unfortunately the majority of the public doesn’t do this. Instead most people rely on what they are told by their leaders. The information that has been drilled into the heads of many people through the Mass Media for the last sixty years at least has been extremely biased peaking with McCarthyism.
The very excuse that the CIA has used for most of their activities is flawed which indicates that a large segment of the public has stood up for the cold war based more on indoctrination rather than education. This first began long before the cold war. The roots of this indoctrination go back hundreds if not thousands of years. Since the United States was formed the capitalist belief system was created largely by the most powerful people that controlled the press and the corporations. This created a ideology that was accepted by a large number of people without fully understanding it. It was often backed up by charismatic speakers who advocated for it like the individual who repeated the “Acres of Diamonds” sermon in the nineteenth century and at the Height of the cold war Joe McCarthy. According to William Colby the CIA was moderate and reasonable compared to McCarthy but that doesn’t mean they attempted to educate the public about communism or capitalism by sorting through the details and figuring out what the best aspects of each belief system was. Instead two ideologies were presented to the public one was hyped in a positive way the other was demonized. Then when the CIA was established after WWII it was created by a combination of former OSS members and lawyers. These people primarily came from the upper classes which were the few who benefited from the narrow perception of capitalism.  
According to Marchtti and many others the CIA justified their activities including torture by claiming the other side did it first and in order to be effective they had to use the same method. William Colby denies that the CIA ever used torture due to the fact that it is ineffective but he still uses the same excuse to justify the use of newspaper reporters and businessmen as agents. There have been several reports that the CIA has done extensive business with many corporations; one of the most notorious cases is the incident with ITT. This was uncovered during the Watergate era. ITT offered a million dollars to help overthrow Allende. This was clearly an example where a corporation was trying to overthrow a partially democratic government for financial reasons and the USA with the CIA was available to help. Allende may not have been perfect but he was almost certainly better than both the corporations that opposed him and Pinochet who eventually replaced him. This isn’t the only case where corporations had some influence on the CIA, The reinstallment of the Shah in Iran and many other political relationships in the middle east and other oil producing companies are almost certainly at least partially influenced by the oil companies and diamond and coltan companies have almost certainly influenced policies in Africa.

The Watergate incident itself was done by former members of the CIA and according to Colby the CIA had no say in it; however it is common practice for the CIA to arrange for its operatives to act on their own when they are abroad and maintain plausible deniability. At the least the CIA trained these people and helped them develop the connections that enabled them to be in a position to help Nixon’s reelection campaign. This could be and almost certainly is a common occurrence. The CIA trains people and puts them in contact with other organizations including corporations, political parties, criminal organizations, other countries etc. the result is that powerful organizations have the opportunity to learn about espionage and manipulation techniques and the only people left in the dark are the majority of the public. This creates a situation where the rich can spy on the poor but the poor can’t find out what the rich is doing unless another powerful institution leaks it and then it isn’t presented in an organized way for the poor so they can’t take advantage of it the same way as the rich.

Peter W. Singer has reported in “Corporate Warriors” that many corporations are now using private military firms including some that specialize in espionage. This creates a situation where some of the biggest multi-national corporations are more powerful than many third world countries and they often have private armies to defend themselves and even take over governments if needed although they would almost certainly not do this in an open and honest manner.

Many of the activities that the CIA has conducted in the past would never have happened if they were held up to scrutiny from the beginning. There are numerous incidents where the CIA has actually suppressed the popular governments supported by the people and some cases where this has backfired when the moderates were kept out of power but the extremists wound up taking over anyway. Two of the biggest examples of this were Cuba and Iran. In both cases the USA and American corporations supported a tyrant, the Shah and Batista, and moderate democratic forces were kept out of power so the people turned to the extremists who helped overturn one tyrant and replace him with another. Other cases like Chile and Nicaragua were examples where the government the USA suppressed or at least tried to suppress was much more democratic than the one they supported. In many cases it may not be easy to tell which government was more democratic because there is so much disinformation and propaganda being put out by the most powerful institutions that it is difficult to know what is going on which is the inevitable result of excessive espionage.

William Colby has argued that the worst atrocities done by the CIA were done in the past before the Watergate era. He claims that this led to reforms some of which he oversaw while he was director of the CIA. He believed (in 1978 when he wrote “Honorable Men: My life at the CIA”) that after the reforms that the CIA was much more credible and there was a vital need for the CIA. Many other authors and former CIA members have disagreed since then. Colby has acknowledged the fact that many people within the Ford administration weren’t to happy that he revealed so much to the congress but he believed that it was his constitutional duty to do so and implement reforms. Others have claimed that when George H.W. Bush took over in early 1976 the openness of the CIA was shut down. This claim seems to be at least partially justified by the behavior of both Bush and Reagan during the Iran Contra hearings when they both claimed to be out of the loop. Even if they both were out of the loop then that would indicate at best negligence to keeping track of their own people. There have also been many more claims of wrong doing buy the CIA that includes fraud, money laundering and at best complicity to drug smuggling at worst active smuggling of drugs. The most credible claims of drug complicity may come from Alfred McCoy author of “The politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade”. He argues that the CIA was complicit with drug dealing, by dealing with drug dealers and looking the other way, but not actually involved. I suspect that if many of the activities that he attributes to the CIA were attributed to another nongovernmental organization they would be prosecuted for drug smuggling not just complicity. There are many other former CIA operatives or alleged CIA operatives who have come forward to make more severe claims, in most cases doubts have been raised about their credibility as well as the credibility of the people raising the doubts, which creates a he said she said situation where little is certain without confirmation. The volume of these claims and some of the confirmation seems to indicate that at least some of it is true but it is hard to sort out fact from fiction with so many contradictory stories. The strongest circumstantial evidence that the CIA may be raising money either by complicity to drug dealing or some other means is their high costs. According to Robert Baer it may cost about a quarter of a million dollars just to put a covert agent into place in a foreign country before he can begin to establish connections to gather covert information about foreign governments. From there the cost go up especially when it comes to some of the most important information they need to gather. This is especially tough when dealing with unfamiliar cultures. Espionage is extremely inefficient and expensive.

For the most part the mainstream media is paying little or no attention to this subject. The quality of the investigation of the CIA seems to have deteriorated at about the same time that the consolidation of the media was taking place. It is hard to tell whether or not this is true but there are claims that the CIA is influencing the Mass Media and at times the heads of the CIA and other operatives have admitted to a small amount of cooperation with the media. Although there is little or no solid evidence that the mainstream media has been corrupted by the CIA there is a lot of conclusive evidence that the mainstream media is not doing as good job and there is circumstantial evidence indicating the possibility that they are cooperating with other institutions including the CIA, various political parties and many corporations which openly buy air time in a large volume. The strongest circumstantial evidence isn’t secret at all it is the way the Mass Media is presenting the war on terror. Anyone who understands manipulation tactics and indoctrination tactics should know there is something wrong with the way the Mass media is behaving. They are repeating a lot of information to hype the war on terror over and over again but when it comes to legitimate complaints from third world countries they present them on much rarer occasions and these are often followed up by emotional rebuttals. This is a very effective way to appeal to a large percentage of the American public which is predisposed to make decisions on emotional grounds. If the Mass Media was doing a good job they would spend much more time looking at the long term causes of the war on terror and what the long term solutions could be. This would involve acknowledging the many conflicts that the USA instigated in opposition to the people of third world countries and the support by multi-national corporations of many tyrants as well as the massive damage done by child abuse globally which creates an enormous supply of angry adults.

In order to put an end to various cults of espionage it will be necessary to educate the public better about many subjects including manipulation tactics and it will be necessary to make the information they need to make decisions available to them. This could be helped by a truth commission which would expose the activities that have been kept secret in the past. This would have to be organized with the help of the people and the criteria for this truth commission should be approved by the majority of the public. Ideally this would be accompanied by an education program that allowed the points of view from many people and it would help to present a lot of information that has already been exposed to the public in the most organized way possible. By looking at this information it could help to decide what the conditions of any truth commissions should be.

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Posted by zakherys at 12:43 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 23 October 2010 12:32 PM EDT
Friday, 29 January 2010
The Social evolution of Tyranny

Ten thousand years ago there were no major governments. People lived in tribes that were controlled locally by people they knew and there was little hidden. They understood their limited economy if you want to call it that where there may have been the beginning of relatively simple trades of things that were for the most part necessities. The common people understood how the tribe worked for the most part. Over the past ten thousand years that has changed gradually where complex systems of government gradually evolved and the old systems were forgotten. Now the majority of the public doesn’t understand how the economy and the governments work and they are usually at the mercy or lack of mercy of those who do. We have a complex system which provides a very good education for a small percentage of the public who wind up getting much better opportunities in life; but for the majority of the people around the world there are no such opportunities. We now have the illusion of democracy in some parts of the world but most people don’t have the education and information they need to make rational choices and they don’t truly understand how the government works. In the western world we are allowed to vote but the candidates are screened by the Mass Media and they spend little or no time discussing the most important issues in a way the public can understand. In order for anyone to have a reasonable chance at higher office they need to get across to a large segment of the public and this can only be done with the help of the Mass Media. Many people who have a reasonably good style of life may not look at this government as tyranny and for them it isn’t for the most part but they still don’t have as much say in the way government is run as the Mass Media would lead them to believe. Others who don’t have access to a reasonably good style of life or many educational opportunities have it much harder and may be more likely to look at this as tyranny but they are less likely to know what to do about it. One of the most effective ways of preserving a class system that gives upper classes privileges at the expense of lower classes is to decline to set up a good education system for the lower classes and in some cases grass roots efforts to set up education system have been sabotaged by the upper classes like when they outlawed education for slaves.

This system has gradually evolved in a similar way to evolution, sort of a social version of survival of the fittest where the people who understand how to use manipulation tactics and are in the right position to do so wind up having a disproportionate amount of influence over the government at any given time. At first it could have resulted in a system where the strongest person and the most skilled hunter may have had a leadership role. Since physical dominance would have been the leading source of power in early tribal life woman would have started out with very little power. Men would have had a head start from the beginning due to their strength. The dominant Alpha male may have controlled the tribe but he wouldn’t be able to get away with too much at that time or the rest would reject him. He would still be close to the people he led. It wouldn’t be until much later where tyrants could create large scale atrocities without much if any accountability. Tribes began to grow and when people became more dependent on agriculture they had to rely more on the organizational structure provided by primitive governments most of which left little or no records so most of what we know about them is theory. These theories are put together with the best evidence archeologist can put together and it is often fact checked by studying human behavior. Anthropologists and sociologists and people from other academic fields are consulted to determine how this evolves in the most accurate way possible.
Many early civilizations evolved and then collapsed for one reason or another. In many cases there is little or no written records about how this happened but by looking at how the recorded civilizations collapsed it may be possible to develop a reasonably good theory about how others collapsed. More often than not the civilizations that collapsed and left reasonably good records fell apart due to a combination of war, internal conflict, corruption natural disasters etc. the leading causes seem to be war and internal conflict which led to the collapse of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Right now the constant obsession with the war on terrorism could lead to a similar situation if it goes unchecked.
Both historical and archeological evidence seems to indicate that an enormous amount of time was spent by ancient cultures on either war or creating spectacular monuments many of which weren’t shared equally with the majority of the people including those who did the construction. This seems to imply that they were constructed under some kind of coercion. To build magnificent monuments like the pyramids instead of setting up a rational education system for the majority of the public is not a rational way to set up a democracy that truly looks out for the best interest of the majority. The fact that these are spectacular wonders that are still admired today doesn’t mean that they were built by civilizations that respected the rights of their people. Quite the opposite is true. These were built for the benefit of the ruling classes and they were used to show status power and encourage worship without questioning the ruling class. Many of these
monuments were almost certainly build to encourage worship of their leaders without question. The public was expected to stand in awe of the great achievements of “Gods” or the leaders that received credit for building them. The leaders rarely if ever shared more credit than they had to with the people who actually did the work to build these monuments and often gave the public the impression that they were built by magical means that the public should worship. In a way they may have been built by magical means since the public didn’t understand it and it was surrounded by hype but if they understood the way they were built the magical qualities would disappear.
The ruling class at any given time would be the one that does the most effective job manipulating the public one way or another. In the beginning this would be the people who were best at using force but as larger institutions developed they would be the most effective politicians that recognized the most powerful leaders of various institutions and formed alliances and or developed a hierarchy system. To develop a system often required great ingenuity but once a system was set up it could be passed down from generation to generation. The next generation would be trained to take the place of previous leaders and since the system was already set up to preserve power they may only have needed the skills to maintain the current power structure. In many cases these leaders often became complacent and took things for granted and their power would deteriorate. More often than not this eventually happened and this led to a transition.
One of the most effective ways of manipulating the public has always been using religion to encourage worship. Leaders would either be the head of the religious institutions or they would work closely with those who are. These religious institutions were generally responsible for educating or indoctrinating the public. This is generally done by repeating a certain belief system from birth that is supposed to be accepted without question. This is a very risky way of controlling the public since it means that there is no fact checking and decisions are often made based on false perceptions of reality. In many cases this is combined with a secular authority where the real decisions are made and the religious leaders merely present the public with a pseudo perception of reality so that they won’t question those who are in power and they will accept virtual slavery without acknowledging it. If they perceive virtual slavery as freedom they won’t challenge it and the public will accept their roles in society. By accepting that their leaders or God is responsible for all good things and that they should be thankful they feel obligated to sacrifice for the benefit of those they worship without question. 

Cultural relativity has also had a major influence on the evolution of tyranny. Contrary to what some people have been led to believe cultural relativity isn’t an excuse for bad behavior but an explanation for it. Or at least this is the way many anthropologists look at it, those that believe in their own culture often think it is an excuse because it is the way they were taught to think.. Basically what this means is that people are taught from birth to go along with the beliefs of any given culture and to accept them as the right way to live often without question. In most cultures they developed a way of life that works for them and enables them to survive. If they didn’t they would go extinct in line with the concept of the survival of the fittest. More often than not efforts to change were few and far between. Changes were often born pout of necessity. If they ran into a problem where their way of life wasn’t working as well as they would like to believe some people would question certain flaws and they would try to change them. More often than not they would be met with resistance from conservative members of their community. These people would usually win unless the flaws were so serious that they would bring a great cost to society and the case could be made to the majority in a rational and simple way they could understand. In many cases even this didn’t work and the problems might not be fixed until a disaster forced the public to deal with the consequences. Examples of this include the collapse of the Roman Empire and various revolutions and civil wars. If decisions are made based on false beliefs there will be consequences eventually and if those consequences are serious enough they can lead to the collapse of a civilization. Improved education and willingness to look at things from other points of view may help avoid this and may also enable culture to develop much bigger improvements in the quality of civilization for everyone.

Cultural relativity may explain how each member of a certain class is taught to accept their role in society. This includes the leaders, from birth they are often taught it is their god given right to rule over the masses. The reason they believe they should be put above reproach is because that is what they were taught from birth. This is what enables many people to act with self-righteous indignation when the authority of the leaders is challenged. For example during the slave years in the early nineteenth century the people of the south would be shocked and angry when abolitionists challenged the morality of keeping slaves. Keeping slaves is what they were taught from birth and they never knew any other way to live so to them this was the only way to live and to challenge it was sacrilege. This doesn’t mean it was rational, it wasn’t. Many members of the south had to do as much if not more work to maintain the institution of slavery than they might have had to do if they did the labor themselves and shared the benefits equally. This institution of slavery also underwent some social evolution. When they first started doing it in the 1600’s they used white indentured servants in addition to the black slaves. They treated them equally and there was little bigotry between the servants and the blacks. This enabled them to work together at times to rebel against their masters. After their masters put down a few of these small rebellions they decided to give whites better treatment and encourage some descent between the blacks and poor whites. This is a classic case of divide and rule. They learned that in order to maintain the institution of slavery they had to prevent the slaves from uniting. They also learned they had to prevent them from being educated more than necessary to perform the chores given to them by their masters.

The blacks that were separated from their tribes lost the benefit of the tribal leadership and education. When they came to
America they no longer knew how to rule themselves. They were separated from the tribal institutions they understood and they were at the mercy of a new control structure they never learned to understand. Even if they escaped they had no way of surviving on their own. It wasn’t until they had access to education that they learned how to stand up for their rights. There were a few blacks that were either lucky or very bright and determined in the beginning like Frederick Douglas who managed to educate themselves but the majority of their true freedom didn’t come until the civil rights movement when they improved their access to educational systems at least for some blacks who formed the new black middle class. The civil war didn’t free the blacks as many people were led to believe. The control over major institutions was handed back to the whites and a state of virtual slavery was established that enabled the whites to hold the high ground as long as people didn’t look to close. The new black middle class served as another buffer between the rich and the poor. This enabled some people to claim that blacks had equal opportunities but a close look indicates this isn’t true. Those who could adapt made it into the new black middle class but those that couldn’t may have wound up in black slums where a cycle of violence prevented improved education. Many of these blacks were raised in violent households where they often took out their anger on each other since they couldn’t take their anger out on the white community. These people are undergoing a more sophisticated form of suppression which many of them perceive as tyranny. Part of the problem is that they have been denied opportunities to educate themselves and get jobs but another part of the problem is that they have become dysfunctional communities that can’t pull themselves out of poverty because they have so many problems with gangs and drugs. The maintenance if this underclass has enabled many people to put all the blame on the blacks. While it is true that part of the responsibility must fall on the black it is also true that the interference from the whites in power is largely responsible for creating this situation in the first place. Those in power deprived them of the educational and employment opportunities that led to this situation. Those in power set up the system that governs the most powerful institutions but they also have the best ability to use the Mass Media to divert the blame. The whites disrupted the old tribal governments and there was never any other system that worked well to replace it. In order to fix this instead of demonizing the poor their need to be a much better education system set up in the long run. Unfortunately this will take time and some of these people are still very angry and out of control. If these people are allowed to run loose they may disrupt efforts to reform the system. Jails should still be a last resort and if they are necessary they should include sincere rehabilitation efforts that hopefully would enable these people to become functional members of society. In many cases some of these people became even more violent when they went to jail in the past since it is a violent environment which only makes people even more violent. In order to fix this problem there needs to be moiré control over the environment in jail. Jails shouldn’t be used primarily to punish but to prevent further violence. Any discipline should be nonviolent if possible since violence only begets more violence.
Similar problems happened in African countries where the Europeans invaded and set up colonial governments. This led to the destruction of old tribal governments and the blacks were no longer educated in a manner to govern themselves. When the Europeans left the blacks that were left behind had no governmental institutions and people that knew how to run them. They wound up being taken over by violent tyrants who had little or no respect for the rights of the people. These tyrants wound up dealing with many multi-national corporations. These corporations provided the tyrants with the funds and the weapons they needed to stay in power and maintained plausible deniability for the atrocities committed since they didn’t do it themselves and they claimed they were obeying the local laws. This enabled the multi-national corporations to maintain power without actually claiming to control these countries. Their denial of responsibility becomes weak once you understand that without the cooperation of the corporations these tyrants wouldn’t be able to maintain power and make laws that justify their atrocities. This effectively sets up a complex system where people participating in these corporations can acknowledge only the aspects they want to. People that would never torture little children buy products and trade them enabling those who do torture children to continue to do so and profit from it. This is similar to many other multi-national corporations that use child labor around the world and even use these children to fight their wars. This enables many people to claim they are being part of the solution even when they support a system that is creating virtual slavery for a large segment of the global population. The multi-national corporations do a very effective job diverting the attention of the majority of the public in the western world enabling them to maintain this corrupt system in the developing world. This results in system where, as Peter W. Singer often describes, “we have peace in the west war for the reset”.
Woman didn’t begin to receive their rights either until they became better educated and learned how to stand up for their rights. In fact for the most part no one did. This is party of a pattern of behavior that repeats it self from one group of people to another. There is a lot of talk about what is fair and justice but without institutions run by sincere people to preserve the rights of any group of people they are usually not protected if more powerful people have an incentive to infringe on them. In the past people have been much more passionate about standing up for their own rights than they have ever been about standing up for the rights of others, especially if they haven’t had contact with these others. This has led to an enormous amount of conflict which has caused an enormous amount of damage to society as a whole. If the public can be better educated about this and they set up institutions that look for injustices before they escalate too much bigger problems this can be minimized.

The way the Native Americans were treated is an example of how passive or less developed communities can be suppressed and even driven to extinction if they come into contact with a more advanced and violent society. When the Europeans first came to
America the Native Americans welcomed them and for a long time they trusted them when they made treaties with them. They eventually learned that these treaties were only good if it was in the best interest of the Europeans or if the Native Americans had enough power to enforce them. The Europeans often described the Natives as savages mainly because they had different cultures. One of the biggest reasons they were described as savages is because they didn’t wear clothes. The invaders were considered more civilized because they did wear clothes despite the fact that they were much more violent. This is an ironic situation where the people who were more violent were considered more civilized because they could wipe out the opposition and then control the way history was recorded. By this definition whoever controls the propaganda is more civilized and moral regardless of their behavior.

The way parents teach their children has always had a major impact on the social evolution and on the ability of the children to resist tyranny. In most cases the parents teach their children the same way they were taught as a child. This creates a system of tradition that is difficult to change. Many of the most successful tyrants recognized this and pressured the parents to teach their children in a certain way that doesn’t challenge the authority of the tyrants. This has often been done with the help of the clergy. Parents were often taught to dictate the truth to their children and to use intimidation tactics and corporal punishment to enforce the appropriate beliefs. This leads the child to believe what they are told from their leaders without question. This isn’t rational education but indoctrination. In order to put an end to tyranny indoctrination has to be replaced by education. This will be a slow process where people take the time to sort through the details and figure out what is true before choosing their beliefs.


In the twentieth century the control over the people has been done largely with the help of espionage organizations like the KGB and the CIA. They have used the control over information to manipulate the public and they have created a situation where the way to gain the most power is to have access to the most accurate information while the rest of the world is deprived of this information. This creates what some people have called a “cult of intelligence” where people trust secrecy more than they trust openness and honesty. The problem with this is that the vast majority of the public doesn’t have the information they need to make rational decisions and this leads to an enormous amount of incompetence. Withholding this information from the public creates a situation where an enormous amount of wars and other conflicts occur because no one knows who is responsible for anything. This attitude escalated during the cold war where the USA was fighting communism. They won this war when the USSR collapsed but not necessarily for the reasons the public has been led to believe. The USSR may have collapsed more due to their own incompetence that because of what the CIA or the USA did. They may have put so much effort into controlling the people that they weren’t able to support the economy and the people didn’t have the education they needed to function properly.
The very premise of this conflict was flawed. It was a conflict between the champion of two ideologies that claimed to stand up for the rights of the public but neither one of them actually backed it up by providing the best education they could. Both side supported their cause with an enormous amount of propaganda to selectively highlight certain facts, true or not, to justify their beliefs. In the
USSR there was a lot of propaganda to glorify their leaders especially Stalin and convince the public that letting the government control all industry was in the best interest of the public. In the USA the propaganda indicated that unregulated capitalism was much more efficient and that if the corporations were allowed to control all industry they could compete to provide the best deal for the public but the corporations often used tactics that eliminated competition and created monopolies or near monopolies where only a small number of companies controlled
any one industry. Communism was demonized because of the way the
USSR and China implemented it. Just because these two didn’t implement it in an honest manner doesn’t mean there aren’t some good aspects about the communist ideology but there are also some bad aspects about both the communist and the capitalist ideology and the best thing to do is to sort through them both, figure out what the best aspects of each are and look for additional good ideas and form a new better ideology. This one should be one that educates everyone that is capable of learning in the most effective way possible. Unfortunately the USA equated communism with totalitarianism instead. Communism was supposed to stand up for workers rights yet this was equated with tyranny. In many cases there were popular revolutions around the world that were supported by the people at least partially. These revolutions stood up against the corporations that were infringing on the rights of the public and in some cases attempted to nationalize these corporations so that there could be asset of checks and balances. Some of these efforts attempted to offer reasonable compensation to the corporations and others didn’t but in most cases there was partial justification for the nationalization. This was criticized in the USA because they were taking away the private property of the corporations many of which were based in the USA. They didn’t do much if anything to acknowledge the fact that these corporations were infringing on the rights of the public. In many cases including Iran, Nicaragua, Chile, Viet Nam and others the CIA conducted covert activities to overthrow the popular governments supported by the people and installed puppet regimes. In the case of Iran and Cuba this led to another revolution that overthrew these governments and put in another that was much more hostile to the USA. These actions were supposedly done to protect democracy. The most effective way to protect democracy is to educate the public not to overthrow popular governments.
The current war on terror and the damage being done to the environment could lead to a possible collapse. Due to the fact that the majority of the public is being fed an enormous amount of propaganda they don’t have the information they need to make rational decisions nor does it seem do a lot of the people leading many of the most powerful institutions. Many of the same problems that led to collapse of past civilizations are escalating at a rapid pace. The divide and rule tactics that are being used to maintain the current power structure is the same thing that could be its downfall. Internal conflict and war has been the most common cause of the collapse of civilizations in the past and if it continues to go unchecked. In order to prevent this in the most effective way possible the public needs to be educated in the most effective way possible and the people who make the most important decisions need to have access to the education and information they need to make rational decisions. It might be possible to provide improved education only to the ones who are making the most important decisions and prevent the collapse of society but this won’t create a sincere democracy. This would lead to a republic where many of the upper classes continue to receive benefits at the expense of the lower classes. This would be a risky way to do it since if they obtain education on their own the conflicts that they tried to avoid could come back again. On the other hand if there was a better effort to set up a fair system then the lack of destruction caused by unnecessary conflict could lead to better standards of living for everyone. For example during the labor conflicts of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the corporations spent an enormous amount of money for security and to transport low paid labor rather than give raises to the labor that they already had. They also lost a lot of money on the work that wasn’t being done during work stoppages. Imagine what would have happened if the saved the money on security and gave part of it to the workers. Then the worker could have gotten their raise and the business could have gone on without interruption. The waste would have been drastically reduced but the people in power seemed to be more concerned with having as much power as possible.


At times in addition to using propaganda in other countries both the CIA and the FBI (when Hoover was still in power) often used propaganda to manipulate the public and influence the US elections. Like the earlier labor conflicts this was almost always in favor of the status quo that protected the best interest of the corporations first and the public second if at all. In the seventies some of this was exposed in a conclusive manner when certain revelations were made including the Pentagon Papers and Watergate. Since then there have been many other accusations some of which may not seem as credible but the strongest evidence might be the fact that the government and the corporations aren’t addressing the most important subjects starting with an accurate description of the basics. This may also be supported by the fact that the Mass Media has been consolidated and is mainly controlled by only five corporations that have enough media power to create an almost unchallenged indoctrination machine.
This hypothesis skips over an enormous amount of history and leaves a lot of details out but they are available in the history books if you look in the right place but unfortunately many of those were controlled by the people in power. One of the most notable exceptions is “The Peoples History of the
United States” by Howard Zinn. Other books like this could and probably have been written about many other times and places where historians made a better effort to look through the various records and sort out what was distorted for the benefit of those in power at any time. In order to develop an accurate idea of the way civilization evolved it will be necessary to recheck the records to sort out biases if this hasn’t already been done. This has often been criticized as rewriting history with some justification. If hi9story was written right in the first place it shouldn’t be rewritten but if it was based on a lot of propaganda then perhaps rewriting history is what we need if it is done very carefully.


One way or another we have wound up with a complex system that provides benefits for some people in some parts of the world at the expense of others and since the system is so complex most of these people maintain plausible deniability about the damage it does simply by not looking to closely at the system.
There are also at least a couple unexplained facts about the social evolution of civilization and tyranny. One of them is how many early societies developed the ability to build monuments like the pyramids,
Angkor temple and many other ancient wonders. Experiments to replicate these wonders have come up short. When it comes to moving the ancient megaliths they haven’t even been close. Another unexplained mystery has received much less attention. With all the education the leaders of our country have received including education about political manipulation why are they blundering so bad and so often?



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Posted by zakherys at 11:31 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 December 2010 10:10 AM EST

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